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DAN DEMP class

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:19 pm
by WylerBear
Hey all! For all of you Portlanders/Oregonians that would like to take a DAN DEMP class, I will be offering this with bonus Neuro class on April 11th at Seven Seas Scuba.
For this class, you'll be certified as O2 Provider, Advanced O2, Hazardous Marine Life Injures, and AED. And the additonal Neuro Provider class.
If you are interested, contact me or Seven Seas in Vancouver, WA.

Re: DAN DEMP class

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:41 am
by -Aaron-

I am interested in this class :). Is a valid CPR certification the only prerequisite? Unfortunately I am not yet certified, but if I can find a local CPR class happening before the 11th then I would like to attend. Any chance you would consider offering CPR certification before this class if there was enough interest or does that just make for too long of a day?

Re: DAN DEMP class

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:29 am
by WylerBear
CPR is the only prerequisite. I wouldn't do a CPR class on the same day but if there is enough interest I could do it prior to the 11th. Like perhaps the afternoon of the 10th. Contact Seven Seas to sign up for the DEMP class, then contact me again if you want me to schedule a CPR or CPR & First Aid class.
Thanks for your interest.