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Quitting smoking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:44 pm
by scottsax
OK, so I'm done smoking. 3 months tobacco free. It sucks, but it's a manageable kind of crappy, so I'm not worried about it. I've only been diving once in the last 3 months, but I was only about 5 weeks out at that point. I didn't feel particularly confident in the water--I'd just been cleared to dive after sinus surgery, I hadn't smoked in 5 weeks, hadn't dove in close to 2 months, and had put on some *ahem* bioprene during recuperation.

I know that lung function takes time to recover from almost 20 years of smoking, and the exercise regimen I'm building for myself is already helping my C/V and pulmonary function, but what's your experience with quitting and diving been like?

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:47 pm
by defied
scottsax wrote:OK, so I'm done smoking. 3 months tobacco free. It sucks, but it's a manageable kind of crappy, so I'm not worried about it. I've only been diving once in the last 3 months, but I was only about 5 weeks out at that point. I didn't feel particularly confident in the water--I'd just been cleared to dive after sinus surgery, I hadn't smoked in 5 weeks, hadn't dove in close to 2 months, and had put on some *ahem* bioprene during recuperation.

I know that lung function takes time to recover from almost 20 years of smoking, and the exercise regimen I'm building for myself is already helping my C/V and pulmonary function, but what's your experience with quitting and diving been like?
I've been off cigarettes for 6 years, and I still feel like I'm not getting full lung cap at times. It's very annoying.


Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:06 pm
by fmerkel
Take a hit off an exhaust pipe----you are missing that carbon monoxide loading. :eek: 10-15% higher than non-smokers.

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:07 pm
by scottsax

Actually, I quit smoking things out of pipes, tail or otherwise, a long time ago...

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:47 pm
by Burntchef
stick with it dude, my old man quit after 45 years of a pack of camels a day, he isnt a diver but at his age he feels the difference all the time. he did replace camels with chips and snacks too but eventually weened off that too.

best of luck, join a gym


Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:52 pm
by ldevore
Congratulations!!!! Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs out there, so you should give yourself a big pat on the back for what you've acomplished! =D>

Just as an FYI - research is showing that it can take up to a couple of years for the inflamation process caused by smoking to completely subside. Just remember, it will be a contineous, slow process to get your body back up to speed.


Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:03 pm
by Scubak
It does get easier, you just have to not wanna anymore cuz what you wanna do is more important!
Just breathe, breathe deep, breathe hard, purse your breath, but breathe....

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:32 pm
by spatman
defied wrote:I've been off cigarettes for 6 years, and I still feel like I'm not getting full lung cap at times. It's very annoying.

just over 3 years for me, and i'm just starting to feel like i'm getting close to normal.

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:34 pm
by scottsax
Thanks for the encouraging words folks. Nicotine is not even close to the most addictive substance I've quit, so I'm not really worried about my resolve. I've started swimming at least an hour 3 days a week, which is amazing, and as the weather gets nicer, I'm going to resume biking and add running in preparation for a couple small sprint triathlons later this year.

I'm still curious about other divers' experiences with quitting and regaining lung function, though...

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:53 pm
by Gooch
Good deal. It gets easier and you will never regret it. It was a monkey on my back too that I finally knocked off long ago.
I watched a show about exactly how cigarettes are made and its very uncool and unnatural what they do.

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:01 pm
by Kalatin
Congrats on sticking with quitting. :highfive: It sucks, badly. Did you use the patch or gum or any other aids? If so, how was your experience.
Looking back, it seemed like it was about two years after I quit smoking before I felt like my lung function was back to normal. It pissed me off - I used to smoke a cigarette while warming up for a run and then smoke another when cooling down. Then I spent the rest of the day working through the pack. Then I stopped smoking and it seemed like I was hacking my way through every run I did. It was especially aggravated by cold weather (and occasional forays back into the pack). I did a quick search on the googles and they say lung function is up 30% after three months, but it seemed like a lot longer for me. The biggest difference to me (besides the money, smell, and social stigma) was the amount of time it takes me to heal from illness and how much rarer it is for me to get sick. While I smoked, if I got a cold I normally ended up deathly ill (in the hospital more than once for chest infections). Since I quit, a cold is just a cold, which is really really nice.
Congrats again.

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:50 pm
by scottsax
Kalatin wrote:Scott,
Congrats on sticking with quitting. :highfive: It sucks, badly. Did you use the patch or gum or any other aids? If so, how was your experience.
Looking back, it seemed like it was about two years after I quit smoking before I felt like my lung function was back to normal. It pissed me off - I used to smoke a cigarette while warming up for a run and then smoke another when cooling down. Then I spent the rest of the day working through the pack. Then I stopped smoking and it seemed like I was hacking my way through every run I did. It was especially aggravated by cold weather (and occasional forays back into the pack). I did a quick search on the googles and they say lung function is up 30% after three months, but it seemed like a lot longer for me. The biggest difference to me (besides the money, smell, and social stigma) was the amount of time it takes me to heal from illness and how much rarer it is for me to get sick. While I smoked, if I got a cold I normally ended up deathly ill (in the hospital more than once for chest infections). Since I quit, a cold is just a cold, which is really really nice.
Congrats again.
I'm using the gum-the nicorette coated is the way to go. I barely use it anymore-maybe 3 or 4 pieces a day. I HAVE noticed that I'm more immune to the hacking dreck my coworkers seem to keep coming down with.
As for the social thing, well, I run in different circles.... My musician friends are fairly suspicious of me, now. I don't use as much hot sauce anymore, but I'm not entirely sure that's a good thing. :roll:

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:58 pm
by Joshua Smith
Congrats, Scott- I've been off Cigarettes for a long time- unfortunately, I used Copenhagen to quit smoking. To quit Copenhagen, I used Nicorette. I'm still hooked on Nicorette. When you get ready to quit the gum, let me know- maybe we can quit together. As for the hot sauce- no need to cut back. Trust me- I loves me some spicy food! It's like a legal drug. I should have you and Hannah over for dinner some time....

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:08 pm
by Burntchef
scottsax wrote:I don't use as much hot sauce anymore, but I'm not entirely sure that's a good thing. :roll:
pretty new stuff but it friggin rocks,

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:22 pm
by cardiver
looks good! The store that they sell small orders through wants more than 10.00 to ship 8.00 worth of hot sauce though.....

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:30 pm
by spatman
we have some of that aardvark hot sauce in the fridge at work and i use it all the time. great stuff.

ron, i could ask my co-worker where he gets it, and brings some up with me this weekend if you want.

EDIT: i just found the list of retailers:

sure are a lot in portland!

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:57 pm
by renoun
Congrats to all who have been quitting or attempting to do so.

Anybody availed themselves of the services provided by the Quit Line (800)QUIT-NOW? It is free service of the Washington State Dept. of Health and offers personalized support from counselors over the phone funded by the big tobacco lawsuit settlement. I suspect just about any health insurance plan or large employer offers similar support services also. If you are thinking about quitting talk to somebody who can help spur you into action can't hurt, especially if they can support you through the process.

In addition to OTC nicotine supplements (gum, patch, etc) there are also some options available from your doctor.

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:09 am
by FlyinV
Congrats on the quiting!
Every smoker who tried to quit knows but non-smokers won't believe how strong the addiction is.

I quit 9 years ago after smoking for a solid 15 or so years and it was the hardest thing I ever did in my life so far.

I won't ever smoke again because I fear having to quit again -- it was that tough a period of time for me but I just wanted to be free of that nasty habit and I didn't care how much I suffered. I knew at some point it would be over :)

If it wasn't for the crutch of the nicotine patch I wouldn't even had a shot making it thru the first 2 months.

Stay strong -- You may get urges even years later - Occasionally I still have dreams about smoking even know.

Just make the choice to never smoke again and when you reach goals like -- 1 year -- 2 years buy yourself a present or take a trip as a reward for staying smoke free -- I have a trip to Bonaire planned for my ten year smoke free celebration :) next December.

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:41 am
by spatman
call me wacky, but i found the hard part wasn't breaking the physical nicotine addition, which took maybe 4 weeks to really subside, and was eased off quickly with nicotine patches.

the hardest part is breaking the HABIT, the routine. letting go of the satisfaction of lighting up a cig with a cup of coffee, with a drink, after a meal, taking a break from work, seeking comfort during stressful times, etc.

after 15+ years of smoking half to full pack a day, changing my lifestyle was the biggest hurdle.

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 8:34 am
by Marc
spatman wrote:call me wacky, but i found the hard part wasn't breaking the physical nicotine addition, which took maybe 4 weeks to really subside, and was eased off quickly with nicotine patches.

the hardest part is breaking the HABIT, the routine. letting go of the satisfaction of lighting up a cig with a cup of coffee, with a drink, after a meal, taking a break from work, seeking comfort during stressful times, etc.

after 15+ years of smoking half to full pack a day, changing my lifestyle was the biggest hurdle.
Exactly the problem that I had. I smoked a couple of packs a day for about 18 years. I didn't remember myself without smokes. I still have dreams about smoking.

Physically, though, I feel pretty good. It took my lungs about a year to feel 'normal' after I quit.

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 8:46 am
by Norris
As many that have dove with me know, I am still under the spell. My wife also partakes, however we are joining the forces here in about a week. To prepare I am taking out my habit smokes little by little. Every morning I would have two in the drive in, the last one being close to work to "prepare" for my non-smoking break. Well I have that down to one, and Monday it will be none before lunch. Then I also have one on the way home, and that one also is out Monday. Smoking at home isnt really a problem as we tend to not really want to step out on the wet and chilly deck to get our nicotine on. Weening the habit smokes worked for me before in quitting for 5 months, if only I would have stayed quit...sigh

I'll keep you posted

I'm also interested in hearing the answer to Scott's question.

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:50 pm
by Aquanautchuck
Joshua Smith wrote:Congrats, Scott- I've been off Cigarettes for a long time- unfortunately, I used Copenhagen to quit smoking. To quit Copenhagen, I used Nicorette. I'm still hooked on Nicolette. When you get ready to quit the gum, let me know- maybe we can quit together. As for the hot sauce- no need to cut back. Trust me- I loves me some spicy food! It's like a legal drug. I should have you and Hannah over for dinner some time....
Nailer your on............I have been chewing that damn gum for 5 years (to get off Kodiak) now and am just now trying to get off of it. I am down to about 10, 2Mg pieces a day from almost 30. Lets go.

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:07 am
by H20doctor

Re: Quitting smoking

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:17 am
by lamont
Burntchef wrote:
scottsax wrote:I don't use as much hot sauce anymore, but I'm not entirely sure that's a good thing. :roll:
pretty new stuff but it friggin rocks,
I had some ghost pepper in some chinese food last night and just ordered some for me on ebay...

I think I still feel the burn... Its good stuff with a nice smokey flavor...