I want a new Camera

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I want a new Camera

Post by Pez7378 »

Even here in relatively decent conditions, I'm having a hard time to get that "Shot". You know, the one that makes you say, "WOW! What a nice Picture". So far, this is about the best I've got to offer. Nothing extraordinary but it's still diving!

Perhaps I'll compile some of the wreck shots later in the week. For now, this is about the best I've got. :crybaby:
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Re: I want a new Camera

Post by Dmitchell »

Look at the Canon 5D Mark II - Unbelievable!

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Re: I want a new Camera

Post by airsix »

Keep posting! I think they're great. :supz:
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Re: I want a new Camera

Post by Dusty2 »

I don't know what rig you a currently working with but that top shot is great. Also I assume they are tropical not local.

I defiantly recommend Canon as my #1 choice but I'm firmly in the point and shoot camp for underwater stuff. SLR's, IMHO, are just to big and bulky and too complicated for underwater use. Not to mention too costly and limiting in that you have to make a lens choice before you dive and live with it's limits once you are in the water.

The average person will do better with an upper level P and S like the canon powershot 650 or the G-9. There are allot of people out there that believe it has to be SLR to get professional results and that can be true above water but I can prove that wrong underwater. Believe me though that the camera isn't the whole show. No mater how much you spend on that next cam it won't insure that you get good pix.

Knowing what to shoot. when, and how, and what to do with the photos once their in the computer is equally important.
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Re: I want a new Camera

Post by Nwbrewer »

He is using a Canon Dusty, I think it's a 720?

Chris I think those pics are pretty good. You don't need a better camera, just more practice. Most of mine still suck, but every once in a while I get one I'm pretty happy with, but I take my camera on almost evey dive.

I'd say you're in a good place to practice at the moment.....

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Re: I want a new Camera

Post by Tom Nic »

Keep it up Chris! Love to see the pics. More please!

And I'll agree with Dusty on this point - shoot, shoot, shoot, and shoot some more. Equipment by itself won't make you a good photographer.
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Re: I want a new Camera

Post by Dmitchell »

I've heard it said that in general it takes 10,000 frames to make a person a novice photographer. Add the underwater aspect and that number is probably double.

To critique

#1 Depth of field is off, the focus is actually real close if not the mud in the foreground leaving the back of the pic out oof. If this is a crop, I think it's too tight and your subject is dead center in the middle of the pic. Imagine your photo split into a tic tac toe grid. Try to put your subject on one of the grid lines not dead center.

#2 - missed on the focus - maybe a faster shutter speed since your subject isn't going to cooperate and sit still. Again, you are dead center on the subject. yellows are blown out - faster shutter speed may help this as well.

#3 - Same as #2

Another thing I've learned with U/W photography is that when at all possible don't shoot down on your subject, get below or at least on the same level. It makes for a much better shot.

BTW, I'm aspiring to shoot above water. I don't proclaim to be a great photographer but am learning to critique my own stuff so I could be off on my comments. My only U/W still camera is a Sealife Mini that I use for inspections.

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Re: I want a new Camera

Post by Tangfish »

Dmitchell wrote:I've heard it said that in general it takes 10,000 frames to make a person a novice photographer.
87% of all statistics are made up (including this one). \:D/
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Re: I want a new Camera

Post by Sounder »

Pez7378 wrote: I'm having a hard time to get that "Shot". You know, the one that makes you say, "WOW! What a nice Picture".
WOW!! What a nice picture!! :bootyshake:

If anyone can appreciate the desire for bigger and better, it's me. I could come up with a hundred arguments of why you need a better camera if that's the objective, but those shots look pretty nice bud.

(argument for getting a bigger/better camera): With great shots like these with a simple point & shoot, just imagine what your photos would look like with a ______ camera!! \:D/
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Re: I want a new Camera

Post by Pez7378 »

I really think my problem is that I've been "practicing" with this same camera setup for over two years now. It's a Canon A640. I have a hell of a time getting the focus, and lighting that I want. I have been playing with the underwater mode wich gives me some more control over the flash. Maybe I need to get photoshop? Well thanks for the feedback. I'll keep posting some more so you can see what's happening here.

For the second shot, is it possible to get a macro shot of the flower, while having the background in focus?
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Re: I want a new Camera

Post by cardiver »

Macro really limits your depth of field. If you want some good editing software that is free, just download picasa from Google.
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Re: I want a new Camera

Post by Dusty2 »

First thing, no it is not possible to get the flower and the background also and for the most part I don't know why you would. In macro mode your depth of focus is reduced so the camera is able to focus up close.

Second you are already using a great camera. It is the same one I use and you have seen my work. For where you are now the underwater setting will work but it's useless up here. I use program setting elusively. I allows allot more adjustments to fine tune for macros and such. Yes the 640 does have trouble focusing in macro mode but patients and knowledge can overcome it. One secret is to insure your subject has enough light for the camera to focus the focus beam is useless in the underwater case also sometimes you need to move the camera to focus on on something more distant then move it back for your macro and always make sure your zoom is all the way out. If you are zoomed even a little the macro function turns off and it won't focus on close in subjects. You can also use manual focus with the center magnify turned on to focus on what you want. Also set the focus to center point because otherwise it tries to get the whole frame rather than just the subject.

third yes you need a good editor it is the secret to great photos but my advice is forget photoshop! it is way to expensive and tough to use. I use Coral Paintshot Pro X2. As far as I'm concerned it's the best photo program out there. It does everything Photoshop does, even uses any photo shop plug ins, has built in tutorials, and costs much less.
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Re: I want a new Camera

Post by Dusty2 »

The focus on the flower is quite good. All you needed to make it a good shot was more light on the subject. Your background is much lighter than your subject so you lose detail and your eyes are pulled away from the subject
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