In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by DiverDown »

Such a bummer to hear this. I have been around this club since the start. I have met so many people and dove with quite a few of those. Granted it's been a few years since I dove and have sold all my gear. I remember having plenty of debates with a lot of people from this dive community. It saddens me that this has happened. To all the dive community my heart is heavy of this news..
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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by ktb »

Lynne, you will be missed.

Peter, you have my deepest sympathies.

To all, be safe and hug your loved ones. I hate these kind of reminders that life is too damn short.
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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by LadyGoDiver »

My bit for Lynne Flaherty:

I met Lynne around 2010. I was taking classes from Peter and met her at one of them. I ran into her on the beach, at dive sites and at stores every few months. We were FB friends so that comprised the majority of our communication. I was attracted to her wit and her delight in debate. We were both cat admirers and lovers of good food so most of our exchanges were about that.

My most vivid memory of Lynne was a morning spent sitting on a picnic table at Saltwater State Park. Lynne introduced me to her 'Three Strikes' rule. Basically, if three irritating or annoying things happened before a dive, like you spill coffee, need to buy gas on the way to the dive, or you get cut off on the freeway, any three irritating things - Lynne said those dives were off and you'd dive another day. She had had such a morning and so had I. Instead, we sat together in the thin cold winter sunshine, bundled against the morning's chill. We talked about cooking and enjoying food, making special things and how good it felt to share meals with special people. I felt like I was talking to someone with a thirst for more, a real appreciation for what life can offer. And her happiness to get to enjoy all of these amazing things - her happiness just radiated. It was amazing.

I came away with the indelible impression that Lynne enjoyed her life with vigor and gratitude and wonder, all in equal measure. I didn't feel jealous of her and her full rewarding life. Instead I felt encouraged to forge my own version of a life well-lived. There was no way I could be Lynne so I had to be Andrea and do that as well as I could. When I did things she liked and admired, like make cheese, cook something delicious or explore a new eatery, or enroll in grad school, she'd post words of approval and sometimes send a PM along as well, with a deeper personal message, just for me. She was as happy by me enjoying life as she was with enjoying her own, it seemed.

Anyway, that's my little bit.
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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by johndo88 »

Here is an article from the Seattle Times ... ticle_left
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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by Grateful Diver »

sarinae wrote: I first met Lynne, without realizing it, when I attended a gas consumption lecture by Peter. She slipped quietly in mid-way through and started to heckle and correct him. I wondered who this audacious and plucky lady was, because I recognized that Peter respected her input.
I know that scenario ... the only class Lynne ever took from me was nitrox, and I learned an important lesson that day ... never, ever, try explaining physiology to a medical doctor ... :)

But like Peter, I respected her input ... she had a way of being meticulous and loveable all at the same time ...

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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by ScubaJess »

I only had the chance to meet Lynne once in person at cove2. She was so sweet! She was wearing a really cute Cheeta print hat and her dive gear. She was helping with a class of new divers. (They were packing up as me & Liane 'mighty mouse' we're going in for one of our fist dives without any guys) She helped me get into my BC & we started talking. That was when I realized that she was Lynne aka LCF and we had chatted on line for a few months. It was so funny, we were both so excited and she gave me a big hug.

I'm going to really miss her posts. She was such a smart kind lady! I remember Bob Bailey told me about her before we got to meet. He said there is a really smart ER Doctor who is a diver. And you can learn a lot from her! I'm glad I got the chance to know her even for a short time she really made a huge impact.
I feel so sad for her great husband, friends and family. Her horses are probably missing her too!

Sending good wishes to Lynne! You will live on in our memories! Thanks for everything! The kind words always gave me a smile!
I will think about you every time I see a candy stripe shrimp! RIP
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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by BDub »

The world was a better place with Lynne in it, and the dive community lost its top ambassador and mediator. She was one of a kind, and will be greatly missed.

Rest in peace, Lynne. Peter, I am so sorry. If there is anything I can do, just say so.


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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by 60south »

Lynne, I was going to dive with you this summer (you were going to find me the elusive lumpsucker!) but schedules kept us apart. Dammit.

If someone with your training, safety consciousness, and dive meticulousness can be swept away from us, well... It's causing me to completely re-assess my own diving safety, attitude, and goals.

Godspeed, Lynne.

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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by spatman »

Reposted with permission from Kenneth Kopp:
Tonight, I received very sad news. A dear friend from Seattle who I had dozens of dives with, hundreds of hours and countless laughs with has come up missing from one of the dives on her Bucket List.

One of the most cautious and fastidious divers I've ever met, she is legendary for her preparation, safety and execution of every single dive.
And while this dive she and her wonderful husband were on was far from their most challenging - something happened, and this morning, the ocean simply swallowed up this tiny ray of light, and hasn't given her up yet.

While I lift her family, her friends and community who knew her in my prayers tonight, I am still so very saddened. A great light has gone out in the dive world tonight, and the ocean will forever feel a little colder to me.

I shall remember her wacky approach to diving that was so different from my own, yet always know that we could come together and revel in the ever changing beauty that was the sea. It was the one thing we had in common - the salt water we love.

Rest well sweet angel. The ocean is not strong enough to contain your vibrancy this sad evening. We shall forever remember the joy you brought to every SI. My life is so much richer for having met you, dived with you, known you.
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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by Paulicarp »

Peter- like so many, I am grieving with you. A person did not have to know Lynne well to know well how special a person she was. Very sorry for your loss.
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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by Jaksonbrown »

My wife and I first met Lynne here, on NWDC. We were new to the area, and the local politics, clicks and nuances of the local dive community. My redneck self stirred up many on this board with my crazy posts. Angering many. Even getting myself banned a time or two. :) Some time later, When I reached out to this board for assistance with helping my wife work through her struggles it fell on deaf ears. Obviously, my own creating... But then this amazing woman reached out to me and volunteered to take us on a dive and help us work through our issues. I later learned from her that many from this board even asked, if not told her, not to meet us and to avoid me due to my rants on here. But Lynne would not have any of it. I asked for help, and she volunteered. Without hesitation. We met her and Peter for coffee and talked about our issues and problems with our diving and then went for a dive at EUP. My wife went down with Lynne on the verge of quitting diving. She surfaced full of joy and exuberance and with a love for diving that has continued on to this day and has turned her into the amazing diver that she is today.
As i got to know Lynne a little better, I came to understand that this is just the way she was. Selfless, passionate about helping others... I owe her a debt that can never be repaid.
God be with Peter, and you as well sweet Lynne. You will be sorely missed, but you are in a better place now. Ill see you on the other side.

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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by MorningDiverBob »

Peter, My heart break when I found out after my wife and I came home from Vancouver, Canada same day. Lynn was great person and helped people. She's very kindness & sweet. Lynne, Alaska woman and I dove few years ago. We had great time. I read Lynn's posts. I learned about good and positive.

My deepest condolences to you and her family. All of you in my prayers.

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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by lizard0924 »

Although I have been away from the PNW dive scene for many years and I never met Lynn in person, I do know many of you who were Lynn's friends and your pain is palpable on this thread. I was shocked to read this news yesterday.

My condolences to her husband and to all of you who are grieving over this tragic loss. My heart is heavy tonight and I am thinking of you all. Love and light to you during these dark times.

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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by Marek Sk »

I had a pleasure and privilege to learn from and interact with Lynne starting from my OW Certification, Rescue Diver Certification (she volunteered to be my victim in the exercises so I can become a better diver), through many meetings at Moss Bay Divers Club, occasionally running into Lynne at Juanita HS Pool & Cove 2.

I have always had such a great respect for her knowledge, passion for Diver Safety and willingness to share. She has always been very respectful to everyone, even if people had drastically different opinions from her.

There are a lot of people who like to criticize others but never offer alternative solutions. Lynne was not that type of person.
Lynne has always provided constructive criticism, she never made fun of people trying to increase diver safety. At every step she had always positively contributed in her postings and in face to face discussions. That is what I loved her for in particular.

If someone ask me to describe Lynne in two expressions my answer would be: “Divers Safety Champion” & “Divers Lady Washington”.
There is a song about “Lady Washington” (Tall Ship) “All around Cape Flattery” by David LoVine sung by Hank Cramer where the “Lady Washington” sails through the waters where Lynne Flaherty now rests in the cradle of the deep.
“All around Cape Flattery, Tatoosh on the right, Strait of Juan De Fuca on a full moon night … ”.
Here is the YouTube video:

In my mind, the meaning of this song will forever be linked with our “Divers Lady Washington” – Lynne Flaherty.

People like Lynne inspired me to write and share what I have learned.
I am sure that her wish is for us to continue constructive contribution to diver safety going forward.

I was diving Edmonds former Oil dock same time Lynne was diving Duncan Rock on Tuesday.
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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by kat »

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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by derekcs »

I've known Peter now for a few years through Moss Bay, but I'm not sure I ever had the pleasure of meeting Lynne. I can only hope to leave a mark on the local dive community over the years anywhere near as positive as she did. My heart is broken for Peter and his family. My deepest condolences.
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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by Jan K »

I am shocked, speechless.
I just returned from extended road trip to the Olympic National Park, camping near La Push, exploring the shores of the ocean which claimed Lynne at the very same time. Nobody wrote more encouraging posts commenting on my Whidbey Critter site...
I am here tired after miles of walking and driving only to arrive at home to this.
I am afraid that Northwest Dive Club forum will never be the same ...
Nor will be this world.

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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by Zen Diver »

Jan K wrote:I am shocked, speechless.
I just returned from extended road trip to the Olympic National Park, camping near La Push, exploring the shores of the ocean which claimed Lynne at the very same time. Nobody wrote more encouraging posts commenting on my Whidbey Critter site...
I am here tired after miles of walking and driving only to arrive at home to this.
I am afraid that Northwest Dive Club forum will never be the same ...
Nor will be this world.
Still so hard to believe she's gone....

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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by Penopolypants »

She will never be gone - the nod to her in "Hitler isn't AOW" as "that weird doctor lady...she dropped on her back until she hit the bottom!" will live on forever in the hearts of many. :)

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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by Norris »

I have always LOVED this
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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by lurch »

I learned of Lynn's disappearance late (today), and can't believe it. I remember talking with her about diving and medicine when she'd visit the dive shop I worked at. She and Peter never failed to brighten the day when they walked in. She exemplified what was good and positive in the SCUBA community and I will miss her. I hope she knew how well she was liked and respected. I hope I never forget her.
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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by Tom Nic »

Zen Diver wrote:
Jan K wrote:I am shocked, speechless.
I just returned from extended road trip to the Olympic National Park, camping near La Push, exploring the shores of the ocean which claimed Lynne at the very same time. Nobody wrote more encouraging posts commenting on my Whidbey Critter site...
I am here tired after miles of walking and driving only to arrive at home to this.
I am afraid that Northwest Dive Club forum will never be the same ...
Nor will be this world.
Still so hard to believe she's gone....

I am in Chile, South America and the heartbreaking news found me here and I know has literally gone round the world.

I knew Lynne from a distance only, but her personality and life were so powerful you could not help but be impacted by her. She was reasonable, incredibly smart, and very kind - a combination that is most rare.

I am shaken and so sad.

And has been mentioned, if this can happen to one of the most careful and meticulousdivers I know, it gives one pause...

I know I am missing conversations with fellow divers being out of the country - I hope and believe that many, many more will happen around restaurant and picnic tables and gearing up on the back of dive vehicles.
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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by ORDiver »

I didn't know Lynn well but had met her a few times at dive sites and read her posts a ton. She was always very friendly and I admired her dedication to helping everyone out. It's very sad that she's gone. She was a good one.
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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by Dusty2 »

It seems Lynne has helped me out one last time. I have been agonizing over my decision to quit diving for several months now and now I know I made the right decision and should not be tempted to lapse. If this can happen to Lynne I know that the little voices steered me in the right direction and though I miss it every day I know that I would never want to put my family through something like this.

I am so sad for Peter and everyone that knew or was touched by Lynne in life. It is a terrible loss but it has made everyone here think about their own mortality and look at the risks of our sport a bit more seriously so something good has come of it.

Please honor Lynn by diving safely and going that one step farther to insure that all I's are dotted and all the T's crossed before entering the water and dive safe and sane.
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Re: In Memoriam: Lynne Flaherty (LCF, TSandM)

Post by fmerkel »

Rich, you got that perspective in a light I can acknowledge.
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