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"Almost " a Epic dive... A tale Of deception

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:29 pm
by H20doctor
Have you every wanted to do a dive ….? Ever had that Dream of one day doing the Big dive !! the dive of all dives , the one that you could Brag about and say to others … Ya I dove there.. Ya I did that dive … Only to see there Jaws hit the floor with envy… to see the look on there face … you know that look .. WOW he dove there Look … and then you feel like SUPER diver … "Being" ...SUPER diver would have been so cool today . but it didn’t happen at all.. A lot of you have had that EPIC dive … the Diamond Knot … Super cool caves in florida .. Or Mexico… Maybe your epic dive is going to 100 feet ? maybe its seeing a 6 gill shark at it takes time to notice you and does a swim by and you gaze at each other in the dark waters of Puget sound.. Maybe your epic is getting onto a sheer wall and as you swim over the ledge and look down into the green blackness you see your dive partner decend first down they go and their air bubbles rise up they tickle your cheeks, and face …. We all have the one dive .. the Big one , and mine Is this place called deception Pass..
As a youngster growing up here we often would go camping as a family and on many occasions we went to deception pass….playing on the beach, walking the forest trails and gazing up at these giant trees covered in thick green moss… my brother and I would catch crafish in Cranberry lake and wonder at what the heck they were ? I remember walking out on the bridge and gazing down at the giant fast moving waters below… seeing the whirlpools, and being amazed at how powerfull there are…Even today as I have been through the pass with Pensacola, I still shudder at the force and power of the pass, and the amount of green cold water that carves through this area… Millions of gallons of sea water every day full of rich food and Nutrients for even the smallest of life … Today I woke to dive this place .. today was my epic Moment , to get into the water below the bridge, actually get in the water and dive under the bridge,.. that so many few divers get to do a year… Well mother nature Blew her winds and caused a big mess today … and it didn’t happen..
I thought the winds weren’t going to be a Problemo , for some unknown reason I thought well there are mountains on both sides and the wind wont be a factor today … WRONG… Big wrong .. I got there with Mike , diesel Dude , and we walked down the path to the beach and my jar dropped… Huge whitecaps , massive wind .. and a total wrath of mother nature… it was storm city going on here.. Now I am a willing to push some dives and do them… But this was Not the place to test it here… If there is one thing I do know about Deception, its timing , and current… and if you don’t have the correct combination of tides .. you best not even bother to get in here .. there is some serious water flow here … and I mean major ..
So I look at mike and we head back up the Hill , as we get to the car I get a call from Super Coop who say that he is on the way down … Coop arrives looking quite spiffy and dam sexy in his Navy uniform to also witness the carnage below us and say to me” dude ya shoulda been here yesterday !! :banghead: “ And he was so right .. in sooooo many ways So I say to coop well we will try Rosario .. We hop back into the dive vehicles up and over the bridge to Rosario beach …and …..and….. ? It’s a fricken train wreck here also .. In fact its worse..way worse.. they are Logs being smashed onto the shore… what usually is a calm flat cove, has turned into a steven King horror Beach slasher Movie .. even the seagulls are afraid to land here … good night this place is smashing and crashing … well there is always Anacortes !!
Back into the cars and 10 mins we are in Anacortes.. after a visit to the dive shop for spots to dive we decide on hitting the Marina, Sure why not ? I did in Alaska , might be cool to find some treasure , and its protected from the wind of fury… We found a beach site south of the marina that is being fixed and made into a really nice park ( in 2011 ) the whole site is fenced up and there is no acces to the beach… I thought no problem , I knock on the shack and see if I can work some charm… into the shack to talk to the foreman and he say that they are done with the beach stuff and he has no issues with us getting in a quick splash.. But we need to talk with the Port people who are in the other Gray building.. So off we go to talk with them..
Into the fancy building through some doors and we find a young guy behind a desk ..” hey can we dive ?” he says well lets ask the right guy… Moments later another guy in a nice suit say well where do you want to dive ? I said right out front here behind the nice fancy chain link fence .. He says well , we are not done dredging out there so it’s a No go… But you can dive in the Harbor .. I see divers diving , and fixing boats , and doing diver things all the time and you have my blessing… Now we have blessing !! But for the marina… So over the street , to the marina dock and down the ramp to talk to the fuel dock dude …. I said Hey , we want to jump off the dock , into the water …. Dive there … go along there …. And come up over there … all in about 35 mins …. Please ..please… please…. He says it’s a no on my dock, But you can walk down those rocks of death and get in over there … Me and Mike don’t like the rocks of death .. So now we opt Out again and go back to the cars to re asses the situation…
We now head North to go to another dive site which is supposed to be Pilings and a good site that the shops uses… we find it and its still low tide and the water is a mess and the waves are still swelling and crashing here also … Well .. I say to mike , what about the break water on the other side of the marina that we saw when we were standing there in the marina place that we couldn’t dive at but we wanted to dive at…? LOL So we dive there .. get out walk east on the beach about 500 yards and we make it… Only to find out its super shallow here , maybe 4 to 6 feet all the way out … Man this day sucks…
Back to the cars and my brain is fried , my attitude is poor , and Ive got no dive game on … Keystone today was also a nightmare as the ferry was docked and routes cancelled… I believe the only place we could have gotten a dive in was good ole Langley.. But I wasn’t about to drive there from Anacortes.. So I say good bye to mike , got in my Van and drove home … I will be back to deception May 5 or 6th , and you better believe Im getting my epic … thanks for reading and Now a funny Movie about 2 guys trying to dive ..

Re: "Almost " a Epic dive a tale Of deception

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:48 pm
by H20doctor
Supper Coop Looking good
Deception Pass Bridge on a nice Day
Rosario on a Nice Day
a pic Mike shot of me at Rosario

Re: "Almost " a Epic dive... A tale Of deception

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:32 pm
by dieseldude
Nice to see a pic of Rosario on a normal day-doesnt even look the same does it. In california they would just opt out of the walk-in & do a "kayak dive".
I'm tryin to laugh it off with ya' Chris but I took the day off for this escapade :banghead:

And of course the south end boys had a good Fox Island dive as well :crybaby:

I still say a bad dive day is better than any day at work. Think about the 7th next month too. I could make that day.

Re: "Almost " a Epic dive... A tale Of deception

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 5:13 pm
by Mattleycrue76
Wow 87 views and only one reply?

I'll say it...

Cherry Pickers!

Re: "Almost " a Epic dive a tale Of deception

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:47 pm
by pensacoladiver
H20doctor wrote:Supper Coop Looking good
Deception Pass Bridge on a nice Day
Rosario on a Nice Day
a pic Mike shot of me at Rosario
Coop, why you standing there looking like a gun slinger? Was Doc getting ready to draw on you?

Re: "Almost " a Epic dive a tale Of deception

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 8:45 pm
by supacooper
pensacoladiver wrote:
Coop, why you standing there looking like a gun slinger? Was Doc getting ready to draw on you?
An ole wise man :rawlings: once told me don't hate the playa, hate the game.

By the way Doc, my name is Super Coop not Supper Coop. Sorry to dissapoint, but I'm not for dinner. :penelope:

Re: "Almost " a Epic dive... A tale Of deception

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:33 pm
by H20doctor
Picky .. Piky .. Pky.. :stickwhack:

Re: "Almost " a Epic dive... A tale Of deception

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:59 pm
by no excuses
dang that brings the suck, I feel for you, I would really feal for you but I was working :ballandchain: while you were trying to dive. Hard for me to feel real bad for you all :binkybaby:

Re: "Almost " a Epic dive... A tale Of deception

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:27 pm
by Scuba Scott
You should have seen Skyline to make the full circle.

Re: "Almost " a Epic dive... A tale Of deception

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 9:45 am
by Tubesnout23
Now I know the feeling when you build up your expectations up and go to a dive site convinced that the conditions should not be a problem and you discover with disappointment that they are!

The weather played a trick on me too last Wednesday. I was not planning to dive Deception Pass, though. In my case I was still able to dive...
