Edmonds Dry Dock.....

General banter about diving and why we love it.
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Edmonds Dry Dock.....

Post by H20doctor »

I saw a sign on the beach that says the dry dock is off limits... BUT , I have talked to several divers who say they still dive it, reguardless of the Fines and etc...... SO here is the question should I dive it ? because I miss it alot, alot, alot ,alot.... AND HAVE you naughty divers Dove it?
Spill you sin to me :angryfire:
Avid Diver
Posts: 94
Joined: Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:50 pm


Post by scubagrunt »

yup on CCR they cant see me!! hahaha catch me if you can. loving being bubbless, just dont want to screw up the nav thing!

Post by H20doctor »

I think what I miss the most about that dive is on the south side of the dry dock is where all the huge Ling cods hang out. There are other massive fish.... the size of cars in the beams and they are huge.
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