Sequim Bay Foray

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Sequim Bay Foray

Post by 60south »

We did a dive in Sequim Bay yesterday, looking for the wreck on the chart (below) and old bottles. Didn't find the wreck; I suspect it's rotted away to nothing by now.

Put in a boat at the nearby Port Williams ramp in Marlyn Nelson County Park, and zipped around to the inside of Travis Spit. The spit is owned by PNNL, so technically it's off limits, but don't tell that to the people who live nearby and hike along it. Although we tied up there, we didn't actually go ashore, giving us some kind of trespassing deniability I think.

Anyway, lots of hooded nudis to about 20fsw, fry in the eel grass, and a gazillion small sand dollars in the shallows. Otherwise kind of boring. Some bits of old bottles but nothing whole. The east end of the bay around Paradise Cove used to be a Hooverville, so we were optimistic. There's still a few shacks there from that era, so potentially a lot more to find, but the silt depth makes it unlikely to be a good area.

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