Sund Rock

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Sund Rock

Post by ohopdiver »

I was meeting Monica and Mike at Hoodsport N Dive to get our Sund Rock parking passes ($17.50) when I ran into NWDC members Jason and Chuck. The dive site is 2.3 miles north on Hwy 101. A perfect day weather wise, sunny but not too hot and no wind. I didn't notice any current but then I didn't swim from one end of the park to the other like Jason and Chuck. Vis was less than 5 ft down to about 35 then opened up to 15 to 20 depending on depth. We did the Fish pen wall down to about 95 (it was black but clear down there) then over to the Rock seeing on the way one small wolfie who wasn't interested in us, some ropes, small wreck remains and stuff. Sund Rock seemed the most interesting so we started the second dive by swimming over to it before descending. Lights were flashing back and forth as we took turns calling out wolf-eel siteings. Six wolfies, two pairs an old male and a youngster all in dens. Several Giant Red Dendronotids, Long Arm stars (AKA fisheating of Velcro) one black one gray and a big old anchor. Lots of GPO sign but didn't see any. Photos at ... 246528562/
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Re: Sund Rock

Post by olalladiver »

Was nice meeting you --

Current was near to nonexistent everywhere we were as well... Vis seemed a bit better way north at the wreck on the orange buoy than it was right at the rock and south wall... The wreck is neat, though, so when you get back there, Ohop, it's worth it... HUGE lings hanging out on it, and surly ones at that...

We saw 3 Wolfies right out from the rock, too, but didn't catch the mated pairs and we also saw lots of GPO sign, but no GPO to go with it... though the dive class along the north wall reported seeing one in ~40fsw.
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Re: Sund Rock

Post by olalladiver »

Great pics, btw...
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