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Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:09 pm
by Geek
Damn!!! DAMN DAMN!!!


I wasn't online when all this happened?

I too have hog regs and beat the shit out of them and they are wonderful, breath fine as deep as I want to go, I know chris and have sat, had drinks with him and talked with him, if something like this was going on with his product he would have been the first to know and the first to pull all his regs off the market, I stand by his product 100%

As for Agent47, I'm sure there are well documented threads around here someplace on how much I trust what comes out of his mouth errr keyboard :angelblue:

but him blaming it on the MOD's, :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
that right there was funny and made me LOL :tomnic:

Ok, I'm going back under my rock John, don't worry :)

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:28 pm
by airsix
Calvin, you have to stop saying you've never heard of HOG gear. Next you're going to say "What's side-mount?" or some other nonsense that will lead people to suspect you have a life outside of diving. It's scandalous.

Regarding comments that have been made about plating... Where to begin... People, plating is like cooking. You may be the best chef in the world and once in a while you're going have a bad batch. Plating is extremely sensitive and highly variable. It is rarely done in-house. If a regulator had parts with a bad plate I would immediately suspect it to be an isolated incident where there was a mistake made on that part or that batch by the plating company. All you have to do is have any one of a dozen variables just slightly off. Writing off a manufacturer because of a supposed plating issue on one example or a handful of examples from a batch is throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Assuming there ever was a plating issue at all. It would seem the credibility of that claim is somewhat shaky.

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:02 pm
by Tangfish
airsix wrote:Calvin, you have to stop saying you've never heard of HOG gear. Next you're going to say "What's side-mount?" or some other nonsense that will lead people to suspect you have a life outside of diving. It's scandalous.
I know what "side-mount" is dude, it's where the snuba hoses attach on both sides to form a loop so that you can stay down longer to step on all the marine life. :boxer:

HOG regulators

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:26 pm
by spatman
Grateful Diver wrote:Spatty, I like the new avatar ... but a paper bag would've been more appropriate ... :smt064
That was later that night, and there is no way I'm posting those pics!

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:19 pm
by Tom Nic
Geek wrote:Damn!!! DAMN DAMN!!!


I wasn't online when all this happened?
Wow. +1 That's what I get for having a life outside of being a moderator.
Geek wrote:but him blaming it on the MOD's, :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
that right there was funny and made me LOL :tomnic:
Debating on adding his as my new sig line...

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:16 pm
by Maverick
Funny, but Agent47 isn't around to say anything, Has he been banned for his Lies? Mind are curious here on NWDC. please fill us in MODS. you can't just leave a crazy thread like this dead for an entire day and not fill in the Board.


Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:33 pm
by renoun
Maverick wrote:Funny, but Agent47 isn't around to say anything, Has he been banned for his Lies? Mind are curious here on NWDC. please fill us in MODS.
I think he is on double secret probation now.


Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:43 pm
by kdupreez
I'm guessing there's all kinds of "slander" suit legal discovery stuff going on.. Agent47 is probably keeping his mouth shut to cover his own ass at this point..

When a manufacturer sues a dive operation and dealer for slander, its not a pretty thing I'm sure.

Interesting enough, Agent47 is regularly still signing into NWDC (last time was 4 hours ago), probably to "check out the scene" and see if there is any news on what else he should be worried about.

Like the saying goes: "Loose lips sink ships.." But when you are aboard that ship, its slightly more problematic :nutty:


Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:56 pm
by wallyc72
I have got to say a few things about this. Chis the owner of Hog is a personal friend of mine, so I have to comment about this post. Chris has been in the diving industry for many years. He understands how the industry works. Most people don't know much about the gear other than how to use it, or what they have been told about it. Hog regs are made at the same factory that many "big name" company's use. They are made to the SAME specs as the other company's use. So to say Hog regs are dangerous or cheaply made is just plan ignorant. I am a instructor for the Hog reg class, so I think I know a thing or two about these regs. To say you have serviced more than 30 Hog regs is BS. To say they have corrosion problems is BS. To say the chrome falls off is BS. Pretty much everyone who use's Hog regs knows this is a BS post. Hog regs are a VERY good reg for the price. Are there better regs out there? Yes. But not for the price! I would like to know the real reason you decided to bash Chris and his products.

HOG regulators

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:24 pm
by raptor
So I started this thread to learn more about a reg I want. I know it has gone way off track. In all truth I still just want to know about the gear.

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:27 pm
by Norris
Well raptor I think if you were to read the thread, other than the slander, all but ONE person seems happy with the regulators and gear.

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:50 pm
by Sounder
Wow - my "mark all read" trigger finger has been itchy lately. I'm glad I took a moment to stop and smell the... well, anyway. #-o

Chris is a very stand-up guy who offers excellent customer service before, during, and after the sale. The HOG regulators are of excellent quality, and because of this they are now the only brand of regulator I own.
kdupreez wrote:I'm relieved that you those late night PM's from Sounder was "really" from Sounder and not just a Mod trying to play with my feelings :joshsmith:
I wish I knew how to quit you.

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:33 am
by H20doctor
mr 47 has been banned ...

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:37 am
by gutholmj
raptor wrote:So I started this thread to learn more about a reg I want. I know it has gone way off track. In all truth I still just want to know about the gear.
Joe, if you have a singles setup to swap, you are welcome to dive my HOG regs anytime. The only thing I've ever not liked about them is the mouthpiece which was uncomfortable and tore after about 100 dives. I replaced it with a stock SP.

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:43 am
by cerich
mouthpieces are a subjective thing, some folks love them. Either way if you want a new mouthpiece send me a pm with your address.

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:31 am
by Sounder
cerich wrote:mouthpieces are a subjective thing, some folks love them. Either way if you want a new mouthpiece send me a pm with your address.
I love them and actually have people who don't like them set them aside for me. It's definitely a personal-opinion thing.

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:36 am
by sheahanmcculla
cerich wrote:mouthpieces are a subjective thing, some folks love them. Either way if you want a new mouthpiece send me a pm with your address.

This is what I have had from HOG...nothing but outstanding service. Chris has sent me a few things free of charge, and will answer any questions you have personally!

Yeah I changed out my mouth pieces too.

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:39 am
by CaptnJack
Norris wrote:Well raptor I think if you were to read the thread, other than the slander, all but ONE person seems happy with the regulators and gear.
Actually there are a few posts/folks other than Ag47 who have an obvious bias, but won't disclose what the actual issue or even the actual HOG item they had an issue with. Treat those opinions with caution, there are purported experts everywhere.
cerich wrote:mouthpieces are a subjective thing, some folks love them. Either way if you want a new mouthpiece send me a pm with your address.
Chris this was my "biggest" complaint too, your mouthpeices felt rather fat for my dainty mouth lol. Its really too small an "issue" to bother mentioning though. I have a bunch of an aftermarket type that I keep in stock at home so I just swapped it. No big deal.

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:41 am
by Geek
CaptnJack wrote:
Actually there are a few posts/folks other than Ag47 who have an obvious bias, but won't disclose what the actual issue or even the actual HOG item they had an issue with. Treat those opinions with caution, there are purported experts everywhere.

...... sounds like an expert opinion :angelblue:

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:51 am
by CaptnJack
Geek wrote:
CaptnJack wrote:
Actually there are a few posts/folks other than Ag47 who have an obvious bias, but won't disclose what the actual issue or even the actual HOG item they had an issue with. Treat those opinions with caution, there are purported experts everywhere.

...... sounds like an expert opinion :angelblue:
At least I have some HOG gear!
2 regs
3(?) SPGs
1 suit

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:39 am
by lundysd
Ditto with Richard -- I dive the crap out of Hog gear, and so far I love it. I traded in a fleet of Atomics for my Hogs, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. In fact, I actually prefer my Hogs to the Atomics :)

7 Hog 1st stages
10 or so 2nd stages
8 SPGs (the black face ones are awesome)
Doubles wing

For those of you worried about their longevity as a company... don't. From what I've heard, Hog is growing faster than almost any other scuba company, and for good reason.

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:43 am
by Tom Nic
Ironic.... I'm betting this thread is going to sell a bunch of Hog gear...

Re: Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:53 am
by Joshua Smith
Tom Nic wrote:Ironic.... I'm betting this thread is going to sell a bunch of Hog gear...
Seems fair to me.

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:02 am
by CaptnJack
Tom Nic wrote:Ironic.... I'm betting this thread is going to sell a bunch of Hog gear...
Do we need a backfire smilie? Inverse of a :taco: ? :rofl:

Re: HOG regulators

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:03 am
by Mongo
I'll get on the band wagon too.

I have three 1st stages, four 2nd stages (love the OEM mouth piece - it is the most comfortable one I have used so far), two SPG's, two masks, a doubles wing and a quick shot inflator. Neither I, nor my curious six year old twins are easy on equipment and it has performed flawlessly time after time. I must also note the tech masks are low volume and extremely comfortable for my face.

When I scrounge up enough dough, I will be purchasing two more 1st stages, two more 2nd stages, two more SPG's and a Predator drysuit.