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Malheur Cave, Eastern Oregon

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:54 am
by guitarmaker
I'm wondering if any of you have ever dove Malheur Cave near Burns Oregon? I remember doing a lot of spelunking in the Eastern Oregon lava tubes as a high-school kid growing up in Burns, Oregon. Malheur cave, dead ending into water, is by far the most well known and easiest to access (there is - or used to be - a Masonic lodge inside of it). There are a number of tech divers here in Salem (read my profile to learn I'm not one of them! -yet-) who's interest I've peaked in my description of the cave. Let me know please if you've dove this recently or know if it's worth diving.

Re: Malheur Cave, Eastern Oregon

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 11:08 am
by CaptnJack
Its privately owned by the Lodge according to my Tricities friend. Its been dove historically, but not allowed without permission, the tube is about 4-500ft long underwater, no side tunnels.