Saturday's Crab Feast!!

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Saturday's Crab Feast!!

Post by Sounder »

I ate so much on Saturday that I think I'm still full. \:D/

Saturday morning Lynne, Bob, Cheng, Jonathan (a friend from Monterey who was staying with Lynne & Peter), and I met at Mukilteo for a little crab rodeo. Our efforts were greatly rewarded. Bob, Jonathan, and I were on scooters. Bob towed Cheng and a catch bag, Jonathan towed Lynne, and I had a catch bag. Bob and Cheng were a team, and the other 3 of us were a team. :supz:

The plan was reviewed at the surface, and our team of 3 descended. Lynne's cave skills became very clear as there was a constant "flow" under the pier... soon, however, perfect trim and precision buoyancy control went out the window as the rodeo began. Silt-outs and dive-bombs followed and soon we were pulling huge crab in fantastic numbers.

After about 60 minutes of crab wrangling, the bag was stuffed - I mean, really really stuffed (it's a big bag too). As I opened it to put another crab in, 2-3 would try to climb out... upon getting them all back in, I look up to see Lynne giggling through her regulator.

Jonathan is a natural crab wrangling ninja. :smt027 Despite this being his first rodeo, he earned the award for the "most crab that were so large they didn't even NEED to be measured." :naka: Once Jonathan knew the difference between females (illegal to take) and males (delicious, especially with butter), he started consistently coming up to me with HUGE males that I didn't even need to bother with measuring before bagging (easily over 7") - the perfect catch.

Jonathan also distinguished himself when I realized I'd somehow lost the caliper. I indicated to Lynne and Jonathan that it was gone and pointed to the area I thought I lost it in (which was a silted-out mess - I'd knabbed 3 keepers in about 10 seconds which will raise a silt cloud to rival an OW class). I feared the hunt was over, but a minute later Jonathan comes back with the bright orange caliper! We're back in business!!

We continued the hunt until I could no longer fit ANY more crab in the bag... literally not one more. Just before I gave the signal "let's head in" to the team, one of the larger crabs "popped out" of the top of the bag. I saw it and grabbed it mid-water and stuffed it back into bag before he escaped. Then I pulled used double ender to clamp it around the bag to lock it shut... a good thing because the spring-loaded top wasn't staying closed due to the load.

70 minutes after we dropped, we were back at the beach. Current was rippin' but the X-scoots powered through it while towing a diver or a VERY full crab bag.

Everyone in the group who had licenses filled their legal limit with big beautiful crab, which completely stuffed my huge marine ice chest. We filled it with sea-water to keep them fresh, loaded gear, and headed for my parent's house.

As the big boil-pot was heating, some people cleaned/prepared all the crab while others laid out a huge spread of side dishes (tomato and mozzarella and basil salad, potato salad, pasta salad, fresh grilled corn on the cob, fruit kabobs, wine & beer, on and on). Despite a few people having never cooked or eaten crab, they jumped right into the cleaning and preparing of them to get the whole experience. This was a true UTD (Unified Team Dining) experience - from the catching, to cooking, to preparing, and most importantly to eating!!

About 30 minutes, and 2 shifts of masterful boiling by Bob and my Dad (there was too much to cook all at once), we sat down to eat, and eat, and eat, and laugh, and eat, and eat. I pushed as much crab onto people as I possibly could, and eventually everyone was groaning and slipping into "food coma." Everyone, that is, expept Jonathan who took 3 more halves and finished them inside (it started to rain a bit just as we were finishing dinner so we moved inside). Jonathan proceeded to make fast work of the remainder of his crab and soon, he too, was groaning with delight.

Of course, then came dessert of cheese-cake with blackberry topping, cookies, brownies, etc. :partyman:

Thoroughly stuffed, we sent people home with all the left-overs they'd take and STILL had a ton of crab left at the house. I brought it home and spent over 2 hours yesterday removing the meat. Following Mrs. Rawlings' AWESOME crab cake recipe (but substituting italian bread crumbs for Ritz crackers because I didn't have the crackers), I turned the huge pile of meat into crab cake "batter." About 8 lbs. of crab cake batter, in fact. It's in the freezer and I'm looking forward to "round two" of crab feasting for the team sometime soon... I'm thinking we'll once again gather the hunters once Baby Sounder is born for the crab cake feast.

The divers were Bob, Cheng, Jonathan, Lynne, and myself. Shore support was my Dad who thankfully :hello2: took the heavy bag of crab from Jonathan and I at the water's edge and carried it to the ice-chest he had prepared with sea water and Bob/Cheng's crab catch) while we were diving. Also helping on the shore was my mom, Mrs. Sounder, Jonathan's girlfriend HJ, and Erica's friend Kim (who was amazed at both the divers and the crab). Peter met us at the house for dinner.

I can't express how much fun this was!! The true-sign it was a success was when the table fell silent as everyone stuffed their faces... afterall, it's rude to talk with your mouth full!! It was also the perfect "northwest experience" for Jonathan and HJ to conclude their visit in Seattle - catching, cleaning, and cooking the freshest dungeness crab possible, then eating it on a newspaper-covered picnic table outdoors in July... just to be rained-out as dinner was ending. Truly a "northwest experience." :partyman:

Thank you to everyone who came, helped, and ate. I can't imagine a more fun way to kick-off summer!!

Note: Our crab was taken in legal numbers, of legal size, and was recorded ASAP. Fish & Game enjoy meeting divers at the waters edge to inspect the catch and the licenses. They CAN take your dive gear if you're caught with an illegal harvest.

Always count the crab going into your bag and ENSURE they exceed the minimum size... it can't "be close enough" but must exceed the gauge/caliper. Also, check for soft-shelled crab because they're illegal to take (no matter the size) and their meat isn't any good to eat anyway. Finally, remember to fill out your catch card ASAP after catching your crab... Fish & Game Wardens REALLY want to see these. This same weekend some friends were diving from their boat and were boarded, inspected, and since everything was recorded (which matched their catch), they were wished well and sent on their way.
Last edited by Sounder on Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Saturday's Crab Feast!!

Post by Tom Nic »

Wow. Awesome...

Sounds like scottering is THE way to go for crab!
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Re: Saturday's Crab Feast!!

Post by Sounder »

Tom Nic wrote:Wow. Awesome...

Sounds like scottering is THE way to go for crab!
Not only can you get to/from the best hunting grounds easily and quickly, but you can out-run and out-flank the biggest and fastest crabs. Additionally, the "round up" method really works well as you can cover more area and you're "larger/longer" so you can control a larger group of them and funnel more of them toward the collectors.

Lynne said she definitely found another use for her scooter! Hopefully both Lynne and Bob will chime in to share their experience.
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Re: Saturday's Crab Feast!!

Post by Tom Nic »

Boy.... as if anyone who was "on the edge" needed another reason to get a scooter. Alas, I have not had good luck crabbing as a diver in general. Guess I "need" a scooter!
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Re: Saturday's Crab Feast!!

Post by Sounder »

Tom Nic wrote:Boy.... as if anyone who was "on the edge" needed another reason to get a scooter. Alas, I have not had good luck crabbing as a diver in general. Guess I "need" a scooter!
That's my justification for it - "I don't want it honey, I need it." It's strictly a safety and productivity thing... kind of like HCDOP dives, there is NO fun allowed.
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Re: Saturday's Crab Feast!!

Post by DiveMonkey »

Thanks for your motivational story... =D> Sounds like an absolute blast! I'm going to have to try this this year. I'm looking forward to it and this really feeds my excitement. I'm starting to think I NEED a scooter too - However, it's prioritized right under the NEED for a drysuit. This crab thing though, I'm willing to try before either of those things are in place! YUM!
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Re: Saturday's Crab Feast!!

Post by ljjames »

this is a cross post with regards to crabbing from dive matrix.

The question started with 'how to transport' but brought up the fact that sometimes 'teams' of divers come out of water with 2 crabs in one bag and seven in the other...


Okay, here's the long version...

it's gonna start with some of the rules/regs that all of us need to be aware of...

A person is allowed to posses ONE limit of crabs, either frozen, fresh, or otherwise.

Doesn't matter if he and 4 of his buddies caught those crabs - he CAN NOT posses them, hold them, have them, etc.

If there are 5 people there with licenses, and all the crabs go into the same transport cooler, it's long as.....

All 5 people were also scuba diving and all 5 people take home their limits of crab.

Just as long as all 5 people came out with 5 bags of crab, as opposed to one guy coming out of the water with 25 crab in one bag...

Than yes, it's sketchy, but legal enough.

Also, as stupid as this seems, they HAVE to have their licenses on them, visible by an enforcement officer if and when they come out of the water. If they happen to already be out of the water, all the crabs MUST be recorded on the catch record cards and the licenses still must be visibly worn on everyone possessing a limit of crabbies.


I don't know how long they survive this way but they stay alive at least a day and a half.

Keep them on ice. Literally. Not in ice water. What we do is fill a really big ice chest with ice about half way, remove the drain plug, cover the ice with several layers of newspaper, and stick the crabs on top. They become lethargic and won't fight. Even if a few die, they'll still be better than anything you get in a store. Replace the ice as needed.

If they are to be consumed that day and are just going from the field to home, I'd just put the crabs in a bucket. No water. Once at home, clean and cook.

The key is to keep them cleaned, either alive, raw, or cooked.


and finally, if it were he and I on a crab dive here is what we'd do...

I'd clean them at the beach: Rip off the shell, grab all the legs, and bust the crab in half over a bucket. Rinse. Remove all guts, gills, etc.

You gotta keep the carapus until you get home, so collect those up and put them in a bucket.

Put all the crab halfs in the bucket too. Having them on a little ice never hurt.

Take home and cook. Eat.
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Re: Saturday's Crab Feast!!

Post by H20doctor »

We dove last thursday at the Muk. Me, Pez and Fistig, and i couldnt believe how many divers were there crabbing..! I would say well over 10 divers coming and going from beach to cars. I thought to myself by the time i finally do crab here it will all be crabbed out..LOL But as I do dive there alot, I know and see a ton of crab all year long. What a Killer way to zip and zoom the place to get crab... It like dropping a bomb from an airplane except the bomb is a diver and they are ready to get the victim..Ha Ha
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Re: Saturday's Crab Feast!!

Post by Sounder »

Thanks Laura, that makes sense (Laura is answering my question from another board).

I was told while buying my license, however, that you no longer had to wear the license. I asked because all I got this year was a license and a catch card. I asked the 15yo at JOES (though consider the source) who sold it to me and he said they weren't required to be worn this year. I'll definitely check the regs to be sure - WDFW doesn't mess around.

(Edit: it's "WDFW" not "WDFG" as I previously posted... I'm checking regs now)
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Re: Saturday's Crab Feast!!

Post by LCF »

I went scuba crabbing for the first time last year with Ben McGeever (of Dive X-tras) and his employee, Ted. It was howling, belly busting laughing fun, and I swore I was going to do it again this year. So when Doug contacted me about this last weekend, I was on it . . . But then I realized I'd have a diving houseguest from Monterey. Jonathan had been part of the group that had shown me incredible hospitality a year and a half ago, in their home waters, and I wanted to show him the very best Puget Sound had to offer. Of course, arriving during an algae bloom on a week of 13+ foot exchanges didn't make that easy, but as it turned out, I did find him one dive that knocked his socks off -- THIS ONE! Scootering for crabs was new and exciting and incredibly amusing, and stuffing himself full of more crab than I could believe one person could eat didn't hurt, either.

Doug, I adore your parents. They're just delightful people, and it was so gracious of them to open their house to a bunch of grubby, salt-encrusted divers with hearty appetities.
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Re: Saturday's Crab Feast!!

Post by ljjames »

yes, you "need" a scooter... it's a deep seated hunter gatherer instinct... You will be able to feed your tribe better with a scooter ;) You must not let them starve... *giggle*
Tom Nic wrote:Boy.... as if anyone who was "on the edge" needed another reason to get a scooter. Alas, I have not had good luck crabbing as a diver in general. Guess I "need" a scooter!
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Re: Saturday's Crab Feast!!

Post by Sounder »

LCF wrote:Doug, I adore your parents. They're just delightful people, and it was so gracious of them to open their house to a bunch of grubby, salt-encrusted divers with hearty appetities.
I think my parents may have had more fun that we did! They absolutely loved having everyone there and thoroughly enjoyed the whole day. They're already talking about doing it again! :partyman:
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