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Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 8:53 pm
by thelawgoddess
hi, i have never been diving, but me and my boyfriend have been wanting to give it a try since before we even knew each other. lately i have been lurking here (and many other places) while researching where to get started and what gear to buy. i've met quite a few nice people during my shop visits, and everybody on this board seems especially nice so i wanted to say hello and let you know i've enjoyed the site and following the links and leads i've found here. hopefully i will be diving before too long and maybe get to meet a few of you in the future.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 9:12 pm
by Tangfish
Hiya LawGoddess :hello2:

I'm glad you decided to speak up. You're smart to lurk a little, you never know what kind of creatures frequent these boards :pale:

Well, I can tell you that diving sure is an enjoyable pastime. I never thought I'd be this into it, since I never really felt that comfortable with the ocean growing up. But, I really knew I was hooked literally after the first dive I did. Not everyone will end up loving it as much as some of those on this board, but it'd definitely something worth trying once in a lifetime, at the very least.

There are plenty of friendly, knowledgeable folks around here to answer any questions you might have. There is so much to learn but the way diving is taught is very fun. Choosing an instructor and a shop you like is important too, since you will end up emulating that person. A lot of us have a history at Underwater Sports in Bellevue, but there are many others here from different places and shops. For instance, Grateful Diver is from Fifth Dimension in Issaquah. He is a legendary instructor (and diver) as are a few others around here. Most of us just dive for fun though I recently did my Divemaster training and really enjoyed it.

Well, consider this a warm welcome and I hope I get to meet you and your boyfriend in the water sometime. Don't hesitate to ask a question or PM any of us here for more info.


Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 9:26 pm
by Joshua Smith
Hey, Lawgoddess- welcome to the NWDC!
x2 on what Calvin said. I just got certified, and diving has rapidly become an obsession for me. I keep wondering why I waited so long to start doing this- go get certified, you won't regret it. Don't go buy a bunch of gear right away- wait until you're sure you want to keep diving. The rental stuff is OK for a while, until you know what you want; or can afford, at any rate!

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 10:28 pm
by thelawgoddess
thanks, guys - i really like how you make everybody feel so welcome here! we had actually picked a place to take our first class through last summer, but we [obviously] never took it, and i wanted to do some more research this time. i have been to four shops in the past two days, including the one we chose last time. i think i've decided where we will take the class, but i want to speak to my boyfriend about it first.

nailer99, as far as buying "gear" right now, i just meant the personal snorkeling items. :salute: i definitely want to try scuba diving before i make more of a financial commitment than that! and calvin, i like that you mentioned not being comfortable with the ocean growing up, because i have some issues water myself. i don't like cold water. i don't like dark water that i can't see into. i don't like water in my face. i can't swim very well. and i remember that when i went to the beach as a kid, the saltwater would make my fingers and toes swell up and itch. :pale: but i am pretty strong and able to work through things, and i'm hoping that scuba will open up what now seems like a scary cold world with not much going for it ... into a world i can appreciate and enjoy some.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 1:40 pm
by Sounder
Welcome LG!!!

If you're looking for the best instructor in the entire Puget Sound... I can make a recommendation and he is probably lurking on this thread somewhere - he's part of NWDC. If you haven't completely secured your class yet, PM me and I'll hook you up with him (assuming he is teaching a class sometime soon).

The swimming, cold water, water in your face, and dark/murky water you can't see far in, etc is stuff that you'll need to become comfortable with... but it's totally do-able, especially with a positive attitude. The wetsuit sucks, but most everyone certified in a wetsuit the first time... your instructor (as well as most everyone in here) will probably be in a dry suit. I'm a new diver like Nailer99, and have a dry suit on order - if you decide you love diving, it's worth it.

There are lots of great instructors in the Sound area - where abouts do you live? I'm sure people here can make excellent recommendations for you based on where you live for some good instructors in your area.


Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:05 pm
by BDub
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.

Looking forward to diving with you!


Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 5:50 pm
by DiverDown
Wow, I see a couple of new members!! welcome everyone! This is a great site with some really good people. Hey Bdub I need to get up to NWSD and pick up A video about the warrens soon. TLG thats great that you want to get into diving. After my open water I was HOOKED and havent looked back yet. I just cant find a lot of time to dive lately. I also know that this club has 3 instructors that I know of mabey one of them will teach you guys.. Well anyway hope to see you in the water soon.. :wav:


New to the site

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:09 pm
by dsteding
Greetings everyone,

Just registered, I'm a newish diver, have my OW and nitrox cert under my belt, started in warm water in Thailand, been diving fairly regularly in a drysuit locally since the end of March. Future plans are AOW, rescue, and fundies/essentials. Long term (very long term) plans include eventually diving wrecks and maybe getting trained to work in overhead environments.

I'm another product of Grateful Diver's generosity-Bob responded to a post of mine over on scubaboard, and the rest is history. He invited me into his home, fed me pizza, gave me a beer, we talked diving for a couple hours, he sold me a drysuit, and then he took me diving (not after the pizza and beer-about a week later). Since then, I've done my nitrox cert with him, and besides being very generous with his time and knowledge, he is a damn good teacher. I imagine there are tons of people diving in this area because of his generosity. Also, TSandM over on scubaboard has been a tremendous help and a great dive buddy.

I work downtown, can be at Cove 2 a half hour after work, and am looking for dive buddies. So, if you need one, drop me a line. I usually have a couple full tanks at my place, so even short notice can work. I'm also down for boat dives and road trips, diving has somewhat replaced surfing for me as my regular activity to get in the ocean, so I'm trying to get in the water a couple times a week to keep my sanity.


dsteding [at] mac [dot] com

Oh--full disclaimer--I am a lawyer, and, uh, errr, well, I am originally from California, but if you don't hold that against me I imagine we'll get along well. To make up for these egregious shortcomings, I always buy the first round.


Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:37 pm
by Sergeant Pepper
Welcome Doug! I am looking for some dive buddies as well. I have already had the pleasure of diving with Sparky and lostinbrownsmead (I thought they were strange first names too, but hey, we all love our mothers despite these infractions). Anyway, what time is "after work" for you. Many of the club members try to organize a dive on Wednesday afternoons after work. We'd be greatful for another attendee.

I'm sure we'll be able to overlook your shortcoming as a lawyer ... most of us anyway.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:46 pm
by Joshua Smith
Aiiee! More new folks! Welcome, Doug! Nicetomeetchaevenifyouareanattorney! Hope to see ya in the water soon!

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 10:40 pm
by dsteding
Sgt. Pepper:

After work depends on the powers that be, but lately it is right around dive time at Cove 2-around 5:30 or 6 ish easily. I'll keep tabs on that Wednesday dive, would love to come out and join you all.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 4:43 am
by DiverDown
I'm another product of Grateful Diver's generosity-Bob responded to a post of mine over on scubaboard, and the rest is history. He invited me into his home, fed me pizza, gave me a beer, we talked diving for a couple hours, he sold me a drysuit, and then he took me diving (not after the pizza and beer-about a week
Ah! so thats how he does it bribary!! \:D/ \:D/

Welcome to the club!! :supz:

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 8:38 am
by Sounder
Hey Doug #3! Let me be the first Doug (#2) to welcome you!! There is another Doug (#1) here as well!! You're in good company, and being named "Doug," I can only assume you're quite an attractive and successful man. \:D/

Do you work for a gov't entity (having evenings consistently off is a real treat for a lawyer)? I'm marrying an attorney in 25 days, 4 hours, and 26 minutes, and the only reason she gets to work "normal hours" is because she's with the fed's (our friend's in private practice routinely work 12-16 hour days... NO THANKS!). I think having the afternoons off is sweet - and I'm also a Bob :prayer: prodigy and look forward to meeting you sometime at one of Bob's "newbie dives." Anyway, welcome and hopefully we'll get together soon!

-Doug #2

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:20 am

Welcome LawGoddess

Man this club is growing fast!

All I can say for you LG is... Glad to hear your willing to overcome your inhibitions of water... You will be hooked on Diving in no time!

See you two at a dive site soon ,I hope.

And to Doug#3, I would also like to do an eavning club dive at Cove 2 on some other day than Wednesday.

Maybe you can be the one to organize that. :salute:

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:36 am

You and your Boyfriend should be sure to check out the Underwater Sports, Divers Fair on July 28,29 or 30th. should be some huge deals to be had there! And if for no other reason, some good info there too!
check out

I'm going to be there Proudly wearing my "" shirt at least one of those days. \:D/


Looking for new buddies

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:47 pm
by Starin Darin
I have just recently returned from the East coast where I was working as a commercial hardhat diver at naval station Norfolk, VA. I have had no luck finding people to dive with in the Seattle area. All of my friends are scared of the ocean and will not even give SCUBA a try, no matter how much I beg them to. My main goal is to find a group of divers that has set days and nights that they get together for group dives. I have over 1000 dives logged in 10 years of diving and I beleive I could be a good asset to some of the newer divers. I could also stand to learn a few things from the techies as well.

Anyway, hope to join everyone for a dive soon. I'm thinking about hitting the high tide at the UW park in Edmonds tonight(06-13-06). Any of ya'll gonna be there?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:55 pm
Welcome Starin darin :supz:

Sorry I can't make it to dive with you tonight but, you should try to post an invite like that on the "Dive Plans" section of this site.

For example, Tom Nic and I will be Diving at Redondo Beach on Friday @ 3:00 pm (Meet in the parking lot) Anyone is welcome to join us!
I'm driving a Dark Blue Dodge Dakota w/ a Soft Topper on it.

Redondo beach?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 2:11 pm
by Starin Darin
Can't say I have ever been there. Is that near Tacoma?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 5:15 pm
by Dave
Welcome Darin!! You came to the right place for dive buds. Wednesday nught dives at Alki have been going pretty well and there is always someone diving weekends too....

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 6:00 pm
by DiverDown
Welcome SD, Hard hat diver wow man thats sweet! You still comercial dive? I would like to meet you and here some of you stories. Hope to see you in the water soon..

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 6:16 pm
by dsteding
Sounder wrote:Hey Doug #3! Let me be the first Doug (#2) to welcome you!! There is another Doug (#1) here as well!! You're in good company, and being named "Doug," I can only assume you're quite an attractive and successful man. \:D/

Do you work for a gov't entity (having evenings consistently off is a real treat for a lawyer)? I'm marrying an attorney in 25 days, 4 hours, and 26 minutes, and the only reason she gets to work "normal hours" is because she's with the fed's (our friend's in private practice routinely work 12-16 hour days... NO THANKS!). I think having the afternoons off is sweet - and I'm also a Bob :prayer: prodigy and look forward to meeting you sometime at one of Bob's "newbie dives." Anyway, welcome and hopefully we'll get together soon!

-Doug #2
Thanks for the welcome Doug #2, I actually am in private practice, but work has been light lately, and I am learning to take advantage of that. Worked 60 days straight in March-April, summer is lightening up, and I have no problems leaving at reasonable hours.

Hope to dive with you soon-


Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 6:18 pm
by dsteding
BASSMAN wrote::

And to Doug#3, I would also like to do an eavning club dive at Cove 2 on some other day than Wednesday.

Maybe you can be the one to organize that. :salute:
I'll see if I can't put something together in July after the 4th, always looking to dive.

And, to everyone, thanks for the warm welcome, I look forward to meeting you all.


Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:53 pm
by Tangfish
Woah, I've been way too absorbed in work the past few days and I come here and whaddya know, a coupla cool new divers! =D>

Doug #3, I work close to Downtown too and am planning on making to tomorrow's usual dive. We say to meet there at 6, but that's NWDC time, which is really 6:30 + a little BS. You should try to make it, we've even got pizza and beer afterwards. *bribe, bribe*

Darin, did you take that photo just to match your display name? :supz:
Wow, 1000 dives that is some serious stuff. I imagine you can teach me a thing or two and I'm looking forward to meeting you, so that we can terrify your friends of the ocean together.

Well, our little family is growing and I'm happy to welcome you new folks in, this is really a great group we've got going here and the goal is to get to the point where everyone is still cool, but we have enough members so that anytime anyone wants to go diving anywhere they've got at least one dive buddy to go with. :occasion5:

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:19 pm
by Sergeant Pepper
Welcome Darin! Look forward to diving with you soon. Won't be Wednesday however. I am however always up for a deep dive at Mukilteo to try and see the resident Octopus couple if anyone is interested for this weekend. Pretty soon, Cove 2 is going to be a swamp of 100 nwdiveclub members .... hmmm, this could become a problem! :occasion5:

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:55 am
by thelawgoddess
my boyfriend and i signed up for our scuba class tonight. :smt038: we start on july 10th! will be eagerly looking through my materials and shopping for my personal gear until then. excited to finally get to learn how to dive!