Underwater video tips/help

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Underwater video tips/help

Post by citycatred »

Okay...so I'm taking a class at the UW next quarter called Biology Storytelling. In short we spend the quarter collecting video, editing it, creating a "story", a soundtrack, and then coming out with a final documentary like video that will be posted to YouTube.

Like usual I am already five steps ahead, I've come up with a rough idea with the sort of clips I want to collect and how I want to portray everything...but I'm missing one thing...experience with an U/W videocamera...I'm actually hoping to bug my buddy to see if I can borrow his... So I'm asking for any hints/tips/tricks that you guys may have about how to get great video as a noob. :angelblue: The most experience I've had with underwater video was some short clips taken with my Sealife mini camera...and let's just say they turned out pretty bad...not sure why I posted them on YouTube...

I figured it was better to ask now before I start slamming my head against a wall :banghead:

I guess since we are on this topic and I've been planning to get an U/W video setup anyways what do you guys look for in an U/W video housing :D
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Re: Underwater video tips/help

Post by mz53480 »

citycatred wrote:...So I'm asking for any hints/tips/tricks that you guys may have about how to get great video as a noob...
1. lights, & how you position them, can make a huge difference.
2. slower movement(s) are usually better.
3. when possible, set yourself up for the shot ahead of time. think of the approach, shooting angle, and exit.
4. take more footage than you think you need. you can always cut it out later.
5. if you think the shot wasn't good, reshoot it or come back to it later.
6. As you film, try to think of what the audience will be seeing.
7. Get different perspectives--shots from underneath, from top, moving, etc.
8 practice, practice, practice.
9 practice, practice, practice.
10. practice some more.
citycatred wrote:...I guess since we are on this topic and I've been planning to get an U/W video setup anyways what do you guys look for in an U/W video housing :D
1. cost
2. quality, functionality, reputation
3. how cool it looks :angelblue:

Good luck with your project!
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Re: Underwater video tips/help

Post by DFessler »

I dive a Light and Motion Bluefin Pro with 2 Sola 1200 video lights. It has worked well for me and have been extremely happy with it. I have to +1 MZ's comments. The GoPros with the Flat Port with Video lights also produce nice video for the money.
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Re: Underwater video tips/help

Post by CaptnJack »

mz53480 wrote:3. when possible, set yourself up for the shot ahead of time. think of the approach, shooting angle, and exit.
+1 on this. Give each clip a start, middle and end. One way to do this is pan from green (or dark) water to the object or creature you are shooting and then pan away back to green or dark water. Otherwise you are stuck trying to edit together a shot of an octo with a shot of a rockfish with almost no way to make a coherent transition.
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Re: Underwater video tips/help

Post by Scuba Jon »

My two cents worth. . . . .
- When you are recording, move slowly or not at all. If you move too fast or are jerky, you will make your audience motion sick. If your subject is moving you can be still. If your subject is still, you should be moving. It's video after all and your audience expects motion.
Shoot a lot more video then you think you need. That is what they made the editing software for. If you can get 1 minute of useable video out of 10 minutes raw video then you are doing darn good.
- I usually like to shoot a shot from back a little ways (Sometimes tough to do in our water) and then something up close.
As was mentioned in another reply to your question, you need to do something to make your octo shot marry up with your crab shot. Crab are on the octo menu so I might get some shots of the crab debris outside an octo den and then use a voice over to tie the shots. Other fill shots are good too. You suiting up, your buddy swimming next to you, your dive computer showing your depth or whatever.
- Nobody wants to listen to a lot of bubble noise. Kill the bubble noise and find some music that works with your story, I will sometines leave in small pieces of the bubble noise when I start or stop a segment but not much. It puts people to sleep.
- Without lights, just about any camera is useless in our water. The downside of lights is good ones are very expensive and two are much better then one. With one light, you will shine it directly on the subject. With two you can shine from both sides and not illuminate all the schumtz in the water.
Good luck
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Re: Underwater video tips/help

Post by citycatred »

Thank you very much for all the great tips :)
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Re: Underwater video tips/help

Post by H20doctor »

pratice.... watch other people videos.. and copy them
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Re: Underwater video tips/help

Post by coulterboy »

Get very familiar with the function buttons on your camera on land. Then put it inside the underwater casing, and more practice on land. Often times, you tend to waste too much time fumbling through the buttons underwater that you might just have missed a very important "still shot", or a very important "video clip" of something that you might not see or encounter again. It happens too often underwater and not a lot of divers want to admit it.

Aside from that, +1 to all the advises.
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