New Diver in PNW

New to the NW Dive Club Forum? Come in and introduce yourself, the water's fine!
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New Diver in PNW

Post by EnchantedEmmy »

Hi Everyone,

I'm Avery from Seattle, WA. I recently got my Open Water certification and am eager to explore the dive sites in the Pacific Northwest.

Experience: Beginner, have dived in Puget Sound and the San Juan Islands.
Interests: Underwater photography, marine biology.
Looking for:

Dive site recommendations
Gear tips for cold water
Dive buddies
Excited to connect and dive with you all!

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New Diver in PNW

Post by Tangfish »

Howdy Avery and welcome to NWDC!

You’ll find many dive site listings with detailed information in the sub-forum.

As far as tips, I recommend dry gloves eventually. It makes all the difference to have your hands comfy, in my opinion!
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Re: New Diver in PNW

Post by YellowEye »


Pretty impressive that you already had the luck to dive the San Juans as such a new diver. There's not many charters out there these days. It's so nice out there isn't it?

Dive site recommendations: keystone! You can easily find the best dates to dive there on Find a date and post here or there and I'm sure you'll find some people able to join you and show you the site! I'd be happy to show you but I'm currently recovering from surgery 😢

As far as other dive opportunities and dive buddies, keep your eyes on the planning section for our weeknight dives.

The Thursday night group in particular has a lot of photographers in it. We're in a little bit of a dry spell now as scuba Jess and I do a lot of the planning for that group and unfortunately I'm recovering from surgery right now. You can always ask though. And Jess and I hope to be back in a month or so!
Visit for viz reports, slack planning, galleries and more! Your fellow diver will appreciate any viz reports you can add!
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