Edmonds Under Water Park

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I've Got Gills
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Edmonds Under Water Park

Post by sparky »

Dive Date 1/15/06

My Dive buddy Jay and I decided to take the chance that the Diving Gods were in a good mood today
So we loaded up my truck and pointed it for Edmonds Under Water Park
We arrived at the Parking area at about 9:20 or so I know My Did I was running a little late before I even got to Jay's to pick him up.

And to make Matters worse this was our very first time dive this New Year,
Yea! Yea! I know were late bloomers what can you do? You love us anyhow.

So we hit the water and headed out to Jetty Way found in a bout 20 foot of water the biggest Squid Egg Nest I
Had ever seen this thing was massive. It had to be at least 6 or 7 feet long and no less then 4 feet across and had I would not even know how to began to tell you how many eggs more then I have ever seen in one place Ill tell you that. We more hooded nudies then you could ever hope to count in the Eel Grass so after mowing the lawn for a little while we continued out Jetty Way. Met the usual crowed along the way a nice size Ling Cod and a Cabiezon or two.
We made it out to the Tube Hedge and explored The Boat Junk Yard we found a Ling Cod that was ether pregnant and looking for a good spot to lay her eggs or she ate the diver that went in before us.

After playing around here for a while, we headed back toward the Jetty via the route we used to get here.

It is here I think we made our mistake. You may have guessed we were not the only divers out and about this fine sunny day air temp was a nice 50 degrees and surface temp was not to bad ether at 42 degrees the bottom was a nice 46 degrees and NO I do not have that mixed up .

Vis was an easy 10 to 20 feet depending where you were in the dive site. So back to our mistake I was swimming along swimming low and slow not minding the Dive group of four headed right at me next thing I know I am face to face to a diver. This I found to be a bit disconcerting as it was not my dive buddy and good friend Jay.

If you are the Group of divers I met at this point in my dive " MY BAD " So after moving out of there way and learning my lesson about paying attention to your surroundings " NOT !!!!! "

I feel this real hard Thump on the top of my head; I look up thinking "OH NO!!" Now I Have done it I got one of the Cabbies a little up set with me. Wrong it is One of the Great Guys that work so hard on the Site to make sure we have a nice place to dive. He was tending his Rope and must not have seen me until it was too late.
He was very nice and even signaled me to see if I was OK? So I look as Sorry and Pitifully as I could manage with a mask and Regulator. And give him a Big ( O K!!! )

From there we finally make it back to the Jetty and on to the to do our surface interval
And to plan our second dive that was much a repeat of the first dive
With out quite so much head Bonking (I hoped, at least)
Then it accurse to me this had been my longest dive ever at 74 minutes
I could live with that. A grate day diving I only have one suggestion to you Grate Folks taking care of the Park.

Put a Stop Light Up. On the Jetty Way, That Is One Dangerous Intersection.
Thanks guys for the hard work. And if you have not been to the park in a while you should go there is so many new things there it is not the same place you knew it as

A Smart Man
Learns from his mistakes

A Wise Man
Learns from the mistakes of those that have gone before him

Post by Guest »

Thats A great report sparky Its been awhile since ive been to u/p im gonna hve to get out there soon...
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I've Got Gills
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Post by DiverDown »

Anonymous wrote:Thats A great report sparky Its been awhile since ive been to u/p im gonna hve to get out there soon...
oops forgot to log in before i posted
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Post by Tangfish »

Wow, that is a terrific dive report Sparky! :prayer:

I haven't been out to Edmonds since last summer, I gotta get out there more often.
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