New to PDX, looking for local buddies

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New to PDX, looking for local buddies

Post by freneticmango »

Hi all, I am new to the PNW, specifically PDX.

- rescue and scientific diving (inactive)
- 50 ish dives
- most of my diving experience has been in SoCal, all year round
- no dry suit at the moment! but willing to be a bit chilly if necessary
- interested in most any kind of dive! but especially critter focused dives
- ok with boat or beach entry, surface swimming, etc. comfortable in most non-technical situations
- experience in and enjoy kelp forest environments
- flexible schedule!
- no car, a carpooling buddy would be greatly appreciated. happy to help with gas etc

Just looking to see who and what is out here in the PNW! Thanks!
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Re: New to PDX, looking for local buddies

Post by TBRenegade »

Welcome aboard. I live in Seattle currently but grew up a bit north of you in Vancouver. Can't help as a buddy, but there are a few local sites I've been aware of/interested in. Probably worthwhile to call the shops in the area to see if they have shop dives and go from there.

-Moulton Falls
Natural freshwater faultline(?) with a nice accessible dive. Haven't personally been but reports in the forums mention a few good experiences. I remember visiting in my childhood and always being jealous of the people diving!

I've been researching a roadtrip to the area and it seems like Astoria is central to a lot of great coastal diving. Call the shop and see what they say.

Sorry I can't be a more direct buddy, next time I'm passing through I'll drop a DM.
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Re: New to PDX, looking for local buddies

Post by Norris »

DOH if you could have moved just a wee bit further North (Seattle-ish). A lot more options up here I am afraid. Most of the best diving near you is actually up here in the Washington Hood Canal area. Not having wheels certainly creates a challenge. Good luck and hope to see you meet up with some options
**Pinch it, don't stick your finger through. You're just pinching a bigger hole.
CAPTNJACK - 2012**
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Re: New to PDX, looking for local buddies

Post by freneticmango »

Thanks for the advice! Sounds like my best bet might be to rent a car and head north for a trip. Happy to do that whenever schedules align! Since I don't have a dry suit I am imagining that warmer months will be more friendly. Thanks again!
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Re: New to PDX, looking for local buddies

Post by Norris »

naw, at 60 feet our water temp fluctuates about 3-4 degrees, the top layer may be warmer though. 60 feet looking at about 45-48 degrees F. A 7mm would get you going though.
**Pinch it, don't stick your finger through. You're just pinching a bigger hole.
CAPTNJACK - 2012**
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