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Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 2:20 pm
by Tangfish
I'm getting real tired of not being able to dive. It's still going to be months yet before I can even think about getting wet (prolly boat diving first).

Just wondering if some of you out there can share a story or two about being out of the water due to injury, and how you stayed sane. Also, how great was it when you got back in the water? I need something to look forward to!

Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 2:31 pm
by Joshua Smith

Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:48 pm
by ArcticDiver ... 74#p111874

Depending on one's perspective my time off was either good or bad. As I posted in LCF's visibility thread once off the path now I'm not sure I want back on it. Limited visibility and hanging on a deco line in cold water are less attractive to me than they once were. But, who knows what tomorrow will bring?

As my signature says: Spend your life wisely.

Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:49 pm
by lamont
yeah, like i said in the other thread, i've been two weeks on the disabled list due to tearing a muscle. getting quite antsy.

had to take off 3 months from diving one time due to pericarditis and it was good to get back in the water -- bones took me right down to the i-beams and immediately threw an s-drill on me to dust off the cobwebs...

Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:51 pm
by John Rawlings
Tangfish wrote:I'm getting real tired of not being able to dive. It's still going to be months yet before I can even think about getting wet (prolly boat diving first).

Just wondering if some of you out there can share a story or two about being out of the water due to injury, and how you stayed sane. Also, how great was it when you got back in the water? I need something to look forward to!

Uh....Dude? Do you REALLY want to compare "dry spells"????

Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:35 pm
by Zen Diver
I've had periodic dry spells, and it's a good time to catch up on dive related activities. Photo editing, reading those dive books that you never have time for otherwise, actually reading the sections in the critter books to learn more about behaviors. It's a good time to catch up on other reading too, movies, writing. Use the time to fondle your gear, you know, really break it down, do any needed maintenance, get the regs and tanks in for their annuals etc. Break down your lights and photo gear for O ring inspection and lubing. Update or renew any CPR/First aid type credentials. Lots to do!

The Seattle Aquarium is always fun too.


Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:48 pm
by airsix
Short version:
Was feeling great racking up more dives than ever.
Herniated a disk.
Missed my rec-3 experience dives. :angry:
Got better, but then got a freak infection that required surgery.
Had to wait 3 months for a second surgery.
Had to wait 2 months to recover.
Finally diving again after almost a year off.
I nearly went insane.

What I did to distract myself:
Re-rigged my harness with new webbing and thinner-gauge bent D-rings, finally made myself one of those knives like I made for some friends a while back, put new seals on my suit, rebuilt my regs, made a second weight belt for fresh water so I don't have to shift weights when switching between fresh/salt, and... designed a new dive light and built it. (Ask if it's any good and I'll let others comment. :bow: )


Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:02 pm
by LCF
Well, I was out for a month when I broke my face. (Was supposed to be out longer, but you see, we had this trip to Monterey coming up . . . ) I think I spent a lot of time on scuba-related boards, reading OTHER people's dive reports.

It's a drag being laid up -- and you're not very mobile, either, are you, yet?

Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:37 pm
by dwashbur
A year ago today I ripped my right Achilles' tendon in two trying, unsuccessfully, to save our beloved dog from a speeding car. Just to prove that, while I have an IQ over 145 I have the common sense of a brick, I waited almost a month before I got it taken care of. When I was able to return to diving I had to have somebody sherpa my gear to the water and put it on there because I couldn't walk at all with any gear on. During the dry spell, staying sane wasn't an issue because I've never claimed to be sane in the first place. However, I kept from going postal by living vicariously through my family's diving and through this board. Copious amounts of pain medication helped, too.

Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:48 pm
by Tangfish
Wow, thanks guys. These stories are definitely giving me something to think about, and by comparison to some of them, mine ain't so bad.

I'm mobile now in that I can crutch around, but the crappy thing about losing use of a leg is that you have no hands when you move. I did manage to get a bottle of wine from dowstairs to upstairs but it was a challenge. My arms are definitely getting a workout these days.

In about two to three weeks I can start putting some weight on the bad leg, which will definitely help since the good leg is getting a lot of work lately. At least it was the left so I can drive.

Started PT and boy did it hurt when they started breaking up all the scar tissue. I must've screamed every curse word in the book. Now I refer to him as my Physical Terrorist.

They say it takes a year to get back to 100%, so I still have a long road ahead, though I think I'll be back in two shoes at the end of the summer.

Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:54 pm
by LCF
Aprons are the key, Calvin! The chef's kind, with the big, deep pockets. You can carry a bottle or a can of pop, or a travel mug full of coffee (lid on, of course), or a paperback book -- lots of stuff. I have spent, I think, well over two years of my life on crutches. I have crutches to a science, and aprons are central.

Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:09 pm
by airsix
Apron is a good idea. I was going to suggest a student-size backpack. Also, this would be a great time to work on your photo skills. Put your rig together, housing, lights, and all. Put on a pair of gloves and a mask and just practice shooting stuff. Turn the lights off and set up some photo challenges around the house. Make some snoots for your strobes and practice using them. Or whatever. Feel free to post them. Who knows, you might take a very interesting photo of your salt shaker. :tomnic:

Hang in there!


Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:22 pm
by Tangfish
I've got to give the apron idea a try, LCF! I'm picturing the funny outfits I'll be wearing it with already. :naka:

As far as shooting stuff around the house, way too much trouble to collect all the bits of the Depth Star for that, though I should start shooting more indoor macro stuff for fun.

So far the only new immobile hobby I've really taken up is watching at least 4 episodes of Star Trek per day. Some days I end up watching upwards of 10 of them.

Where did the little space cadet smily go, spatty?!

Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:28 pm
by Tom Nic

You guy's are dangerous.

I hope it's not catching.

Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:39 pm
by spatman
Tangfish wrote:Where did the little space cadet smily go, spatty?!
it's the very first one, dude! with your name on it, too! :calvin:

get one of those tilt shift lenses. i bet you'd have some fun with that.

Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:43 pm
by mpenders
I tore ligaments in my right foot 3 years ago this July 11. Required a couple surgeries to install and remove titanium screws, and it outright sucked (and this was before I was fully addicted to diving).

Not much else to do but rely on people, watch tv and cruise the net. I came across an item referred to as a "hands-free crutch", made getting around soooo much easier. Do a search for "I walk free". It's designed for below-the-knee injuries. I asked my foot surgeon about it. He knew nothing about, but was very interested in it. He ended up writing a prescription for it, and insurance covered it for me. Everyone in the surgeon's and PT offices were very intrigued by it when I showed up wearing it.

Re: Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 12:56 am
by airsix
Tangfish wrote:As far as shooting stuff around the house, way too much trouble to collect all the bits of the Depth Star for that
You're a man of action. I'm sure you'll enjoy a challenge more than you will watching old star trek episodes all day.

Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:52 am
Get your gear all serviced, make sure you properly store your gear in a good, dry,
and clean environment (free of your wife's {If you had one} aerosol painting projects #-o ) . Great time to upgrade or reconfig your gear. Peeing on your Bend-o-matic, only calibrates it when you are doing surface intervals in between dives.
Most important, stay active on this board and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it! :smt064

Get better soon buddy, more great dive days are to be had! :highfive:


Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:33 am
by ArcticDiver
Not that I have much experience mind you :angelblue: But one of those photographers/fishing/outdoor vests with lots of pockets works great too.

I can just see it now; vested and aproned stumping down the street on two black crutches with double Spare Airs, one on each crutch, long hose tucked in the cannister light on the right crutch, practicing regulator drills. :laugh:

Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:02 pm
by Tangfish
mpenders wrote:I tore ligaments in my right foot 3 years ago this July 11. Required a couple surgeries to install and remove titanium screws, and it outright sucked (and this was before I was fully addicted to diving).

Not much else to do but rely on people, watch tv and cruise the net. I came across an item referred to as a "hands-free crutch", made getting around soooo much easier. Do a search for "I walk free". It's designed for below-the-knee injuries. I asked my foot surgeon about it. He knew nothing about, but was very interested in it. He ended up writing a prescription for it, and insurance covered it for me. Everyone in the surgeon's and PT offices were very intrigued by it when I showed up wearing it.
I have seen that thing. I didn't know that you could get a prescription for it. I'll ask my Doc. (or if you still have yours and want to sell it, LMK!) :calvin:

Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:10 pm
by jackieg
Hm.... foot surgery Dec. 18th.... cast off February 6... dive on February 7th...permission to dive on Feb 10th....8 dives since and I am still limping with severe tendonitis. Hard to shore dive, boat diving ok if I ditch my gear before climbing the ladder.Very frustrating.

How I handle it? I agree with Zen Diver...mess with your gear, catch up on reading, renew those DAN classses, (thanks Zen Diver!), surf the scuba boards and plan the dive for when you return.

I had a prescription for a "turning leg caddy" - a skateboard on wheels with handlebars=that worked great while I had it. Hands free crutching but it did not work well on the boat ramps in the marina I live in. Those were pure crutch hell. Hang in there my friend!

Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:33 pm
by mpenders
Tangfish wrote:
I have seen that thing. I didn't know that you could get a prescription for it. I'll ask my Doc. (or if you still have yours and want to sell it, LMK!) :calvin:
The only thing I regretted was not getting it earlier. I was non-weight-bearing on that foot for 6 weeks after the first surgery, and didn't get the crutch until the 4th week or so. I had asked the surgeon about it during a follow up appt, and he took me out to the nurses desk and pulled up their website. He ended up writing me the scrip right there - but neither of us knew whether my insurance would cover it.

I called I Walk Free and talked with the inventor/owner (who came up with the idea after trashing his foot racing dirt bikes) to figure out how to obtain one and bill my insurance. I think he referred me to a local medical supply house that was able to handle it as a prescription - thereby billing my ins co directly. The crutch was shipped directly to me.

I do still have the crutch - but I'm considering holding onto it "just in case" (I'm likely to have more issues in the future). You wanna give it a test-drive? I can also take a look and see if I can locate the name/info of the local supply house I went through.

Stay strong - you'll get through this.


Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:28 am
by oregondiver
What I write here is probably blasphemy...

I blew (bulges) 3 discs in my neck after a day of diving. My Dr kept telling me it was a car accident, but really...I would know if I had one of those! In the end, they think it was either 1) pulling on my drysuit neck gasket compressed the discs, 2) diving horizontally but keeping my head vertical (90 degree angle to see ahead) 3) removing the drysuit neck gasket. But they still swear it was a car accident.

He told me to take at least 6 months off from diving. So I needed a new sport. I took up snowboarding on month 2 and that REALLY hurt my neck (no, I didn't tell the dr!). I thought frozen water was OK, but I guess I had to stick to unfrozen water. So I took up white water kayaking. As long as I didn't flip, it didn't hurt because my head wouldn't hit the rocks when I am upright. After spending a month or more counting rocks :angry: , I managed to stay up and was soon running BIG white water. ANd didn't get back into my dive gear for almost a year.... :eek:

It took a near death experience on a flood stage river (and lost a boat, and took 4 hours to hike and finally be found in the woods by my buddies who chased the vanishing boat after getting me to shore...all on my birthday.) to get me back diving....

Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:59 am
by Tangfish
See what can happen while trying to maintain "perfect trim"?! :stir:

Re: Injuries and Drying Out

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:10 pm
by Jeff Kruse
[quote="oregondiver"]What I write here is probably blasphemy...
I blew (bulges) 3 discs in my neck after a day of diving... 2) diving horizontally but keeping my head vertical (90 degree angle to see ahead) ...

I didn’t start having neck problems until all my GUE/DIR training. That head up position is tough on the neck. I don’t stay as horizontal as I once did :eek: I keep my head down and turn my whole body to look around.