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Advanced (Tech) Diving Forums - New Policy

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 2:48 pm
by Dive Club Captain
Howdy Everyone,

You may or may not have already known, but the Advanced Diving forums have been an opt-in affair for quite some time. We did this because there was a time when the line between Recreational and Tech Diving became very blurry. Given that this no longer seems to be a problem, and that some people have been requesting access to that area lately, the Mod Squad came to the conclusion that gated access is probably no longer necessary. As a result we have opened these forums up to all users and the general public, search engines and guest visitors. We think that doing so benefits everyone and hope that the problems of yesteryear are in the rear view mirror.

To help ensure that it stays this way, we ask that everyone please respect the following policy: all posts and especially answers to questions posed by other members outside of the Advanced Diving forums are made within the context of Recreational Diving. It's fine to link to discussions in the Advanced Diving forums from anywhere else on the board, but please keep all discussions, advice, questions and answers about Tech Diving, Techreational, Tech-curious, Rebreathers, etc. within the Advanced Diving forums. This way, people hopefully don't end up configuring their gear or diving based on advice way beyond their level of training and experience.

Hopefully you all find this to be an acceptable middle-ground. We are open to suggestions on how this arrangement can be improved. Information sharing, community, safety and fun remain our priorities.

Thank you and hope everyone is safe and sound!
