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Re: whidbey man died while diving

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:34 pm
by mattwave
WOW full of sorrow is all I can say as I heard the news today, Mark was an extremely nice guy and one the great wreck divers around, and what I can gather from the little information I have heard the rescue efforts were heroic to say the least, the people involved have to be some of the best wreck divers in the world. Condolences to his family, friends and all who feel the pain in the loss of a brother.

Re: whidbey man died while diving

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:40 am
by rjw
Well its been about 8-9 months I’ve been thinking its time for a post script to this story.
Here is what we know to date:
Mark succumbed to a previously undiagnosed medical condition. As reported by the medical examiner the cause was non diving related. Out of respect for Mark’s family I won’t go into detail in a public forum. While his equip is still in Navy custody we did a cursory inspection immediately after the incident and noticed no abnormalities.

Mark was a Wisconsin native. He was first certified there and then over the next 30+ years dove all over the planet. He was no stranger to the cold clear waters of Lake Michigan. Mark viewed this trip as a homecoming of sorts and we were fortunate to have him with us. On the fateful day the weather was perfect, the lake was flat calm, expectations and spirits were high. It was as easy as this kind of diving gets. Little did we know that in a few short hours our lives would change and we would lose a long time friend. As we enter our 2012 season his presence will be missed.

If there is a lesson to be learned from this its not to ignore the most important piece of gear you have – the one in the suit.

We (MDS) will be at the Tacoma show this weekend. Please feel free to approach and discuss any of this with us in person.
Rob Wilson

Re: whidbey man died while diving

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:50 am
by Dusty2
Thanks for the update, I know it still can't be easy to talk about it.

I am glad that it was not dive related and there was nothing anyone could have done to prevent this tragedy. I don't want to sound insensitive but I am thinking of those who where with him that day and hoping that those findings make it a little easier to live with.

Bless you guys for the efforts you put forth.

Re: whidbey man died while diving

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:44 am
by spatman
Thanks for the postscript, Rob.

RIP Mark, and I hope the rest of you guys are healing well. Losing someone close to you so suddenly is always difficult.

Re: whidbey man died while diving

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:10 pm
by airsix
Thank you, Rob. Continued condolences to MDS and all of Mark's friends & family.

Re: whidbey man died while diving

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:22 pm
by LCF
Having myself been involved in an attempt to save a diver who was a friend (although not in nearly as challenging circumstances), I hope there is at least a little comfort in the fact that nothing done differently would have changed the outcome. It doesn't make the pain any easier to bear, but at least for me, it did help with some of the guilt that's inevitable when you ask yourself, "Could I have done anything differently, and would it have made a difference?" As a doctor, I know those nights very well.