Surprising Beauty Discovered on Pacific (Northwest) Seafloor

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NWDC Mascot
NWDC Mascot
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Surprising Beauty Discovered on Pacific (Northwest) Seafloor

Post by Tangfish »

When you think of bright coral and colorful fish, you might conjure images of Hawaii or the Caribbean. If so, a newfound bed of deep-sea corals and other animal life found off the coast of Washington state will likely surprise you.

Researchers said an earlier survey had led them to suspect they might find a rich, unexplored ecosystem in the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary. Today the NOAA-led project released several photographs returned by a remotely operated vehicle from 300 to 2,000 feet down. Among the most dramatic:
  • A red gorgonian coral branch supporting attachments of a whitish basket star, crinoids and several shark egg cases [Image].
    A brightly-colored sharpchin rockfish, possibly pregnant, resting next to a gorgonian soft coral tentatively identified as a Paragorgia species [Image].
    An incredibly delicate-looking, lone gorgonian soft coral tentatively identified as an Umbellula species [Image].
    Bright orange rosethorn and redbanded rockfish adjacent to the reef-building coral Lophelia pertusa and a giant cup coral [Image].
"We know that deepwater corals are an important part of the ocean ecosystem, but we know very little about them," said Timothy Keeney, co-chair of the United States Coral Reef Task Force. "Further study of this area shows promise in expanding our understanding of the ecological role of deep coral habitats, and perhaps even providing insights into the future impacts of climate change and ocean acidification on such important ecosystems."
read the whole article
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