
General banter about diving and why we love it.
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Post by ArcticDiver »

It was a good 11 years from 63 to 74. Was able to scratch an itch, really scratch an itch with about a 1000 dives. I say "about" because I didn't keep a formal dive log. But when you travel and do 20-25 per week it isn't a giant mental task to get a working number.

My spine trauma brought a screeching halt to diving. But, after a major surgery and years of work I am doing well. I could even dive again. But, that season has passed.

I met a lot of nice people. I also met a some bigots for whom a white haired diver was unacceptable. Mainly nice people. As a human I'm part of the life on the planet, not a spectator. I greatly value the opportunity to meet the aquatic branch of my fellow beings. That was right in tune with my life off the road system in Alaska. I am missing diving and will continue to do so. I'll not bore y'all with more. My past posts have most of the story.

I've posted in the Trade&Sell for ideas on how to dispose of my gear. Money is not the primary emphasis.

Ideas please.
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Re: Done

Post by Penopolypants »

I'm sorry to see you hang up your fins, but I hope you'll stay a part of the community.

May your next adventures be a joy as well!
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Re: Done

Post by ScubaJess »

Sad to hear you are out, but glad you had so many fun adventures & memories!
I'm sure the fish and other critters will miss seeing you around.

Good luck in your next adventure! :)
Live Long And Prosper!!!

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Re: Done

Post by oldsalt »

Well friend, I know how it goes. My last dive was just a couple days after we met in Hawaii. You sold your home in the wilderness, I sold my sailboat. Like you, I don't lament what we have given up, but am grateful for what I was able to do. I, also, have been recovering from injuries. Patience is hard, but life has given me more than I deserve. I'm looking out my window at a kiteboarder who has a hydrofoil under his board. His parasail is pulling him along at about 20 knots. How I would like to try that. But we got to do things in our lives that the kiteboarder will never experience. Maybe it's time for you to write your book.
p.s. We are checking into the Hale Koa February 24th. See you there?
Happy to be alive.
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Re: Done

Post by Jan K »

None of us is immune to the march of time. At least you have lots of memories accumulated during the years you could dive.
Forget the few who smeared these memories with hate or jealousy, we all experienced them. Curt described what I feel much better than I could,
enjoy life...

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Re: Done

Post by Gdog »

It's with great respect that I watch you hang up your fins. I look down the road and see that time coming for me as well, at least for cold water diving. I hope I have the fortitude to walk away as courageous as you have. What a great way to go out, with a plethora of fantastic dive memories, and friends. What fantastic tales you have to tell friends and family. We have all been fortunate to been able to experience this underwater world that few get to see. It's a privilege that we have enjoyed. May God bless you and yours as you find new adventures to explore. Best of luck to you.
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Re: Done

Post by ArcticDiver »

Wow! You folks know how to bring a tear to a guy's eye.
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Re: Done

Post by YellowEye »

So glad you got out there! Sounds like you made a lot of great memories. Best wishes!
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Re: Done

Post by pogiguy05 »

As I am coming close to my 51st birthday and I hoping I can keep diving for as long as I can. You had a great run of 11 years and I am sure with no regrets. Sorry to see you moving on, but you are always welcome to come by a dive site from time to time to chat. As for gear the first thought I have is wounded warrior as a donation. At least for me when my time comes I would like to hand it off to someone who can keep that love for diving going.
Jeff Castor
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Re: Done

Post by ArcticDiver »

Sorry for the gap in time. I went down south for my son's birthday. What a shock. Temperature at home +50. Seven hours later step out of the terminal at DEN to +90 degrees. HOT

I can vouch that the definition of "hideabed" is accurate. I was told it is an old English word meaning "torture device". A new air mattress will precede the next trip. The heavy exercise probably didn't help.

In the meantime my neurologist had me do an MRI and will meet with me next week for an exam, a status check, and a plan for the future.
The only box you have to think outside of is the one you build around yourself.
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