Sorb survey questions

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Sorb survey questions

Post by RDW »

CCR folks:
So, I am curious.
What type of sorb do you use in your CCR?
What is a reasonable price to pay locally for a keg or bucket of that favorite
sorb? I'm not talking a group buy for a pallet load. Just a single unit or two as would be needed?
I'm just trying to get a feel for current mindset of the local CCR users on the
their CO2 'sorb requirements.

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Re: Sorb survey questions

Post by Tangfish »

I use Sofnolime. I can't remember exactly how much it is per keg, but I think maybe around $100. Josh, do you remember?
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Re: Sorb survey questions

Post by camerone »

I use whatever I can get my hands on for a good price. Seriously. I'm NOT picky, as long as it's not expired and it hasn't been stored badly.

I used to use DragerSorb, which I really like (not very dusty, low WOB because of the larger pellet size, but the trade off was not as good scrubber life). It was running $135 a keg or so, IIRC, which was ~40 lbs. The coarser pellets work in the Drager scrubber, too, while the finer 8-12 mesh stuff that I really prefer tends to bleed through the metal scrims.

I've used Sofnalime, which is the really expensive stuff that APDiving recommends. About $160 for the same quantity, basically, with the only advantage being a longer scrubber life in the same volume.

Gill Envy ordered a pallet of the Grace Sodasorb (white tub, purple lettering.) I picked up some of it from the pallet at $75/keg if I remember right, and it was definitely a much more appropriate price to be paying. The downside is that it's pretty dusty, so you throw out the dregs, but it's still less than half the cost of the Sofnalime. I figure the hydrophobic scrims catch the rest of the dust that hasn't been filtered by the high pour and straining, at least to the point it's good enough.
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Re: Sorb survey questions

Post by Dmitchell »

Sofnolime because Sea Pearls is the only source I have and with just 2 CCR units here, a pallet isn't practical. My experience with the Grace stuff is same as Cameron's it's pretty dusty compared to Sofnolime.

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Re: Sorb survey questions

Post by Joshua Smith »

Selling sorb probably isn't a big money-maker. I'm not real picky- I don't find a huge difference between Sodasorb and Sofnolime, except for the price- I can get Sofno for around 140$ a keg, and Soda for right about 100$. I'm too lazy to run out and check, but the sofno containers have more product in them....and I find the sofno to be a bit less dusty than the soda. But, rally, I'm not picky, and with the economy where it is right now, I'll probably be buying the sodasorb when my current keg of Sofno runs out.
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Re: Sorb survey questions

Post by RebreatherNut »

I use Spherasorb most of the time and I pay a bit less than 100 bucks for 20kg.
This stuff comes in 5kg jericans, 2 cans in a box.
Also, I like this stuff because it is the least dusty of all the sorbs I have ever used (Draeger Dive Sorb, Sofnolime and Sodasorb)

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