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Alternatives to neck seal

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 12:06 pm
by RandellPelak
So I have the usual latex neck seal on my dry suit. And like many others I hate it. :) And i am sure neoprene wouldn't be much better. It is the pressure on my throat that I dislike the most, always feels like I am in a sleeper hold... Someone mentioned that they had seen a collar that had a gel like inside to distribute the pressure over a wider surface so that it would be more comfortable... And that normal seal would go over the collar. Anyone know of such a thing, like what it is even called?

Thanks for the info...


Re: Alternatives to neck seal

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 12:13 pm
by cardiver
RandellPelak wrote:So I have the usual latex neck seal on my dry suit. And like many others I hate it. :) And i am sure neoprene wouldn't be much better. It is the pressure on my throat that I dislike the most, always feels like I am in a sleeper hold... Someone mentioned that they had seen a collar that had a gel like inside to distribute the pressure over a wider surface so that it would be more comfortable... And that normal seal would go over the collar. Anyone know of such a thing, like what it is even called?

Thanks for the info...

Apollo Bio Seal ... ioseal.htm

Re: Alternatives to neck seal

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 1:20 pm
by LCF
I've used a BioSeal. I suspect, if you don't like your latex seal, you won't like it one bit better. There still has to be pressure against the latex, and the BioSeal has a peculiar texture that is kind of like wrapping a slug around your neck. I will use it when my neck seal begins to leak, but not otherwise.

Re: Alternatives to neck seal

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 1:54 pm
by 60south
Perhaps you need to trim the latex seal a bit more?

Naturally, if you trim it too much it'll leak (I will disavow any blame). ;)

My neck seal is astonishingly loose, I hardly know it's there -- but I also use a dry hood. Between the two I get very little leakage, even my hair stays dry most dives.

Re: Alternatives to neck seal

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 3:06 pm
by Waynne Fowler
The bio-seal will kill your latex or neoprene seals in very short order

Re: Alternatives to neck seal

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 3:10 pm
by Ken G
Are you sure a neoprene would not work for you? Most of the people I know that have switched to the neo rave about how comfortable it is for a neck seal. Lasts a lot longer too.

Re: Alternatives to neck seal

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 5:01 pm
by WASP7000
My latex seal isn't too comfy either, I too get the sleeper hold feeling. I also have been getting headaches when I dive which can most likely be attributed to an overly tight neck seal that I will be trimming very soon.

Re: Alternatives to neck seal

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 6:53 pm
by RandellPelak
actually as far as trimming goes, can't do that. It is already too loose (cause I lost some weight) and leaks a bit over the course of a dive. So the real question is about using that bio seal which I will have to look at, or getting it replaced with a new latex or neoprene seal. Wish there was a store I could try the bio seal in to see what it feels like.. :( If anyone knows one, say so...



Re: Alternatives to neck seal

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 8:09 pm
by wcricple
I don't know about trying the bioseal, but if you go to NW Outdoor Center on Lake Union (They sell and rent kayaks and kayak gear) , they have OS neck seals (and wrist seals). You can try them on ,3 different sizes, 2 different thicknesses, they also sell the pb300 glue in small cans. you can replace it yourself , cut the old seal back close to the nylon and glue the new one to it. To loosen the new seal put it over a ss pot 7" dia or little less or Al 80 , make sure the tank has no loose paint or burrs of any kind to nick the seal, (thats why I prefer a pot). 6 to 8 hrs. Maybe with the right sized seal you'll get a better taper with a wider section laying against the neck. A small seal cut wider would be more pinching.

Re: Alternatives to neck seal

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 2:36 pm
by LCF
Randall, where are you? I'd be happy to let you try my BioSeal with your neck seal, to see how you like the feel, if we can figure a time to get together.

Re: Alternatives to neck seal

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:02 pm
by RandellPelak
I am out in Hillsboro, OR. Where did you get yours?


Re: Alternatives to neck seal

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 10:06 pm
by Matt S.
I tried a bio-seal once, actually for a chafing issue. I did not like it at all. I found it very hard to get it to lay flat against my skin, it always wanted to roll up. And it was another step in gearing up, where every few minutes when you are sweating in the sun feels like an eternity. No reason not to try it if you can, but... They are not for me.

If your latex seal is loose enough to leak AND uncomfortably tight, a neoprene seal seems like the next logical step. My first suit had one, and it was comfy enough. I like latex better though. I am happy to endure the chokehold for less leakage.

Re: Alternatives to neck seal

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 12:07 am
by jeffgerritsen
Just got back from the dive expo and looked at the SI-Tech silicone seals from Waterproof. These products maybe worth considering in you case as the silicone forms much better to body contors with less surface tension / pressure.

The wrist seals require the use of the Si-tech ring system (the ring is glued to your suit) and glueing the Si-tech neck-tie ring to your suit. With the neck tie system one simply presses in a retaining ring (looks much like the retaining system used on screen doors). Once the ring system and neck tie system are installed, all seals become user replaceable and silicone should last about four to five times longer than latex. The silicone wrist seals retail for $60, and I believe the neck seal is the same price. The seals come in clear or black colors.



Re: Alternatives to neck seal

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 11:03 am
by psundquist
I love my neoprene neck seal and would never go back to latex due to the warmth and durability. They are super tight new, but they can be stretched over a tank to loosen.

Re: Alternatives to neck seal

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 2:02 pm
by ERP
I've been pretty interested in the whole silicone seal thing, soince they were first announced.

My understanding is that silicone seals are still not available, OS keeps promising them, but there was a post over on
Scubaboard byt Dive into Scuba that he's been told another month or two (and not for the first time.

I also wouldn't bet on them lasting 4 or 5 times longer, while it's true they last that much longer when exposed to sunlight, most seals aren't replaced because of UV damage, and silicone seals can still get torn and get pin holes in them. Adhesive also won't bond to them, so there is no way to do a repair.

DUI is also trying to add silicone seals for their Zip rings, but my inderstanding is that because they can't get glue to bond to them, they would have to cast the seals in one piece from two different hardnesses of silcone, something that may not e possible.


Re: Alternatives to neck seal

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 2:12 pm
by Maverick
Have you thought about using an Apollo Bio Seal to make you neck larger. it is actually use for people with latex allergies, but i have seen one tiny lady when i worked at Underwater sports in Bellevue stack two of the Bio Seals to make her neck bigger, just an Idea. Hope that helps

Re: Alternatives to neck seal

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:12 pm
by airsix
I don't know about the silicone neck seals, but the wrist seals are in stock at diverightinscuba. I know because mine were delivered last week. I haven't installed them yet, but I'll report back when I've put a few dives on them. My initial impression after sliding them on is they are comfy. :luv: