Muk with Kriss, Chris, and Tom

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Muk with Kriss, Chris, and Tom

Post by Blaiz »

The other weekend, i went down to Mukilteo to pick up my newly repaired light from Chris (H2oDoctor). I ended up chatting for a bit with Norris and met Ed and uhm, another fellow with a single syllable name. Those three went in the water, and Chris arrived later, with Tom the laggard of the group. After gearing up we did a token surface swim of about twenty fin strokes before dropping down and heading downslope. Somehow I had become the leader of the dive, and headed us in what I suspected might be the correct direction to get to the geodome.

My chosen path took us downslope to the rope stretched across. I was pleased at this evidence of my ability to navigate, and began to swim east along the rope. Some few tendrils of kelp are still holding out, not yet given in to the winter's die-off. Moments after turning along onto the rope my eye was caught by my first adult Lumpsucker! OMG OMG OMG! it's a lumpie! and it's at Mukilteo?! Whatever, i was thrilled to be able to really check out this little guy, and I began popping off camera shots. After a little bit, the little fish became uncomfortable with my flash, and let go of his kelp. I was actually very impressed at how well he navigated a not-inconsiderable current.
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The were occasionally issues with getting a decent shot. Something about the background...
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After a while I was done with taking pictures, and was about to swim away, when I gave it a little more thought, and ended up just sitting there, watching this little lumpie swim. Most adorable little critter, and I'm glad we saw him!

I found that I had overshot the geodome, but we got turned around and pointed at it eventually. After some peering about, there seemed to be nothing of extreme goodness there, and we headed back west. Cruising along a bundle of tires, I paused to check between tires for that distinctive orange head. I was highly amused when that head poked out THROUGH a tire. This little baby gave us a once over, then withdrew his head. I was sure he was done with us, and actually put my camera down to fiddle with buttons. I was caught by surprise to find he had screwed up his courage.
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He actually came out and began biting at my camera and gloves. I am certain that he had a hold on the blue gooey stuff that holds my strobe wires in place, and Chris and Tom both agreed he took a swipe at my focus light as well. All in good fun, since his head was about the size of my pinky, but I hope he stops that habit before he grows up!
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Chris was viciously attacked by a rabid starfish. Luckily, Tom was there to Rescue him! Those dangerous creatures of the sea....
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On our way out, I saw a glimmer of color in a piece of kelp. I thought it might be a tubeworm with lettuce wrapped around it. I was pretty amazed to find the smallest little octopus was hiding in that piece of lettuce. How very neat! This is probably the bittiest octo i've seen who wasn't sticking out of a beer bottle!
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Chris, Tom, always a pleasure to have your company. The 46degree water was a little bit on the chilly side, but that was one of the best dives I've ever done at Muk! Thanks, Chris, for keeping on me to get this written up!
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Re: Muk with Kriss, Chris, and Tom

Post by coulterboy »

Thanks for the post Blaiz. I appreciate the fact that u guys waited for me. That was sort of like a last minute decision for me to dive.
When was the last time you did something for the first time?
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Re: Muk with Kriss, Chris, and Tom

Post by H20doctor »

awesome dive ... first lumpie ever at Muk for me and Blaize finds it !!!
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Re: Muk with Kriss, Chris, and Tom

Post by Tangfish »

ah what a cute little lumpie!
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Re: Muk with Kriss, Chris, and Tom

Post by LCF »

Blaiz, you have the most fun dives . . .
"Sometimes, when your world is going sideways, the second best thing to everything working out right, is knowing you are loved..." ljjames
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