GoPro Hero3

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GoPro Hero3

Post by rmelick »

I am pondering investing in a GoPro Hero3 as a filming option while diving. My skill level isn't nearly high enough to get into focusing on photography/video; I need to continue to practice buoyancy, trim, fining etc etc. However, after getting back in the water after a few months hiatus (past due ankle surgery) I had the strongest urge to have some record of all the amazing life down there.

My thought was that the GoPro might offer a nice solution, as it would let me strap the camera to my head/arm etc and essentially forget about it during the dive. That way i can focus on improving my diving, but still foray into seeing how diving looks on video/stills.

Does anyone have any recommendations, thoughts, tips, about filming/camera work, especially with getting started and the GoPro cameras?
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Re: GoPro Hero3

Post by thefeve »

Being a newer diver myself, I can say the GoPro is a great option, but I've found its not as simple as I originally thought it would be. I've played with a few different mount setups, but regardless of how simple it is, its still another task to deal with underwater. When i wasn't wearing a drysuit and lights, the chest mount was the easiest "mount and go" feature, but with the gear I dive now, its not really an option. I've settled on a short pole (8" or so?) with a bike post mount with bungied snaps i can stow on my shoulder strap and hip ring. It works pretty well, and gets decent footage, but like I said - it still requires attention. I've left it behind for many of my most recent dives to do as you mentioned: focusing on skills and trim and buoyancy, but I'll throw it on every few dives because it is really cool to capture a piece of what we can see:)

now, forgetting to put the memory card back in BEFORE getting in the water is a totally different issue as well... #-o

I'll also say from a camera standpoint - the new Hero 3 looks to be pretty freakin' awesome, even just compared to the older models. I'm eying the hero3 black right now and its pretty tempting:)
I think you've figured out the root cause of your problems. Even sea lions get annoyed by splitfin divers silting out their dive sites. Switch back to your jets and you'll be safe from the sea lion silt prevention patrol from now on. - NWbrewer
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Re: GoPro Hero3

Post by H20doctor »

i use the gopro.. its small compact , and easy to use.. you can mount the thing anywhere.. on a stick, on your head.. on the chest.. on a scooter.. on your hand.. any where you like.. as for the new Hero 3, its supposed to be better in low level light.. as we have dark waters here, i would go with the H3, over an older version... the new housing also fixes the underwater blur issues for diving... So buy it !! you cant go wrong..the only downfall is it has a close up rang of about 10 inches.. not good for close up shots or macro stuff.. ive shot a ton of movies with my Gopro..
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Re: GoPro Hero3

Post by Don-B »

I just bought one 2 weeks ago and love it.
only 3 dives so far but it works great.
I used the head mount. The only bad thing is you can't tell your wearing it.
So I need to rig up a safety strap .

There are 3 variations of the hero 3 White ,Silver and Black.
From what I read the White is a old Hero in a new case.
The Silver is a hero2 in a new case and the Black is the real new hero3.
They all come with the dive housing now.

I ended up buying the Black after reading some test they did.
It has a lot better in low light.

P.S. my avatar is a still taken from a friends gopro hero2.
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Re: GoPro Hero3

Post by Dusty2 »

Take it from a fool that knew better but ignored his inner voice. If you use the head mount make a chin strap to insure it stays put. It is far to easy to lose one and not even know it's gone until it's to late! :crybaby:
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Re: GoPro Hero3

Post by defied »

Here are some video's I've made with the Hero2. I'm putting up some examples, so you can see how the Hero picks up bright lights, dark lights, and low viz water. The 3 supposedly handles dark a little better (probably a small increase like the 2 from the original)

I do recommend the LCD backpack so you can see what you're filming. Also, consider getting a camera mount for it, so you can steady the shots. - Hawaii - Cave Country - Hawaii - Puget Sound

Hope this helps,
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Re: GoPro Hero3

Post by JayO »

Just bought a 3/Black with LCD.
Awsome and simple.
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Re: GoPro Hero3

Post by rmelick »

Thanks everyone for the replies and D, those videos are excellent - when you say camera mount - what specifically do you mean?

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Re: GoPro Hero3

Post by BDub »

rmelick wrote:Thanks everyone for the replies and D, those videos are excellent - when you say camera mount - what specifically do you mean?

There are many mounting options for the Gopro (head strap, helmet, tripod, etc).

Depending on what footage you're trying to get, it may be a good idea to consider getting a standard tray to mount the camera on, allowing you a bit more control on keeping the camera still, in addition to mounting lights to it.

I use this, personally, but there are plenty of options.

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