Hoffman Cove, Shaw Island

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Hoffman Cove, Shaw Island

Post by 60south »

Dive Site Name: Hoffman Cove, Shaw Island

Skill Level: Intermediate

Current Sensitive: Yes

Location/Address: At the very end of Hoffman Cove Road, Shaw Island, San Juan Islands, WA, USA

Directions: Take a ferry to Shaw Island, wander southwest until you find Hoffman Cove Road, then drive to the end.

Free Parking: Yes

Staging Area: None

Surface Swim: None or short

Nearby Facilities: None

Special Considerations: Private beach to the west. There is a steep little embankment to get to the beach; we used a rope to help us down.

Maximum Depth: 20-60 fsw

Known Hazards: Current

Dive Site Description: If you happen to be on Shaw Island with some scuba gear, one of the few public access points to the shoreline is at the end of Hoffman Cove Road. This is a nice little dive, nothing to get too excited about -- unless you get swept away in the current -- but rather pretty and usually with some fairly clear water. On entry, head to the right (west) to find a small wall covered in urchins and sea cucumbers. Currents can be rippin', so time the dive carefully. The center of the bay is mostly bare but tends to be a safer because it forms a still area in the center of a gyre. The east side also worthwhile but we've been blow out before we could explore very far.

The closest current prediction is probably Turn Rock, near Friday Harbor.
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