Puako End and Kawaihae Harbor

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Puako End and Kawaihae Harbor

Post by Sockmonkey »

If I wasn't so lazy I'd start a dive blog. For now I'll keep posting my Hawaiian adventures here. I don't do so just to make people jealous (an excellent side effect) but mostly because I haven't met anyone who gives as much a crap about diving as the friends I've made here.

I got in 6 dives this past Tuesday. Ok so four of them were for work. Two of then were only a few minutes long to take some pictures of our vehicles at 20 feet or so. The other two were about 10 mins at 70 feet to recover and then later that day deploy a subsurface buoy.

The real diving came that evening when my friend drove up from Kona with two DIN tanks he borrowed from work.

Puako End

Like most driving directions in Hawaii these weren't very involved. Often they don't even require street names. When I called the water department to get setup for billing the lady in Hilo (an hour and change away) told me to go to my local office it was "Right behind Merriman's restaurant in Waimea." The same goes for this dive site. Basically go to the end of the road and it's there. You cannot miss the shore access signs which I guess are required by state law or something. Before I left work I printed out the dive site description in hopes of finding as many lava tubes as possible but the printout remained on the printer as I drove away.

Finding a put-in seemed challenging but he had already scoped a good one in the lava:


I was glad we came here during the last of the daylight. A 4x4 is required to get to this site and I was psyched to finally get to use my little gray dive mobile. As everywhere on the Big Island locals dotted the rough road with their giant pickups watching the water, drinking beer in their camp chairs, and playing with children. The dive site site is also some sort of park that has a bunch of Hawaiian petroglyphs in the lava. I only know this because some French dude asked us about them. This of course caused me to speak in a French accent for the rest of the day annoying my friend, and myself after a while.

My friend geared up in a flash. All my gear was already set up and still wet from work but still I gave him the patent Bdub "Slow down turbo!". To which he responded "Back off man I'm a professional." The walk down was pretty easy and we landed in deep enough water to put our fins on. A small channel in the lava allowed us to swim out rather than crawl or walk in 2 feet of water.

Looking back to the entry before we got underway. You can see his truck's tail light to the right:


The viz wasn't great still (relative to great Hawaii viz of course) since the wind really kicks up at night this time of year, so they say. But I was hard pressed to complain. The dive started off a little boring as we made our way away from shore along a ridge of lava and coral at about 30 feet.


I was really struggling with my camera that night. The particulate in the water kept fooling me. Of the many I took on this dive only a few are worth keeping. This is as close to this little bastard he allowed me to get without swimming away. And he was tiny!:


To some folks fluke and/or flounder are boring but being from the northeast sometimes that's all you see on a dive. And this mofo is what my Long Island Sound fishing friends called a doormat. He didn't swim away until I was ready to take a closeup of his eyes. I was jazzed to watch him lift his top pec fin up vertically as he took off. I'd never seen that before:


I managed to catch a little moray eel the size of a gunnel. This was the best photo I could nab of the little bugger:


The reason I was there was for lava tubes not fishies. And as we rounded the end of the ridge we came into a valley that led us right into a cave:


Anyone home?:


I heart my salvo:


We saw turtles sleeping in these caves but I couldn't get a clear photo of one. Since my friend finds critters for tourists on a regular basis he found most of the stuff I took pictures of. Like this crazy looking crab... wtf is it? Creeeeepy!


Shortly after I took that photo I laid on my stomach on the rocks at the bottom of the lava tube. I like to rest and just take in the sights where I know there isn't any harm in laying down. The moment my right thigh touched the rocks I left a stabbing pain just above my knee. Mother F! I was nailed by an urchin at some point in the dive and if I hadn't decided to take a siesta they might have have been driven en masse into my leg. Amazing they could just be slightly embedded in 3mm of neoprene and not go anywhere. The punctures still hurt and itch a little as I type this a few days later. I guess when I was trying to take a photo early in the dive I brushed up against it but I have no clear memory of every touching anything with any part of my body.

We weren't sure where we were diving next so we decided to cut the dive short and climb out of a hole near the end of the cave after 45 mins of bottom time. I could have stayed in the tube all night but it was best we got out while it was daylight. Stupidly we climbed out onto the flats and had to swim/crawl back to the exit in a bit of a surge.

Not a spectacular sunset but purdy enough for a kodak moment:


I'll reply to this thread with the details of our second dive in the muck of Kawaihae harbor.

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Re: Puako End and Kawaihae Harbor

Post by Pez7378 »

Seriously, don't stop posting here. Yeah, we (I) may be a bit envious, but it gives us (me) hope! Great report, and Awesome pictures!
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Re: Puako End and Kawaihae Harbor

Post by LCF »

Climbing down slippery, sharp lava rocks to go look for lava tubes sounds like the incubation period of a bad case of cave disease, to me.
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Re: Puako End and Kawaihae Harbor

Post by Tom Nic »

Eric - I am absolutely LOVING your dive reports - please post away! It feels like I'm really learning about the diving in Hawaii without going there - though I really hope to someday.

Thanks for taking the time to post....

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Re: Puako End and Kawaihae Harbor

Post by Zen Diver »

LCF wrote:Climbing down slippery, sharp lava rocks to go look for lava tubes sounds like the incubation period of a bad case of cave disease, to me.
I was thinking the exact same thing!

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Re: Puako End and Kawaihae Harbor

Post by divergirl07 »

OOOOhhh Are you Living there now or just a long vacation??? ( sorry if you said before in another thread & i missed it) We are Planning a trip to Kona last week of Sept & cant wait to see the big blue again!! Ill look for your posts to learn al lthe good shore dives :clap:
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Re: Puako End and Kawaihae Harbor

Post by airsix »

Pez7378 wrote:Seriously, don't stop posting here. Yeah, we (I) may be a bit envious, but it gives us (me) hope! Great report, and Awesome pictures!
What Chris said!

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Re: Puako End and Kawaihae Harbor

Post by LCF »

Zen Diver 2 wrote:
LCF wrote:Climbing down slippery, sharp lava rocks to go look for lava tubes sounds like the incubation period of a bad case of cave disease, to me.
I was thinking the exact same thing!

Takes one to know one.
"Sometimes, when your world is going sideways, the second best thing to everything working out right, is knowing you are loved..." ljjames
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Re: Puako End and Kawaihae Harbor

Post by Sockmonkey »

Kawaihae Harbor

Ugh it is now Saturday and I'm just now writing about the previous Tuesday. Even in aloha-land there isn't enough time in the day to do everything you want to get done. The pace is slower here but it isn't all a vacationesque existence. There's still the grocery store, runs to the dump, banks to stop by, meals to cook, netflix to watch... etc.

After the Puako dive we headed north about 10 mins to the harbor where I work every day. Kawaihae is the only port on this side of the island that has any commercial shipping. Any and all goods bound for the area come through here. Cars, produce, lumber, cement barges, and the list goes on. If this port shuts down life gets difficult on the island. I've also heard tell that the jet fuel stores are in the shipyard where I work and if there's shortage planes just don't take off once they land. If Hilo shuts down at the same time people are running around buying water and rations (like spam).

Speaking of spam a few times I've had a local breakfast thing call a musubi. A spam musubi to be exact. The local grocery, and most 7-11's sell this sushi roll snack made with spam. The one I like is more of a giant maki roll with egg and spam. I try not to think of what spam is and just enjoy it. Really unhealthy but yummy. For 2 bucks its not a bad deal. They make them without spam too with egg and daikon and other stuff. Those I eat most often to stay off the spam. Sometimes they'll come with a few pieces of chicken katsu as well. A stop by starbucks for coffee and my local grocery for a giant breakfast sushi roll and I'm good to go.

Spam Musubi on the road. Gross no?:
Kawaihae has a series of jettys to serve as breakwaters for the inner harbor. On the west side of the main jetty is a pretty good sized reef that only fisherman and a few free divers every go to. Our goal was to maybe get over to that reef or maybe the far jetty and see what there was to see. This of course meant swimming across a working harbor. I knew that the container barges only came in and left during the day. There was a coast guard buoy tender tied up at the dock but given I know they only work during the day I wasn't worried about getting run over. There's no real pleasure boat traffic around the island so it seemed super safe.

On the screen shot below you can see #1 the beach where we put in. We swam along that smaller jetty that encloses the boat ramp area and out in the middle of the harbor. Our goal was to maybe swim out to the reef by #2 except that we got distracted along the way by all the cool stuff in the sand. After scratching our head about compass headings we ended up at #3 in the totally wrong place and surface swam into the boat ramp area. As I swam through the breakwater I belched quite loudly in the still hawaiian darkness and the harbor erupted in laughter. So I stopped to chat with the family who was fishing at night and blinded the kids with my 21w salvo.
Picture 1.png
All we saw were a few rocks, some coral and mostly wavy sand and muck teeming with life. I didn't get a photo of the colorful fish that were attracted to our lights and were always around us but it seems that Hawaii has a fish as dumb as a ratfish. Pretty to look at but annoying in their persistence. For the sake of proving Lynne wrong it seems there _are_ crabs and tube worms here in Hawaii!

Maybe next time I'll make it out to the reef beyond the jetty where no one every goes but I'm totally in danger of getting distracted by the mud dwellers. Going north from where we got in is a whole other reef that goes along the coast. I've snorkeled it and it looks very promising as well and is a 2 minute drive from work. If only there were more divers who lived here.

Bottom time: 73 minutes
Average depth: 40 feet
Max depth: 46 feet

Here are a few photos of the stuff we saw....

The best shot of this little one and the camera strap is in the way! I have a bolt snap on it but until I get my own camera and stop sharing with my wife, I'll keep the strap on so I don't lose it.


My light attracted craploads of crill. The stuff that the manta rays like to eat and I guess whales too. Fun at first but annoying and tickley on my face after a while.


Ever seen a sponge crab? I guess it cultivates this sponge on its back to hide itself. I barely noticed it moving on a rock and jabbed it with a double ender bolt snap and it took off. Prehistoric looking mofo isn't it? I read on the googles that they have been known to wear flip flops around instead of sponges... ooookay if you say so.



Hey buddy buddy baby boy!



A different, and larger, octo friend stuffed in a hole. Don't tell my spearfishing friends:


The only nudi shot that came out from either dive:


Tube worms scattered for what seemed like miles. They look like mini versions of the ones on the slinky at EUP:


There were many other shrimpies and things I took photos of but I'm just not there with with my underwater photography. I'll post some photos and videos of whales and sharks that the videographer took later this weekend.

Thanks for reading,

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Re: Puako End and Kawaihae Harbor

Post by LCF »

Wow, what great octopus shots! Is that what they call a "night octopus"?

Clearly, I need to do some Hawaiian muck dives at night.
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Re: Puako End and Kawaihae Harbor

Post by Tom Nic »

Wonderful. Simply wonderful.

Keep the reports coming - here's wishing I lived where you live!
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Re: Puako End and Kawaihae Harbor

Post by H20doctor »

Duuuuuuuude... Found a cave .. Clear Blue water.. Sleeping turtles... YOUR MAKING ME JEALOUS.

Your in paradise diving man... Keep the pics and the reports coming.. I would like to see some trigger picks if possible .. OH and a Wrase pic..
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Re: Puako Picture

Post by Scuba Scott »

Just some fun to add my pictures to the Puako Frenzy. Keep up the post.
Puako Bay  Lava Tube
Puako Bay Lava Tube
Local Tribe Chief Going for the wild bird dinner.
Local Tribe Chief Going for the wild bird dinner.
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Re: Puako End and Kawaihae Harbor

Post by spatman »

you're living the life, eric. keep the reports coming, dude.
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