The simpsons movie - may spoil it if you havn't seen it yet

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The simpsons movie - may spoil it if you havn't seen it yet

Post by kwbyron »

...I'm so disappointed....I just...I mean...what the hell was that?
I started watching the show when I was around 7...maybe a little sooner, so maybe I just have the high standards we all enjoyed when David X. Cohen produced... I haven’t watched a new episode in about 3-4 years, they just stopped being funny, they start off with potential and then just end with some beat to death joke. That seems to sum up the movie.
So what was the deal with Spider Pig? That wasn't funny...not at all, yet somehow I felt that was the climax of the movie.
Things I did enjoy:
Homer getting hitting himself in the eye - classic Simpson
Bart's genitalia when you least expect it - good Simpson gag
The wrecked ambulance atop Springfield gorge - refrence to old episodes are entertaining when slyly done.
Shortly after leaving the theater tonight, there were some teenagers (I’m 24) coming out and I thought, hey, they seem pretty on the ball, so I asked them what I missed from the spider pig joke. They said it was funny, I asked why and they replied "because it's a pig walking on the ceiling" I verified this with the ticket checkers, one thought it was funny, but missed the first 10 seasons, the other didn’t have a clue but stopped watching after season 14ish.
So after 19 years, and Groening saying that a movie won't come out until they cancel the series, I expected a few more things to happen:
Lenny and Carol realize they're love for each other
Smithers express his love for Mr. Burns
Maggie to talk...but not to say "sequel"
Anyone else see this?
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Joshua Smith
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Post by Joshua Smith »

I liked it. I think your expectations were too high. Spider Pig was just a random thing that didn't go anywhere- they do that on the show all the time. (I loved the scene where everyone in Moe's bar runs into the church, and everyone in the church runs into the bar, when they think the world's about to end! Classic Simpson's moment)
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Post by Nwbrewer »

Kevin, you have too much time on your hands.....
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Post by GillyWeed »

I saw it and although I haven't watched an episode in I don't know how long I did enjoy the movie. I wouldn't say it was my fav but it had its moments and it was funny.

The spider pig was helarious because it was so random.. And it starts with the classic mom joke like "how did you kids get that dirt on the ceiling?" and then you see Homer doing the spider pig.. That was funny.

Anyway, I think you can't have to high of expectations sometimes for movies like that, because you will be dissappointed. Movies based off of TV shows should never be taken seriously.
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