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Re: I love beer!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:25 pm
by BigFameOne
Sounder wrote:
Nwbrewer wrote:
Sounder wrote: I have a new keg system in my garage... and last night our own Brewer gave me a little gift.
Dude, not cool! Don't make it sound dirty! I'm not Joe....
It was little, but it wasn't THAT little.

I even watched, and didn't feel the littlest bit uncomfortable until Doug showed his "gift" to the beer maden.

For the record I too like beer, and get to drink at the Widmer brewery for free whenever I get to Portland which reminds me that I should make a trip to go visit Spatnasty.

For the record, I am drinking a growler of Gillians Brewings, Chamomile Beer right now and its goooood stuff, If you are ever in Ballard and don't get in on some, punch yourself twice right in the nose.

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:06 pm
by spatman
BigFameOne wrote:For the record I too like beer, and get to drink at the Widmer brewery for free whenever I get to Portland which reminds me that I should make a trip to go visit Spatnasty.
uh, free beer? the bigfame wing of the spat estate is at your disposal.

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:19 pm
by BigFameOne
I will make my reservations soon......

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:45 pm
by ORDiver
I'm the on call guy this week and can't really drink more than one beer in a sitting. It sucks. I'm craving a Fat Tire 1554 black beer. We need a club dive that involves a bar with good beer afterwards.

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:58 pm
by Norris
ORDiver wrote:I'm the on call guy this week and can't really drink more than one beer in a sitting. It sucks. I'm craving a Fat Tire 1554 black beer. We need a club dive that involves a bar with good beer afterwards.
Now that sounds like a good time.

Your avatar is AWESOME!

Chaka? Land of the Lost I remember, just not the name of that one. There were sleestacks sssssssssss, wow memories.

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:09 pm
by ORDiver
Remember Chaka's older brothers, Ta and Saw? No one remembers them. I would guess that Chaka's favorite beer would be Schlitz. Or maybe Lone Star.

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:24 pm
by Dusty2
Guess I'm an outcast. For me if it ain't a good German pilzner or bock?? I hardly ever drink beer anymore cause I just got spoiled living in Germany. It goes down soooo smooth and 7% is low octane stuff. :occasion5: :occasion5: :occasion5:

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 10:58 am
by Leithius
My current favorite is anything by the Kona Brewing Company... Pipeline Porter, Longboard Lager, Wailua Wheat....

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:41 am
by vlad
I'm surprised no one mentioned Guinness so far. How come? I like variety of different beers, local and imported, but Guinness is always a welcome choice. Cheers! :mmmbeer:

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 9:21 am
by Norris
I love guiness I thought it was a gimme....
I can only usually drink only one in a sitting though

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 9:32 am
by spatman
vlad wrote:I'm surprised no one mentioned Guinness so far. How come? I like variety of different beers, local and imported, but Guinness is always a welcome choice. Cheers! :mmmbeer:
i love guinness too. but i have to say that after tasting it fresh near the source, the bottled/canned (and even the kegged) guinness we get here is just not the same...

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 9:35 am
by Nwbrewer
Norris wrote:I can only usually drink only one in a sitting though

NwBrewer -> :partyman: <- Norris

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 9:54 am
by Dmitchell
The New Alaskan White is some really good stuff!

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:18 am
by Norris
Nwbrewer wrote:
Norris wrote:I can only usually drink only one in a sitting though

NwBrewer -> :partyman: <- Norris
Ha ha they are just so filling.....

Btw I never did tell you Jake, your beer was really good with Steaks and prawns.

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:32 am
by Nwbrewer
Norris wrote:
Nwbrewer wrote:
Norris wrote:I can only usually drink only one in a sitting though

NwBrewer -> :partyman: <- Norris
Ha ha they are just so filling.....

Btw I never did tell you Jake, your beer was really good with Steaks and prawns.
:occasion5: I found that recipe to be good with spicy foods. I made a new batch with some slight tweeks (less hops) and I think I like it a little better.

I have 5 gallons of Budvar lager chilling right now, and 10gallons of Cream Ale is bubbling away slowly in my garage. Mmmm beer....

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 6:49 pm
by ORDiver
I'm drinking a Boont Amber from Anderson Valley Brewing right now. Damn it's good. So gooood. Mmmmmm.

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:08 pm
by Gooch
That Walking Man brewery in Stevenson makes some really nice brews. I've hung around europe too long so I like some of the Belgium and German beers (Hoegaarden and Franziskaner) but Guinness is always a favorite. We are lucky to live in the great northwest with a lot of great local brews.

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:51 pm
by ORDiver
I love both those beers. I also liked Henninger in Germany with the little tutu things they put around the bottom of the glasses. I think the most beerful country I have ever been to is The Czech Republic. As long as you like good Pilsner you just can't beat it. You don't get the flavor of the British Isles but ya just can't beat $1 a litre. :occasion5:

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:26 am
by Gooch
It's true- the Czech's make good beer too. I have to say, we have it the best for micros though. I think for sheer variety and best taste, the Belgium's have us all beat.

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:25 pm
by Leithius
Speaking of Belgium beer, you guys ever had Chimay? That trappist abbey beer from the monks in Belgium? Good god, that stuff will make you more s***tfaced than 211 Steel Reserve. It's around 7-8% and mighty tasty. On an empty stomach you'll be passed out homeless sleeping it off in a doorway. :huge:

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:27 pm
by spatman
Leithius wrote:Speaking of Belgium beer, you guys ever had Chimay? That trappist abbey beer from the monks in Belgium? Good god, that stuff will make you more s***tfaced than 211 Steel Reserve. It's around 7-8% and mighty tasty. On an empty stomach you'll be passed out homeless sleeping it off in a doorway. :huge:
that beer is awesome. and for the price, i'd better be passed out in a doorway.

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:42 pm
by Gooch
mmmmm...Chimay. It is spendy tho----Have any of you tried Lindemans - Framboise? Its a lambic beer and its made more from fruits....sweet but really good for a change. Its easy to find here in bottles but if you are lucky you can find it on tap. The Belgium dubbels and trippels can get pretty sweet too because their alcohol content is sooooo high. :thumb3d: :mmmbeer: :partyman:

Re: I love beer!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:30 pm
by spatman
i just cracked open an Alaskan White wheat ale, and, although i was skeptical at first, i have to say...

...this stuff is TASTY!


Re: I love beer!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:42 pm
by ORDiver
I just got back from the Organic Beer Festival at Overlook Park and I wish I could say which one was my favorite but they were all good. I just love all beers. The drunk part of it also helped to erase my memory :mmmbeer: