Dive Newport Oct 15, 16, or 17?

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Dive Newport Oct 15, 16, or 17?

Post by bigyakker »

Any one up for showing me around either Newport or Waldport next weekend?

I am a pretty new diver with under 20 dives, half of them off the Florence north Jetty, the other half in fresh water lakes (Lake of the Woods, Four Mile, etc). Most dives have been in the 30-35 foot range, with the deepest being 65 foot. I am taking my AOW right now immediately followed by the PADI Rescue Diver course. My cert dives are two weeks from today and a month out,

I am interested in anything that puts me under the water really, but since I live in Corvallis, Newport becomes a good location for a weekend trip (the wife and kids love hitting the aquarium). Eventually, i hope to be getting into tec diving, mixed gases, deep diving, wrecks, etc as well as good cold water reefs and kelp beds. I am a coastal ecology and zoology student and am planning on making diving and research a big part of my career.

I have played around with a bp/w that a buddy lent me and have dove it 6 times; I just received mine last week, so I am anxious to get it in the water and finish the set up/ break it in. If things look good with it in Newport, I hope to use it the following week for my AOW cert dives.

All that to say, Anyone want to go diving in Newport?
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