Getting in shape for diving and for life.

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Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by Don-B »

Hello everyone.

A few of you know me, most of you don't.
I thought I would take a few minutes and share a page of my life with you.
A year ago today I made a life changing decision. That was to lose weight and get in shape.

It was a cold February morning and I just finished up my 1st dive.
I was sitting in my boat felling like I was just put thru a meat grinder.I was having trouble breathing and by heart was racing. I was in bad shape and realized it. I called off the 2nd dive and went home.
For the last ten years I was on a roller coaster of weight loss and gain.
In my 20's I was in excellent physical condition . Due to some medical issues in 2001 I quit exercising ,quit diving and quit caring.
I would diet and exercise for a few months then would fell a little better, quit and then the weight would come back on.
Well 2 years ago I started diving again.1 year ago I decided to keep living.

All I can say is I fell so much better.
I never thought I would see the day again when I could go for a 5 mile run after I was diving for the day.
For all of you who are packing extra pounds and get winded easy do yourself a favor.
You don't realize how bad you feel until you fell good.
I can swim now without getting tired and my breathing has improved by 50%.
I know I'm less likely to get into trouble and could help my buddy if they did.
Diving was not the reason to get in shape but it was an eye opener.

All I hope from this is that someone else may read this and make a change themselves.
Do yourself a favor lose the weight and get in shape

Hopefully I will have many more years of diving adventures .
Hope to meet more of you and thanks for reading this.
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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by LCF »

What a wonderful post!

And it's never too late . . . the last six months, I've been on a yoga program that has done wonders for my back pain and my strength, and I'll be 60 in May.
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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by Jeff Pack »

A few years ago, I too got serious, pilates and cardio, lost 40 pounds. I'm about 10-pounds heavier than in my 20's.

Last doc visit, they had to check things again, as my resting heart rate and BP were so good, the doc asked to check them again.

Pilates has helped a lot for my back. Where I used to get back sprains that put me in bed rest for 3 days, I havent had one for several years now.

- I got a good squirt in my mouth
- I would imagine that there would be a large amount of involuntary gagging
- I don't know about you but I'm not into swallowing it

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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by ArcticDiver »

Great testimony. Thank you.

Cannot say too much about a lifestyle that puts physical and mental fitness first.

For me variety is a big part of keeping motivated year in and year out. So, I'm starting to play a bit with yoga. Guess that must be the flavor of the year eh? My text book is: "The Science of Yoga, The Risks and the Rewards" by William J. Broad.
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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by RenaB »

I too decided about 5 years ago to go back to the gym and went on a stringent diet. I lost about 45 pounds, and did a sprint triathalon. I loved it. My father fell ill and I stopped going to the gym because of his constant care, and then went back to school. With work I currently have very little time to spend with my teenage kids. That is going to change, and I am going back to the gym. I feel horrible, my back is hurting again and I have reoccuring headaches. This is not living. I am moving to on-call for one of my positions so I can get in shape again, and dive in comfort and fun.

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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by ratfishlvr »

Wow. I am so happy to read what all of you have said. I got out of shape as well. I have a job that can be particularly stressful at times but is not usually very physical. Plus i work 2 jobs to make extra money. So it is very easy to get out of shape and I also work graveyard shift. I got certified in "03 and dove steadily for about 5 yrs and then went a few years without diving before I decided to get back to it and really try to advance my training. Im working my way up the certs now. When i started back i got really bad calf cramps and I have a dive instructor that swims through the water like a torpedo shot out of submarine. So I had to swim like a madman to keep up and I would blow through my 120 HP steel in about 20 mins in 40fsw. Talk about breathing hard! So I have been excercising and have steadily improved, but you're right, it takes alot of dedication. Keep up the great work! Reading these posts is great motivation for me as well.
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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by mz53480 »

...I like going to the chamber.. They have great food there, and awsome live music "H20doctor"
Check out the VIDEOS!
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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by Jeff Pack »

:violent1: :axe: :computersmash:

- I got a good squirt in my mouth
- I would imagine that there would be a large amount of involuntary gagging
- I don't know about you but I'm not into swallowing it

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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by coulterboy »

Great post Don. Keeping someone's weight down and in check is really not that hard to do, once you have that habit and that exercise fever going. It really depends on which side of the coin one is: Whether you're on the overweight side and just can't get that rhythm going to make it a habit of exercising and being healthy, or you're on the trim and desired body weight side who is always tempted to just sit on the couch, eat more and less sweating. It's a balance.

I made that decision when I was a teenager to never be overweight. I'll be 48 years old this year, and I can still fit the same pants I wore back in 1986.
When was the last time you did something for the first time?
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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by Greg Jensen »

Congrats! Just thought I'd point out one thing- although it's great that you CAN do a 5 mile run after a day of diving, it probably isn't a wise thing to do, as it puts you at greater risk of decompression sickness. Kind of like shaking a can of pop- you've got dissolved nitrogen in your blood and vigorous activity makes it more likely to come out of solution.
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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by Don-B »

coulterboy wrote:Great post Don. Keeping someone's weight down and in check is really not that hard to do, once you have that habit and that exercise fever going. It really depends on which side of the coin one is: Whether you're on the overweight side and just can't get that rhythm going to make it a habit of exercising and being healthy, or you're on the trim and desired body weight side who is always tempted to just sit on the couch, eat more and less sweating. It's a balance.

I made that decision when I was a teenager to never be overweight. I'll be 48 years old this year, and I can still fit the same pants I wore back in 1986.
Your right its not that hard to keep it off, just getting started.
The first 2 months were hard but once you see the scale start moving down it gives you some motivation.
I lost 40+lbs in 6 months but my cardio system was still in bad shape.
I was taking 10-12 mile hikes in the mountains but it wasn't enough to really get my heart going.
So in October I started jogging. All I could do was 2 or 3 minutes before loosing my breath.
Today I did 5.25 miles in 55 minutes and feel great( outside, cross country ).
I'm back to feeling that rush you get after exercising and I'm addicted again.
I still have a ways to go but I know I'll get there.

You my not be over weight but still be out of shape.
Ask yourself when was the last time I rode a bike, went running or took a swim.
Get out and get moving.

p.s. the time I did the 5 mile run was 5 hours after 60fsw max dive on 32 nitrox.
Normally I take it easy. If this is still not good let me know.
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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by olalladiver »

Boom! Right on Don! Glad to hear it!

Now time for me to get serious! Just got a minor spanking from the doc for being a bit too doughy, so see ya soon in my skinny pants... ;)
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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by Tangfish »

Nice to hear. It definitely adds an extra spring in the step to be in shape, and overall for diving it's great, except I get cold even easier than normal without my regular blubber layer.
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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by Frog »

That's awesome! Both my husband and I have been guilty over the years of overindulging and working hard at life, job, and family, but not taking care of the body itself. We're heading in the right direction but we still have a ways to go! Getting back into diving is one of those things for me! Also yesterday I bought a pair of running shoes. I'm planning on hitting the trails with our son, he on his bike and me on my feet.
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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by LowDrag »

I am guilty too. I am about 45 - 50 lbs overweight from sitting around doing nothing. My wife and I are trying to get the mindset that getting back into shape is a good thing. My doc says I need to do a sleep study, he thinks part of my lack of energy and drive to get up and move is Sleep Apnea. I have had both surgeries but it sounds like I may need that damn C-Pap machine still. Hopefully I can get back on track like everyone else here.

Good health to everyone!!!
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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by billt4sf »

Diving also provided some motivation for me to get in better shape and to keep it that way.

I recently went to a scuba club meeting, and I tell you, most of the people there were my age (60's) and did not appear to be in very good shape.

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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by fishb0y »

I had my DUI start to get a little tight on me. I was starting to look at a new suit, full knowing that I am like a goldfish... I'll just grow into the size of my container.

Instead, I decided to go on a diet, and since January I've lost 60 lbs. Unfortunately I may have to get a another suit anyhow.
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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by Don-B »

I'm glad to see others trying to lose weight too.
We take our health for granted sometimes and lie to ourselves that all is fine.
I was able to carry 50 extra pounds around for the last 10 years just fine so I thought.
I only now realize the toll it was taking on me.
On a good note my fitness level keeps improving. I'm up to running 10 miles now.
Also my asthma has almost disappeared and my blood pressure is looking good without meds.

Do what you can. Any improvement is better than nothing
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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by fmerkel »

LowDrag wrote:My doc says I need to do a sleep study, he thinks part of my lack of energy and drive to get up and move is Sleep Apnea. I have had both surgeries but it sounds like I may need that damn C-Pap machine still.
A quote from one of the leading sleep Dr. at a conference:
"Men don't have sleep apnea. What they have is denial. What they don't deny is how much their wives bitch about their snoring."

Men almost never seek help with this problem themselves. They usually need outside pressure > wives, work performance, waking up with their car in a terrifying situation....etc.

What is often not adequately discussed (or heard... :smt064 ) during the discussion about surgery is that they are only about 50% effective for the OSA. They are much more effective for the snoring. So now your wife doesn't bitch about the snoring anymore and you can go back to denial.

This can be useful: ... nnaire.pdf
Probably just ask the wife. :)
If you simply cannot make it through a TV movie in the evening after dinner, you probably have it. If 30" of driving is know.
I've known guys that damn near drowned falling asleep on the hang bar during safety stop.

FWIW, weight loss is damn near impossible until the OSA is treated. You simply don't have the energy or motivation.
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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by Anthony »

This is a great post. To add to this, I work in healthcare and I'm amazed at how many people come in for problems that can be solved by just taking a LITTLE better care of themselves. Healthcare is getting crazy expensive and the ability to not only enjoy your life and body longer but to avoid the pain and cost of doctors is worth it. Take life seriously and enjoy it all, health and money.

Thanks for posting this, Don B. Stuff like this needs to be shared more often.
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Re: Getting in shape for diving and for life.

Post by Jeff Pack »

The one downside with alot of weight loss in the scuba world, is loss of biopreen. I now get really cold and require more layers, and even an electric vest now to be comfy in the water for extended dive times.

- I got a good squirt in my mouth
- I would imagine that there would be a large amount of involuntary gagging
- I don't know about you but I'm not into swallowing it

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