Sunday at Mukilteo

Tell us your tale of coming nose-to-nose with a 6 gill [--this big--], or about your vacation to turquoise warm waters. Share your adventures here!
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Sunday at Mukilteo

Post by MikeMeagher »

My buddy Jim and I made a dive sunday at Mukilteo T Dock. Vis was about 20' or so. A simple and fairly pleasent dive. We explored the area around the sunken skiff, the satellite dish, the "man", and back to the Geodome and we didnt find the big octopus. We saw a few dungeness crabs, a few small lings, and that one shy octopus thats in the tubes at the base of the Geodome, and the little wolfeel in one of the corner pipes. I'll post some video in a day or two.
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Re: Sunday at Mukilteo

Post by oldsalt »

Mike: My buddy Jim and I did the same dive a day earlier and saw pretty much the same things. After reading Octoloco's report, I was hoping for all of these other things. I did see some big skate egg cases and the lingcod on eggs. I'm looking forward to the video.

Oh yeah, my buddy Jim is a better diver than your buddy Jim. Unless it's the same Jim. :smt064
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Re: Sunday at Mukilteo

Post by Octoloco »

Don't know if it would have made a difference but only 2 of the octopus we found on that dive were bigger than a golf ball - the GPO in the geo dome and another softball size GPO down in the rubble field. Larry's the one that typically finds all the critters; I just follow along trying to get photos. We move very slowly and investigate every nook and cranny.

Saturday night we only found 7 octopus; including the GPO in the geodome, a juvenile wolf eel, an even smaller skate than last week, but no PSL. We also found 2 nice skate egg cases so we hoping to find more skates in the future. You can get an idea of the size of some of these octopus by the surrounding eelgrass and/or barnacles.
Dive by Shooting!!

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