Any NW Wet Divers?

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Post by thelawgoddess »

i don't think sparky will be killed by cotton.
even if that's all he's wearing. :evil4:
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Post by Cera »

I have a dry suit and I only wear it if I have to. I love diving wet, but I hate my drysuit and have the bladder of a newborn. But one trick I have is to bring a turkey cooker and fill the pot with water. Let it simmer and put your gloves and hood in before your dives then pour some down your suit after your dive. But that is really pretty futile! I don't know that wearing anything under your suit really helps, unless its another wetsuit.
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Post by bnboly »

This weekend I did my AOW and nitrox certs. Did all the dives, we did 7 total, is a wet suit. I have to admit that by the end of the weekend I was starting to get chilled, esp my feet. I think I'm going to start looking for a dry suit.
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Post by richolionheart »

I have been diving since 1994 with my wet suit.

I lived in Montreal; There is never water at higher temperature then the puget sound right now. I did ice diving, lake diving at temp equivalent to 32-35 degrees Fahrenheit with my 7mm bare wet suit.

It's 10 years old and stil going very well!

I've seen alot more problems with dry suits than wet suits. I don't think i will change to it for a while!
I'm moving out on november 23rd! Contact me for as many dives as possible before that!
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Post by Sounder »

32-35 degree water... in a wetsuit?! :pale:
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Post by richolionheart »

Well between 0 to 4 degrees celcius with some ice at the top. It was maximum 5 minutes dives and we started from weathered cabins. Almost no one had a dry suit for those. Let's say its not my favorite dives for temperature but they are nice to try.

Even in summer, below the thermocline the temparature could easily drop to levels almost similar to this.

I wear very thin non cotton socks under my boots and warm watter in my gloves (wich or 7mm thick with a 3 inch rubber seal. (dry suit gloves))

Let's say that i didnt feel the cold at all in cove 2 or in muk!
I'm moving out on november 23rd! Contact me for as many dives as possible before that!
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Post by diver-dad »

Sergeant Pepper wrote:I dive wet. I do get cold occasionally, but I avoid the dry suit because of the cost at the moment. I'm an engineer, and $1200 goes down the throat like a 10 lb hairball. I hear that everyone converts when winter time hits. I'll let you know around December! \:D/
I'm with SP - been saving up my scuba units, but facing a trade off between replacing my aging BC with a backplate rig (probably eventually leading to DIR) and buying a drysuit.

Will be looking through the next few months to see if I really want to stick with my 5mm farmer john with 5mm hooded jacket. Like someone else mentioned in the string, I put a gallon of warm/hot tap water in my suit shortly before splashing and have found that to work very well - esp for avoiding that shock of cold when water first enters your suit (and its the only way I can get my kids in the water).

I wish I had the metabolism that Sparky has! :angryfire: (although I'm not exactly svelt, and cold doesn't usually bother me, I'm no furnace either!)

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- DD

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