Dive reports are SOO much easier when you can dive: Cove 2

Tell us your tale of coming nose-to-nose with a 6 gill [--this big--], or about your vacation to turquoise warm waters. Share your adventures here!
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Re: Dive reports are SOO much easier when you can dive: Cove 2

Post by LCF »

Absolutely, log your dives. I love going back and seeing that the day I passed Fundies, I drew flowers all over the log book page!
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Re: Dive reports are SOO much easier when you can dive: Cove 2

Post by BigFameOne »

LCF wrote:Absolutely, log your dives. I love going back and seeing that the day I passed Fundies, I drew flowers all over the log book page!
You are awesome Lynne! :supz:
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Re: Dive reports are SOO much easier when you can dive: Cove 2

Post by Jan K »

I hope you will keep your enthusiasm for diving for years to come. I know it can last lifetime. As others written here, we all treasure the moments when underwater wonders presented themselves to us. Every dive is adventure, every dive is a chance to find something new and exciting. It is not important to find a critter that nobody else found before. What makes it special, that it is YOU who met a new specie, dove a new site. And I agree with what other said, keep a log so you can re-live and remember these moments. Wish you the best, it seems that you have what it takes to become one of us here - the crazy divers.
Or rathe divers crazy about diving. You are in a good company :)

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Re: Dive reports are SOO much easier when you can dive: Cove 2

Post by Tom Nic »

What a delightful thread!! :hello2:

I laughed and smiled my way through the whole thing... thought I was going to hurt myself when I read the whole "hood - beavertail" part.

Again, thanks everyone. Here's one old grey haired diver that will do his best to never loose the wonder... and threads like this are a huge help! :fish:
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Re: Dive reports are SOO much easier when you can dive: Cove 2

Post by Fishstiq »

Jake, I second the motion to log your dives in detail and have your logbook published! I'd buy it!

After OW, Chris and I gathered up our gear (bright fins, bc's with a plethera of chrome d-rings, huge bright-framed masks, and al80's with paintjobs that could be seen from space) and headed to Kayak Point. 24 minutes and a max depth of 19 fsw later, we are back on the surface, spg's in the red. Chris is going on about how cool it was to see barnacles eating, and I am showing off a treasure I found, a cool looking rock. Chris looks at me and says, "A rock? We're standing on a stone-covered beach, we go for a dive, we see crabs and starfish and barnacles eating, and you bring back A ROCK?!?!!"

A lot has changed since then. Now, the only gear either of us has that isn't black is VIP stickers, the tanks are steel and not painted neon colors, and I've managed to get my breathing down below 3 ft/min. Some things are the same though, I still think stupid stuff is cool and Chris is still mean to me.

Jake, please add me to your list of people to dive with, soon. Your entheusiasm (sp?) for diving is infectious, as this thread proves, and is a great reminder for some people (myself included) how truely awesome diving should be.
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Re: Dive reports are SOO much easier when you can dive: Cove 2

Post by BigFameOne »

Joe it is not a very long list, and you are on it for sure....

As far as logging dives, I went and bought one of these in red...


and copied the info from my little NAUI logbook over, and filled in the blanks with some of what I remember about the dives (like the huge GPO I still can't stop talking about on OCt 7th, or having to call dives Sept 23 because my ears were angry with me ARGHHH!!!!!), and then printed out this dive report and included it also. I think that will be easiest. I really like writing (which explains the blog I suppose). I think it will be fun to look back on, and since I intend to put a lot of reports up here I can save them all in my book. Thanks again guys, it is cool reading about other peoples early dive experiences, it is nice to know you ae not the only one who's trim started out looking more like a cartwheel.
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Re: Dive reports are SOO much easier when you can dive: Cove 2

Post by BASSMAN »

Just a quick Cove 2 story...
When I was still new to diving in my Dry Suit. Went to Cove 2 for the first time, went to the I Beams. coming back got inverted, stuggled and got back down. How, I don't know because 20 pounds of lead fell out of my BC at 80 feet! :smt119
Corked at 20 feet and learned an important lesson that day. "Don't try to stuff 10 Lbs of solid lead weights into small pockets. #-o

And that is the important thing, evaluate every mistake and learn from it. Like,
when you can't find your hood... :dontknow: :bootyshake: #-o :pale: :evil4:

Great report Jake! :supz: =D>
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Re: Dive reports are SOO much easier when you can dive: Cove 2

Post by Paulicarp »

BigFameOne wrote:I am bouncing off the floor like a Spaulding in an NBA game so it is clear that one can do all the cyber diving in the world but it's going to take real diving to get good. We tried really hard to be aware of silting and to do our best not to make a mess of the cove but we failed miserably of course.
Great word picture! and a very good reminder for those of us who are still stuck in cyber dive mode where you were.
BigFameOne wrote:THANK GOD FOR CLAM CHOWDER and the patience of folks like Sockmonkey, Spat, and poor Sounder Sounder has gotten the brunt of it, I have to imagine his wife thinks he is having an affair with all the phone calls he is getting. Seriously guys thank you. They have put up with me for the last four months answering my questions (of which there have been MANY) just waiting until I could actually go dive. Now that I can, I expect I am really going to put those poor folks to the test. Be afraid, be very afraid.
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Re: Dive reports are SOO much easier when you can dive: Cove 2

Post by BigFameOne »

Paulicarp wrote:
BigFameOne wrote:I am bouncing off the floor like a Spaulding in an NBA game so it is clear that one can do all the cyber diving in the world but it's going to take real diving to get good. We tried really hard to be aware of silting and to do our best not to make a mess of the cove but we failed miserably of course.
Great word picture! and a very good reminder for those of us who are still stuck in cyber dive mode where you were.
BigFameOne wrote:THANK GOD FOR CLAM CHOWDER and the patience of folks like Sockmonkey, Spat, and poor Sounder Sounder has gotten the brunt of it, I have to imagine his wife thinks he is having an affair with all the phone calls he is getting. Seriously guys thank you. They have put up with me for the last four months answering my questions (of which there have been MANY) just waiting until I could actually go dive. Now that I can, I expect I am really going to put those poor folks to the test. Be afraid, be very afraid.
I promise to do my best to give you a chance to pass on the favor!


Seriously man, anything I can do to help. At the very least I can point you toward people who have the answers, cause if you have ever passed gas in a bathtub you have as much experience on gas underwater as I do. I am learning (maybe slower than most, who knows) but I have met some wonderfully knowledgable, generous mentor types here on NWDC and you will too. Like I said any time you have a question thi place is great, and I am not at all kidding when I say anything I can do to help I will. Just know I am 7 dives in and as of yet I spend more time writing my dive report than I do in the water. Enjoy.
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Re: Dive reports are SOO much easier when you can dive: Cove 2

Post by Norris »

I'd buy the book and it would be a fun read for new divers. It would probably take away the fear of the first couple dives after cert where your so wrapped up with worry that you forget that this is supposed to be a FUN sport. I would have loved to read this prior to my first couple certified dives.
Im up to 36 dives now!!!!
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Re: Dive reports are SOO much easier when you can dive: Cove 2

Post by Dusty2 »

Thanks guys, I still am filled with wonder on every dive! It never gets old, I hope anyway. Even on those dives when I don't really see much I still see lots of cool stuff. The more I dive the more I see. I hope it is always that way. I love it when my head breaks the surface and I think Damn that was a good dive and I gotta go back soon and get another shot of that ----. For those willing to take the time there is always something new to see. Even the everyday things change constantly and give you new slants on them. I frequently find myself saying "hi little octo" or "hello little Grunt" or whatever critter I happen onto. And I do mean saying it into my mouthpiece not just thinking it.

We are sooo lucky to be blessed with such a wonderful environment and the ability to experience it as few do and to share it with those that have never seen it and probably never will.

Thanks Jake for getting us going again on how much we love our sport and all the wonderful experiences we we have had along the way. You are more than welcome to go out with me any time but be warned, I am slow as molasses on a winters day.
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Re: Dive reports are SOO much easier when you can dive: Cove 2

Post by Sounder »

Rest well buddy. Know you are loved and missed.
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Re: Dive reports are SOO much easier when you can dive: Cove 2

Post by Joshua Smith »

I'm gonna leave Jakes trip reports up as stickies for a while- a couple of people suggested it; and I thought it was a nice idea.
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Re: Dive reports are SOO much easier when you can dive: Cove 2

Post by Scubak »

I love it....
Hopefully we will all get the energy from it as to why we love to dive!
Thanks for this.
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Re: Dive reports are SOO much easier when you can dive: Cove

Post by spatman »

the OP, Jake, passed away shortly after writing these reports. we've left them up here as a small memorial to him.

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