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Post by divernick »

Ok, my turn...

My name is Nick Miller. I'm 27, another young'un, and live in Portland. I started diving about nine and a half years ago, right after I graduated high school. I've always loved the water, and my mom saw in the local community college catalog that there was a scuba class, so she suggested I take it. So I did. Since then i've got AOW, and stress & rescue, as well as the other common specialty classes (night, deep, boat, nitrox, etc.). However, while I've been certified for 9 years, I only have about 160 dives. Diving and college can be difficult to pay for at the same time. I graduated 3 years ago, so I'm getting in more and more dives. Which I am very happy about.

So, now that I'm out of school, I work for an armored truck company, moving other people's money around. Hopefully I won't be doing that too much longer because I hate where I work. I also like to play paintball, go fishing, watch movies, read, and go out hiking and taking photographs.

Well, there's the quick and easy on me. Who's next?

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Post by lostnbrownsmead »

Im up now
Hello everybody I am Jay Murphy. I live in Brownsmead Oregon (outside of Astoria) I am currently in the US Coast Guard where I have worked for the last 28 years. I am currently assigned aboard the STEADFAST which is a 210 ft cutter that patrols from the Oregon Washington coast all the way to the coast of Peru. The Coast Guard has made me go to many great places to dive on several different ships that I have been assigned to(Caymans, Virgin Islands, Turkey and many more) but alas I didnt start diving until 2003 where I was waiting delivery of the FIR in Marinette Wisconsin. Since I was stuck for ten months in Wisconsin, what to do well I saw a dive shop and I decided to get certified. Well I have had a blast diving ever since. First I got the opportunity to visit some of the many great lakes wrecks oh ya. Then when the FIR was finally delivered we had to transit back to Astoria OR via the Panama canal, What a trip for diving. During the transit we went to Greenbay Wisconsin to Cleveland Ohio, off to Toronto then to Halifax for my first dive of the trip, then to Boston, Out to Bermuda wow more neat wrecks, Miami no diving, then to Cozumel 4 days of great drift diving, then through the Panama Canal to San Diego Dove on the Yukon then home. I have logged about 200 dives to date. I dive as often as the ship schedule allows. When I am at home I try to dive at least twice a month. I am also a member of the Clatsop County URT (Underwater Recovery Team) where I have gotten to recover several vehicles.

My wife Renae doesnt dive but she lets me go anyway. My daughter Alisha age 8 can't wait to learn how to dive.

I retire from the Coast Guard after 29 years \:D/ so next year, I hope that I have more time to dive.
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Post by bnboly »

Greetings all! My name is Bill - my wife and I settled in Olympia in 1990 after 4 years in Germany. Looking back I wish I had kept diving - all the wonderful(?) places Uncle Sugar sent me, many would have been great places to dive! I retired from the Army in 1994 after 22 years, the same time the last child left the roost! I orginally learned to dive in the Chesapeake bay many many many moons ago! Life got in the way till this year for my 52nd b'day my wife got me SCUBA lessons. I was OW certified in September and have tried my best to dive every weekend since. My wife tries to go with me on all my dives - even though she is a non diver. In October I got my AOW and Nitrox certs in preperation for a trip to Curacao to go diving with my brother and his wife. We are now planning a 10 day vacation to Maui later in 07.

For those of you who want to know what BNBOLY stands for - in the early days of dialup bulliten boards and 14.4k modems - it was Bill aNd Berni in OLYmpia. I have used this user name for over 20 years!
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Post by Seaslave »

Hi my name is Mathue. I'm kind of a "Lurker" around here. I live way up in Birch Bay just short of the Canadian border. Most of diving is from my 21' boat in the northern portion of the San Juan Islands. High winds have put a damper on my diving here lately but when we get a break in the weather, I'll sneak out.

I'm one of the young'ens around here. I'll celebrate my 30'th the first week of December in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico diving. I am married and have four children. I work for one of the major oil refineries up here as an operations technician. It's shift work so I enjoy weekdays and some weekends off.

I started diving last summer and am currently a PADI Rescue Diver and will begin my Dive Master internship in January at my LDS. I have close to 100 dives all cold water and almost all from a boat in current, some pretty swift.

Besides diving I enjoy spending time with my family and bird hunting with my dog.

I would like to get down and dive with you folks at some club dives, but the travel and the idea of shore diving kinda turn me off. It will happen one of these days though. It would be fun to get a few folks up here too. I can dive four people off my boat pretty comfortably, but it is a center console so it can be cold. Look me up some time if your interested.

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Post by diver-dad »

Finally have some time to write a few words here ...

Well, my real name is Steve and I live in Bremerton. Originally I'm from western MA, in the Berkshire Hills. Having traveled far and wide over the past 24 years that I’ve been in the Navy, I have seen quite a few places around the world. I love it here! The Puget Sound area is very much like home – but here everything is much more lush and grandiose.

I learned to dive in Palau – but not the one you’re thinking of … I’m pretty new to diving, though it has always been on my “list of things to do in life,” having grown up in the 60’s watching Jacques Cousteau, Sea Hunt with Lloyd Bridges, and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. Just loved it! I got my love of the outdoors from my Dad, but as the son of regular, hard working folks, I could only dream of learning to dive until I grew up, got a decent job, and had $$ to devote to it. Until then, the closest I would come to diving was snorkeling off the side of our 11 ft fishing boat in one of the local lakes. The time finally came in 2001 when I was stationed in Italy, the northern tip of Sardinia, for two years while my family stayed behind in Chesapeake VA.

The first day there, I was struck with how crystal clear the water was (easily see the bottom in 70 fsw) and the bug really bit me - this was finally the place to dive. By shear luck, the owner of my favorite little restaurant in Palau, the town I was living in, was a certified PADI instructor and spoke English very well because he grew up with American kids there. The bar in his place was a hangout for my dive locker. The really cool thing was that Andrea had a little Zodiac, just like Cousteau used to run around in, and after I finished the classroom portion, he and I would go out to dive – one-on-one (one of his friends tended the boat). Typically, we’d do the dive plan, go out to one of several sites (one being a Roman wreck), do the exercises, then pal around exploring. It was fantastic!!! After I was certified OW, we just kept diving together regularly.

The following summer when my wife, Lynne, and two kids (Jenn & Michelle) were off from school, they’d spend the summer with me in Palau, and I got them all qualified with Andrea too. …. And for every dive that they went on, I was there in the water with each of them. Fantastic time! :supz: One of my kids, Jennifer, loves it so much that for years she has said she wants to become a marine biologist. She’s strong-willed enough to do just that too.

Over the 2+ years I was there, I got my AOW cert. Since then, whenever I travel, I try to take some time off to get a dive or two in if the area is good.

I love shore dives in Puget Sound, and I’ve only scratched the surface (pun intended), by diving at a small number of sites. Juggling that pesky “got-to-go-to-work-to-pay-the-bills” thing with helping kids with homework, school projects, and the other things Dads & husbands do makes it a challenge to get time to dive – but I do fit it in when I can.

I dive for the wildlife. I still dive wet, though I’ve been saving my pennies for a dry suit, and probably will go for a backplate rig after that. Aspects of DIR sound very interesting to me, and I am doing some reading up on that.

Other than diving, I like hiking in the Olympics, camping, hunting, & skiing (looks like a good season coming up!)

Great to be here! =D>
- DD

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Post by BASSMAN »

My turn... Updated on May 11, 2008
Hi all, It's pronounced "Base- Man" Bass Guitar, my other hobby.
My Name is Keith, located in Lakewood Wa near Ft Lewis Army base.I got O W certified for my 40th birthday as a gift to myself. I have been diving for about two and a half years now, 200+ dives logged. Tom nic and I got certified together and have been primary dive buddies ever since. Currently I am Rescue diver trained and my next step will be Nitrox and a wreck or deep cert. weather or not I go for the additional certs for the Master Scuba Diver is not important to me but the idea of "Rescue Diver" just makes good sense to me, for myself and my dive buddies.
As a full time Job, I work for Alaska Airlines as an aircraft Inspector here in Sea-Tac. I also Play the Bass guitar at my local church and in a classic rock band called "Bluejuice" Ask me about "Bluejuice" when you meet me and I'll gladly tell you how / why we came up with that name.

I think we have some of the best diving, right here in the Puget Sound! Although I enjoy going wherever I can to explore new diving.
Sitka, Alaska was great! Peurto Vallarta was fun {very warm) and the San Juans are great too! My travels will never come close to Calvins but I will do what I can as long as my physical body allows me too.

My daughter,17 {Mouse} got OW certified and I hope to dive the Great Barrier Reef (Austrailia) with her some day. What great way to spend some quality time with my daughter! Not sure if she has totaly caught the dive fever yet, but we have fun.
the PADI slogan "Meet People , Go Places and Do Things" realy rings true!
Last edited by BASSMAN on Sun May 11, 2008 4:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by diver-dad »

BASSMAN wrote:... It's pronounced "Base- Man" Bass Guitar, my other hobby...
Glad you cleared that up - had thought you were really into fishing! :fish:
- DD

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Post by nice-diver »

hi, just told of this site.

My name is Jeff. I have lived in eugene oregon since 1978. I was certified by padi in 1984 in high skool. Did a couple of dives, but trying to live the buddy system; and being shy; I never got wet for ten years. My mum got a computer and i found ebay and bought all the dive gear I always wanted from the '80's in the late '90's.

A new dive shop opened and I started hanging out there and got in 60 or so dives that year. To keep in the water I have started to do some solo dives along with the ocassional same day-same ocean.

I drive a truck and trailer locally never overnight, but I do have to pull triples and hazmat loads. I also just bought my first house and now have a place to work on my cars including my first car 76 MGB that I use in a british car club.

I am looking forward to meeting people and diving as much as I can locally and at my exotic local the sound and cannal up in washington.
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Post by BASSMAN »

Welcome nice - diver!
You should hook up with Sparky down there!
He is a good dive budy when he is not diving Solo.
What is it with guys from Oregon, diving Solo?
Maybe you and him had the same instructor or something.

send a PM to Sparky and go dive at[url=http://]
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Post by Aquanautchuck »

[quote="BASSMAN"]Welcome nice - diver!
You should hook up with Sparky down there!
He is a good dive budy when he is not diving Solo.
What is it with guys from Oregon, diving Solo?
Maybe you and him had the same instructor or something.

Dang good question. At least half of my dives are solo. It just seems that either my buddies bug out and don't go or are unable to go when I do. So I just go diving anyway. \:D/

When you want to get wet you get wet.
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Post by nice-diver »

pretty much sums it up Charlie, I am my own best friend and am always ready to dive
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Post by jasonr »

Hey everyone,

Name is Jason. I'm in Edmonds and have been diving for a couple years now but haven't had much chance to go this past year. My regular dive buddies got too 'busy'.... Yeah whatever.

Just here looking to keep my finger on the diving pulse and possibly hook up with some new peoples to hit the water with.
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Post by BASSMAN »

Welcome Jason,
Just a little food for thought:
Make sure when you hook up with someone to dive, be sure to tell them you have been out of the water for awhile, so as to freshen-up on some skills , hand signals or whatever else might come up. And probably should be with a more experienced diver.

There sure is alot of divers up north, on this board.

"Just a Sugestion."

Keith (Bassman)
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Post by Cera »

How do I make this sticky so it stays at the top of the "pile"? So people know they can share here... I am really nosey and want to know all about everyone!!! Please keep posting.
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Post by Tangfish »

Done. Keep on rollin folks! :bounce: :bounce:
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Post by straitscuba »

I'm Howard. I'm 29. Started diving as part of a fisheries science course and immediatley became fascinated with invetabrates. I worked in hatcheries for wdfw and in Alaska for awhile and decided it wasn't for me. I have had the oppurtunity to learn from some great instructors over my diving career (some poor ones too!), both in Marine Biology/ecology end and SCUBA. I went down to Pro Dive in Fort Lauderdale, FL for my Divemaster and IDC courses, then went to work for Neckton DIving Cruises. Now I am in Port Angeles, and I have a small diving business here. We offer instruction, guided diving, charters, commercial services and things like that. During the day I am a salesman at a small car lot. Other than diving, I love to fish, hike the olympics, I dabble in web design, and I actually enjoy driving. I have dove here in WA alot, although I haven't experienced alot of the Puget SOund sites yet, dove around Sitka, did alot of diving in Ft. Lauderdale(I LOVE WRECKS!) and a bit around the carribean. I also love to take pictures while I dive and most of my friends look forward to my next outing because I bring my camera over and plug it into the tv and they get a marine biology lesson!
I was featured photographer on in January of 06 and I am getting aquainted with my video camera. Hope to get in some diving with all of you soon, you can never have too many dive buddies!
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Post by Diver_C »

Hi my name is Rich. Been diving since the end of March, but doing a lot of it. Not interested in cave diving, but being able to go deep to explore wrecks does interest me. I also like taking pictures while diving. Diving without my camera, while significantly easier, not as much fun. My law partner, BbbleMkr/Delaina, and her husband, RyanS/Ryan, are also divers, and are also lurking here somewhere. They've been diving for over two years.

Delaina and I have been law partners since '94. We have our own boutique law firm based in Downtown Seattle. We limit our practice to family law issues.

I live in Redmond. In the winter I ski and play racquetball. From spring to fall, I rollerblade, hike, camp, fish, play on Lake Sammamish, and help out with boat racing (nowadays, primarily as a rescue diver). Love music, and am always listening to it (all rock, all the time). Apparently, I have traded mountain biking for diving. I wish I had more time, because I really do like mountain biking. Sigh.

Well anyhow, in a nut shell, when I'm not working, I'm trying to have fun. Have a great cat, an interesting lovebird (got talked into that one somehow), and a condo I like and have been living in since 2000. And that is the end of my story.

Last edited by Diver_C on Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by diverdrew »

Hi all, ive been lurking around here for a couple of weeks so i guess i should introduce myself. my name is drew and i have been diving for about 6 years. i am currently working on my master diver cert and am nitrox certified. i live in forks out on the wet coast of the olympic peninsula. i work as a forester. i am also an avid boater, both sail and power. i dive on the canal alot as well as the port townsend area.

so far this looks like a great place and am looking forward to getting to know ya' all better.
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Post by gomi_otaku »

I grew up like many, watching Jacque Cousteau and other nature programs, and thinking how great it would be to scuba dive. Living in Minnesota, we took trips up to Duluth, and we would visit the museum up there with it's diorama of the Edmond Fitzgerald, and I bought books on the shipwrecks of Lake Superior, many of which were almost on the beach in many locations. In my younger teens I walked past a scuba shop every day, thinking it would be fun to learn to do that.
So, 20 years later and I was at the U of M, and they offer a scuba class, so I finally got certified- I opted to take my checkout dives in Lake Superior rather than a local lake, partly because we were already planning to move to Seattle. Almost all of the checkout dives were on wreck sites, descending to the collapsed deck, or past the hulls of metal freighters. I'd still like to go back and get more bottom time there.
So, I moved to Seatle in August of 05 and didn't get a dive in here until January or 06. With family, I don't get as many dives in as I would like to, I'm at about 24 now with a year since my first cold saltwater dive. I'm still very easily impressed by small sealife, since fresh water has nothing at all to see. I love ratfish and spiny lumpsuckers, of course, but there are a ton of things I haven't seen yet- a wolf eel, for one, or a GPO. I've seen one tiny red octopus in a bottle, and I've seen squid eggs but no squid. This year I'll be saving for a drysuit so I can dive more often, or more than one dive a day.
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Post by Cera »

Hey Drew, thanks for finally introducing yourself and not being a vouyerist anymore....
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Post by BASSMAN »

Hey gomi!
I'm also from Minnesota but have never dove there. sure would like to though.

Where are you residing now? I'm located in Lakewood (Near Ft Lewis)

We should meet up for a dive sometime and compare some Minesota Stories.

Keith. (Bassman)
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Post by BASSMAN »

Welcome Diverdrew!

Maybe I'll see you at Sund Rock some day! :supz:
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Post by gomi_otaku »

I'm living in Ballard, having lived my whole life in MN aside from a year and a half in Texass. I got certified in 05 just before moving here, so all my experience has been in "cold" water, no small warm lakes for me. I've dove Edmonds UWP a ton and the Oil Dock twice, Cove 2 briefly once, Sunrise once but missed the wall, Les Davies once with the divers from hell, and a great bottle dive in Gig Harbor. My objective this year is trying out a lot of new sites, even ones that people don't normally dive- cuz anytime your in the water it's a good dive.

[quote="BASSMAN"]Hey gomi!
I'm also from Minnesota but have never dove there. sure would like to though.

Where are you residing now? I'm located in Lakewood (Near Ft Lewis)

We should meet up for a dive sometime and compare some Minesota Stories.

Keith. (Bassman)[/quote]
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My Turn

Post by jokeborn »

Hello, I am going to be new to the Northwest, coming from Florida. I have been in the Army for 17 years now, and am about to be stationed in the Portland area. Like many others, I have dreamed about diving for years, but got certified a few years ago. I was hooked. I've snow skied since I was 4 and jumped from planes and this is up there with those. I spent my first year as a diver hitting the east coast of FL every chance I could, enjoying a little lobstering but mostly taking pictures to share with my surface bound friends (the photos actually have pulled a few of them into the water). My wife also dives but not as avidly as I do, and my 16 year old son is considering it. I am looking forward to a completely different kind of diving (don't get me wrong, the tropical reefs are still great).
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Post by LCF »

Well, I tried to post something here a long time back, and the internet ate it. I think quite a few people here know me, anyway.

My name is Lynne and my husband is Peter. I learned to dive two years ago, after I got a bit tipsy at an auction and bought a trip to Australia. My long-suffering husband said to me in the car on the way home, "Now you have GOT to learn to dive." So I did.

I had no intention of diving in Puget Sound. I was going to do my classroom and pool work here, and go to Maui for the diving. But I liked my instructors and my classmates, and got mau-maued into finishing the class here. The rental drysuit leaked and I got hypothermic the first day, and the second day I lost my instructor and ended up on the bottom of Mukilteo on my back by myself. Somehow, I stuck with it, and fell completely in love with the sport.

Bob Bailey took me on as a project and actually taught me some basic skills, and then sent me off to do DIR-F, recognizing that my temperament was going to be very happy there, and I am. I've built a fantastic circle of great dive buddies, and I'm in the water two or three times a week (work part time -- it's nice). But one of my particular pleasures is to take new divers out for tours. I still remember the generosity of the people who did that for me.

When I'm not underwater, I'm an ER doc in Moses Lake. I've been doing that for about 14 years now, and I'm desperately looking forward to being able to retire one of these days. I also ride horses, and own a beautiful little mare that I bred (and whose mother and grandmother we owned) and who is my best equine friend. Our house is also full of animals, two pesky cats and a large, lame rescue Doberman.

Anyway, to get back to diving, I never had any intention of doing anything but simple warm water diving, and I own two dry suits. I never had any intention of technical diving, and I'm head over heels in love with caves. I just got my first opportunity to do some cave diving in Mexico, and it was even better than I thought it would be, and Peter has fallen in love with it, too! So we may own Mexican real estate one of these days. So you never know where something like diving is going to go if you let it . . .
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