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Leaking TiZip

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 12:59 pm
by mpenders
I had a new Masterseal10 TiZip zipper installed on my older TS350 suit last September, and was hopeful that it would turn it from a semi-dry suit back into a dry suit.

It didn't. It was better, but water still was getting in.

Pressure tested it again, inflating it with air, and sprayed with soapy water. Found some bubbles near the edge of the dump valve. I ended up re-bedding both the inflation and exhaust valves,...and was hopeful that it would turn it from a semi-dry suit back into a dry suit.

It didn't. :angry:

Left sleeve still wet, along with a bit on the chest (figured it was just pooling at lowest point).

Turned the suit inside out, plugged the seals and filled it with water...
...and finally found the leak:
With the color overlay the suit has, I had just assumed the bubbles were coming from the exhaust valve. Sure enough, pin hole 1/2 inch from the edge of of the valve.

Unfortunately - the pinhole was not the only leak:
Water is actually coming in between the teeth of the zipper. It's not gushing, but consistently seeping. Not sure what I'm going to do at this point. I dove the suit last night, and now that the pinhole is sealed the water intrusion is much less - but it's still coming in...right along the zipper (and here's my endorsement for Weezle - I was bone dry, but the drysuit liner and the Weezle's outer fabric were not).

The Masterseal10 zipper is rated at 500mbar, which (if I found the right conversion) is just over 7psi. The Tizip Superseal zipper is rated at 700mbar (10psi). I didn't do this math beforehand, and trusted that Tizip's claims that it was designed for drysuit use. Now I wonder if this rating is sufficient for diving(?). Filling the suit with water did enhance the pressure, but I'm not sure this wouldn't be replicated at depth.

Anyone else using a Tizip experiencing seepage?

Re: Leaking TiZip

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 1:10 pm
by fmerkel
Are you supposed to silicone grease those zippers? I have a different TiZip (coil type) in my Seasoft. It's critical that be clean and lubed almost every outing. Both my wife and I have had them leak. Contacted Seasoft and he asked if our lubing was up to snuff. It wasn't . After lubing > no more leak.

Re: Leaking TiZip

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 1:53 pm
by Nwbrewer
+1 on silicone grease often with ti-zips. I have the superseal, as does paulicarp. We've both found issues when the zipper isn't lubed well. Well lubed I've never seen the zipper leak. (The glue is another story...)

Also, was the exhaust valve plugged (or not inverted) when you did that? It's quite possible to fill with water past 7psi if you plugged the dump valve.

Re: Leaking TiZip

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 2:00 pm
by mpenders
TIZIP wrote:


Both ends closed TIZIP MasterSeal 10 zippers need to be lubricated on the docking end from time to time. Please use the original TIZIP lubricant or other available zipper lubricants. Carefully apply over the docking end surfaces on front, back and inside where they connect to the zipper chain. Repeat before long term storage leaving the slider closed and whenever the area is dry during use.
This is what I've been doing, using "the original TIZIP lubricant". The instructions for their Superseal zipper seem to prescribe much more lubrication.

Re: Leaking TiZip

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 2:14 pm
by mpenders
Nwbrewer wrote:
Also, was the exhaust valve plugged (or not inverted) when you did that? It's quite possible to fill with water past 7psi if you plugged the dump valve.
So far, I haven't had a problem with the glue (fingers crossed).

When I filled the suit with water In my driveway I just left the dump valve attached to the suit as normal (wanted to see if my silicone bedding worked or if it leaked) and cranked it fully shut. Only leak near it was the pinhole I found. I was actually pretty happy to find the dump valve/seal was not the issue.

While diving, I generally shut it down a little, enough that it will vent only when I want it to - but it still vents "automatically". If left fully open, it is prone to opening (unintentionally) and letting water trickle in.

I may have to try generous amounts of lube on the zipper, and see if that helps.

Re: Leaking TiZip

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 2:30 pm
by Nwbrewer
mpenders wrote:
Nwbrewer wrote:
Also, was the exhaust valve plugged (or not inverted) when you did that? It's quite possible to fill with water past 7psi if you plugged the dump valve.
So far, I haven't had a problem with the glue (fingers crossed).

When I filled the suit with water In my driveway I just left the dump valve attached to the suit as normal (wanted to see if my silicone bedding worked or if it leaked) and cranked it fully shut. Only leak near it was the pinhole I found. I was actually pretty happy to find the dump valve/seal was not the issue.

While diving, I generally shut it down a little, enough that it will vent only when I want it to - but it still vents "automatically". If left fully open, it is prone to opening (unintentionally) and letting water trickle in.

I may have to try generous amounts of lube on the zipper, and see if that helps.
The suit was inside out but the dump valve was installed as normal? How did you evaluate "full"? Your hose is running way more than 7psi.

Re: Leaking TiZip

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 3:05 pm
by mpenders
Nwbrewer wrote:
The suit was inside out but the dump valve was installed as normal?
Yup. The only thing I did was close the dump valve - otherwise it was not removed from the suit. Then the suit was turned inside out.
Nwbrewer wrote:
How did you evaluate "full"? Your hose is running way more than 7psi.
Very carefully. I did not rely on the hose pressure - that could have been exciting :eek:

With the fill setup that I came up with (using the ball valve attached to the wrist seal plug), I could:

shut the ball valve
turn off the water
disconnect the hose
burp the air from the suit using the ball valve
reattach the hose
continue filling until the suit was...full-ish. Think waterbed mattress.

There was still room for more water in the suit if I had wanted to push it - but there was no need. With no air in the suit, any wet spots indicated a leak. It worked pretty slick. PVC parts to make the wrist plugs cost less than $10 at Home Depot.

Re: Leaking TiZip

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 12:55 pm
by mpenders
mpenders wrote:
I may have to try generous amounts of lube on the zipper, and see if that helps.
Well, I tried much more lube on the zipper. Still getting wet. The zipper appears in pristine condition...except for the fact that it leaks.
