wet suit poll

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wet suit poll

Post by banjofish »

Am I and my son the only ones who still dive with wets suits or are there others out there in scuba land who also appreciate the simple, low cost, joy of being one with the water. Feeling that cold liquid slowly putting your body to sleep is part of the experience. Or am I just strange? I hear that saying ..KISS..keep it simple stupid...Well nothing is more simple than a wetsuit. For those of you reading this who are just starting out in this sport...You dont have to spend a fortune on equipment to dive safe have fun. Now guys and gals tell me Im all wet.. cam
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Re: wet suit poll

Post by Nwcid »

After we got our drysuits we still packed our wetsuits when we traveled west to dive incase we had a drysuit failure. When we had the wetsuits and were new it was great fun.

Now that I am use to the drysuit and know how much better diving can be you wouldn't catch me in the Sound in my wetsuit.

Also keep in mind there are very real physiological issues with being cold, especially while diving.........

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Re: wet suit poll

Post by fmerkel »

After you become a more experienced diver you slow down, you conserve air, your metabolism goes down, you don't produce as much heat, you go deeper and your suit compresses more, and you stay there longer >>> you start freezing your a$$ off. :eek:
That's progress..... :rofl:
I can point you at a woman that used to say almost exactly what you just said. She's now dry.

I've dove with a lot of people in this sport. Only a handful dive wet except at the start. Of that only a couple will stay in wetsuits. The rest will quit the sport. After awhile it becomes a negative reinforcement cycle. :smt064
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Re: wet suit poll

Post by jturner »

My wife and I dive in 7mm farmer john wetsuits that we got for about $100 each (http://www.diverightinscuba.com/catalog ... -3091.html). We are fine for one dive and the second dive can get a bit chilly. Really for us it is the inbetween that gets cold and once you are in the water it is just fine. I imagine we will buy drysuits one day but for now they work and have more than paid for themselves over rentals.

We always get funny looks and confused comments at the dive sites as we are the only people in wetsuits.
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Re: wet suit poll

Post by Jeff Pack »

My first phone call out of the water in my final OW course in a wetsuit was to Wally at Tacoma Scuba saying "Get my suit (drysuit) on order NOW!!"

Since then only wetsuit dives I've done were warm water, or pool dives.

- I got a good squirt in my mouth
- I would imagine that there would be a large amount of involuntary gagging
- I don't know about you but I'm not into swallowing it

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Re: wet suit poll

Post by mpenders »

jturner wrote:... We are fine for one dive and the second dive can get a bit chilly. Really for us it is the inbetween that gets cold and once you are in the water it is just fine....
Yes, this.

One dive and done can be okay in a wetsuit. When you start to stack up 2 or 3 dives back-to-back in January, each averaging over an hour plus the necessary surface intervals, a drysuit tends to be more of a requirement than a luxury.

It also depends on the diver. My teenage son has no body mass, nor bioprene for insulation. Plus he's forced to plod along with us older photog's at a snail's pace while we look for tiny critters. He has trouble staying warm in a drysuit, and would have no shot in a wetsuit. Actually, considering his body dimensions (long and thin), it was easier to find a used drysuit that fit him, than a wetsuit that would work for him.
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Re: wet suit poll

Post by Norris »

Wetsuits are fine!
I dived a wetsuit for my first winter. I went to dry suit for these reasons...

Didn't like being exhausted after putting it on, and taking it off.
Didn't like doing multiple dives considering the non-movement, also the wind, and cold would seep into the suit during SI.
As I started getting more efficient underwater, I found myself getting colder, especially on deeper dives.

You will not have a very large "RAH RAH" section here as our waters temp doesn't change much seasonally at 60+ feet.

I would say that a great number of beginner divers have tried to justify not buying a dry suit shortly after pricing them, me being one of them. However if you are one of the divers that tend to make a weekend of it, and want to enjoy our wonderful winter viz, the money gets a little easier to spend as time goes on.
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Re: wet suit poll

Post by finnegankp »

The pros and cons of dry versus wet could be debated at length and I'm sure will continue to be even after this post. With that said, here in the Northwest the vast majority of us dive dry. It's less a matter of being one with the water and more a matter of comfort, convenience, and in the end preference. For me, being able to quickly doff my suit after two dives and be dry and warm and not have to immediately go home and shower off the smell and feel of salt water is well worth it.

I'm not saying don't dive wet if that's you thing, just merely highlighting that there really are a lot of great benefits of diving dry and highly recommend that anyone who currently dives wet and has never tried dry diving give it a go. There are events in the summer/fall where you can pay a few bucks and test out a number of different suits. I'm sure you'll be surprised at the difference.

For most the major prohibitive factor is the sheer cost of a drysuit. It's no secret that wetsuits are far cheaper than any drysuit you'll find (with the exception of that rare deal on craigslist). But here's some advice for those that want to dive dry but can't justify shelling out the money right now:

I understand the financial pain... but you did choose diving folks. It's not an inherently cheap sport... at least not if you want to be safe and have good gear. I was in the EXACT same boat when I started diving. I started in the wetsuit because drysuits come at a premium, even on the lower end of the cost spectrum. Best bet you're looking at $800ish and then another $100+ for an undergarment.

If you're already diving wet and not getting too cold yet then stick with it for another year or so, but start putting away $75-$150/mo into a side account and don't touch it. By this time next season you can get yourself into a good starter suit and liner (especially if you buy it during one of the many LDS sale events or from one of the folks here on the board when he or she decides to get into a new suit and offload one of their many spares).

In the end the decision is up to you - wet or dry- what matters is that you're diving! Buy once you go dry, you seldom go back!
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Re: wet suit poll

Post by RenaB »

banjofish wrote:Am I and my son the only ones who still dive with wets suits or are there others out there in scuba land who also appreciate the simple, low cost, joy of being one with the water. Feeling that cold liquid slowly putting your body to sleep is part of the experience. Or am I just strange? I hear that saying ..KISS..keep it simple stupid...Well nothing is more simple than a wetsuit. For those of you reading this who are just starting out in this sport...You dont have to spend a fortune on equipment to dive safe have fun. Now guys and gals tell me Im all wet.. cam

Going to sleep underwater with a regulator in my mouth for air, doesn't seem appealing to me. AND...I am a big baby when it comes to cold. I don't like it! I rarely say anything and will endure, as I did for hunting last season, when another hunter approached and said you look like you should be warm, but I don't see it in your face. UH, yeah, I am "f"ing freezing. :tomnic: My husband didn't know, because I hadn't said anything, because I am not going to cut a trail short because I am a little cold.

When I did dive in california, I rented a suit and it didn't quite fit correctly. I had cold water shooting down my back when I moved my arms. Needless to say, I didn't move my arms much. But they still had to force me out of the water. I love it. I would be the hypothermic one shivering and saying I am fine. So, if I had to do it I would, and that's what worries me, I have always pushed, and my daughter is the same way. For safety reasons, I will go dry.

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Re: wet suit poll

Post by Dusty2 »

Let me say what few here have said.

This discussion comes up again and again and will continue to as long as drysuits are as expensive as they are. The simple fact is if you don't get a drysuit you WILL quit diving in the Northwest. I can guarantee it! You will start to find excuses not to dive and eventually you will quit. Diving is supposed to be fun and the cold hard fact it you won't be warm diving wet and sooner than later it won't be fun any more. Even if you can tolerate the cold water the shore time will take it's toll on your body as will stripping to your birthday suite in freezing weather. Say what you want but the simple truth is each minute you spend wet is sucking body heat out of your body and you risk hypothermia which can creep up on you and rob your mental and physical abilities.

We all start out wet and we all try to tell our selves that we are tough and can handle the cold but mother nature will always win out! You will either go dry or stop diving. It is that simple.
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Re: wet suit poll

Post by Jeremy »

banjofish wrote:Am I and my son the only ones who still dive with wets suits or are there others out there in scuba land who also appreciate the simple, low cost, joy of being one with the water. Feeling that cold liquid slowly putting your body to sleep is part of the experience. Or am I just strange? I hear that saying ..KISS..keep it simple stupid...Well nothing is more simple than a wetsuit. For those of you reading this who are just starting out in this sport...You dont have to spend a fortune on equipment to dive safe have fun. Now guys and gals tell me Im all wet.. cam
Hi brah,

I dive a Henderson semi dry...basically the ultimate wetsuit for the PNW. It's awesome, bulletproof, and simple.

I dive it every weekend. Done so for the last three years....

Caveat...I just bought a drysuit. More for the redundancy than warmth though :)...
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Re: wet suit poll

Post by Jeff Pack »

Jeremy in a drysuit? The Apocalypse is coming.. :)

- I got a good squirt in my mouth
- I would imagine that there would be a large amount of involuntary gagging
- I don't know about you but I'm not into swallowing it

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Re: wet suit poll

Post by ljjames »

Seahawks win Super Bowl, Jeremy dives a drysuit #howseattleriots
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Re: wet suit poll

Post by CaptnJack »

"Bought" its a slippery slope to retiring that wetsuit.
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Re: wet suit poll

Post by Gdog »

Wetsuit....Puget Sound....are you out of your $%*&! mind??!! Im simply not man enough to dive wet unless im tropical! And Im ok with that.
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Re: wet suit poll

Post by banjofish »

Well thank you all for all those opinions. I thought it would be an interesting exchange of idea and I was right. I started diving in a wet suit I built myself in the late 60's. I dove wetsuits untill I bought my first dry suit in the late 70's. With the invention of the waterproof zipper they became possible. But we always called them... variable volume damp suits. I was a skinny guy then and froze no matter what..But now that I have filled out a bit I must say I am very warm ..to a point..in my wet suit...They are great for the money ..but not good for multiple dives...deep dives...or much more than and hour or so at depth...On the surface I am warm as toast... We dont do multiple dives and never go below about 80 feet. usually 50 or so...If however you are a skinny person a dry suit is a better idea..Though my 170 lb 22 year old son all muscle..stays warm in his one piece semi dry suit..(No such thing but I humor him) You are either wet or dry...In ending...there are two types of wet suit divers..those that pee in their suits....and those that lie about it......later
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Re: wet suit poll

Post by Jeremy »

banjofish wrote:Well thank you all for all those opinions. I thought it would be an interesting exchange of idea and I was right. I started diving in a wet suit I built myself in the late 60's. I dove wetsuits untill I bought my first dry suit in the late 70's. With the invention of the waterproof zipper they became possible. But we always called them... variable volume damp suits. I was a skinny guy then and froze no matter what..But now that I have filled out a bit I must say I am very warm ..to a point..in my wet suit...They are great for the money ..but not good for multiple dives...deep dives...or much more than and hour or so at depth...On the surface I am warm as toast... We dont do multiple dives and never go below about 80 feet. usually 50 or so...If however you are a skinny person a dry suit is a better idea..Though my 170 lb 22 year old son all muscle..stays warm in his one piece semi dry suit..(No such thing but I humor him) You are either wet or dry...In ending...there are two types of wet suit divers..those that pee in their suits....and those that lie about it......later
There is a third type of wetsuit diver too....those who don't pee in their suit and are upfront about it because that's disgusting brah. Passing on driving home with my car smelling like an outhouse imo. :)
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Re: wet suit poll

Post by Jeremy »

CaptnJack wrote:"Bought" its a slippery slope to retiring that wetsuit.

(well, maybe)
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Re: wet suit poll

Post by Jeremy »

ljjames wrote:Seahawks win Super Bowl, Jeremy dives a drysuit #howseattleriots
lol...worth a parade of 700K I'd say...
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Re: wet suit poll

Post by ljjames »

why stop there.... I'd aim for a cool mil if I were you ;)
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Re: wet suit poll

Post by LCF »

Not only do I not dive wet in the Sound -- honestly, I would never have gotten INTO Puget Sound in a wetsuit -- but I almost never dive wet ANYWHERE. And I am often the only person on the boat who isn't running around, after a dive, wrapped in a towel, teeth chattering, looking for something hot to drink. Even in the tropics, folks underestimate the heat lost during an hour or more in the water. Not to mention avoiding the whole wrestling a wet wetsuit phenomenon . . .
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Re: wet suit poll

Post by mrtheandrew »

I've been looking a lot at semi-dry suits, and this one has nothing but great reviews, even with cold water.

http://www.leisurepro.com/p-hlssdnt/hol ... 7-6mm-suit

This suit is what I will be trying out until I'm either happy with it, or switch to dry. Here is a review with photos of the inside, features, etc...

http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/exposu ... i-dry.html
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