Advanced Nitrox/ Decompression class w/ Silent Scuba

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Joshua Smith
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Advanced Nitrox/ Decompression class w/ Silent Scuba

Post by Joshua Smith »

Well, I just finished my Advanced Nitrox/ Decompression procedures class with Mel and Curt at Silent Scuba. I can sum it up in one word: Intense! We started Thursday night with several hours of classroom work. Friday started with two of the coldest dives I've personally experienced, at cove 2- we practiced S-drills and valve shutdowns, and got used to our new doubles, dialing in trim and buoyancy. Then back to the classroom to clean our gear, make adjustments, fill tanks, and plan Saturday's dives- followed by more class! It was a long and rewarding day.
Saturday morning we did our first real deco dives, as per the dive plans we had worked out the night before, and practiced more skills, such as shooting bags (SMB's) , more valve drills, removing and replacing our stage bottles, valve drills, and removing and replacing our stage bottles. Plus, we did some valve drills. :salute: Then it was back to the classroom for more tank filling, dive planning, and class. It was snowing a fair amount on Saturday- seems like I get all my dive training in the snow lately...... After going out for surf and turf for dinner, we all collapsed into our beds on Saturday night, tired and happy.

Sunday, we started off with the dives we'd planned on Saturday, which involved running lines, shooting bags, valve drills, removing and replacing our stage bottles, valve drills.....I think you get the idea. I personally mastered the inverted valve drill at one point- a technique I may or may not have invented. Mel and the other instructors seemed to think it was pretty unique. Anyway, I can isolate my doubles while floating upside down with my head several inches off the bottom- :supz: Who knew?

After the dives, we headed back to the classroom for our exams, and a round of congratulations. Many thanks to Mel, Curt, and Randy for an excellent class. This is not an easy one, and it shouldn't be- the stakes are higher than recreational diving, when you can be sure you can't surface immediately, if you have a problem- "underwater problems have to be fixed underwater," as they say. It's going to take a while for everything I learned this weekend to really "sink in." But I'll never look at diving the same way again. If you're interested in Tech diving- this class comes highly reccomended. If you're a recreational diver who likes to "push" the NDL's on your computer- this class is pretty much a necessity. I am such a diver, and I see now how dicey diving like that can be.
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Re: Advanced Nitrox/ Decompression class w/ Silent Scuba

Post by Tom Nic »

Nailer99 wrote:If you're a recreational diver who likes to "push" the NDL's on your computer- this class is pretty much a necessity. I am such a diver, and I see now how dicey diving like that can be.
Great report Nailer! Thanks for sharing...

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Post by Seaslave »

Great report Nailer. My hope is to take that same class this summer with Mel. How many students were there in your class? How many deco dives did you do? How deep and How long? Your report is making me drool, I can'y wait.

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Post by Zen Diver »

Yes, please, share more! More, more more!

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Joshua Smith
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Post by Joshua Smith »

Seaslave wrote:Great report Nailer. My hope is to take that same class this summer with Mel. How many students were there in your class? How many deco dives did you do? How deep and How long? Your report is making me drool, I can'y wait.

We did a total of 6 dives over 3 days. They were all essentially "deco dives", or we treated them as if they were- we had dive plans, and stuck to our plans even when our bottom time didn't truly put us into deco. Our max depth was 110', which brings up an important point: This class isn't about going deep, it's about pulling good bottom time safely. For example, I've been down to the I-beams at cove 2 here in Seattle many times, but at 110', I've only ever spent 5-6 minutes there before heading for shallower water. We spent 25 minutes there (well, not quite- we counted our descent at 60' and swim out to the I-beams as "bottom time," but you get the idea....) on Sunday. And we did it much safer than all the other times I've been there, with a real dive plan, redundant air supplies, and backup dive plans, plus stage bottles of 100% 02 for deco above 20 feet. I'm technically "allowed" to go to 140' with this training, but I won't be pushing the envelope like that for a while. Deeper requires trimix training, which I also hope to get this year.
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Post by Joshua Smith »

Oh, yeah- there were 2 other students in the class with me- Mel likes to keep the classes small, for better individual attention.
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Post by Seaslave »

I can't wait. My hope is to be ready this summer or fall for the class. Thanks for the info.

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Post by John Rawlings »

Congratulations, Josh!

I'm certain that you were amazed to discover in reality how much you DIDN'T know!

This past year we had a few disasters in the PNW in which divers without adequate training decided to make dives for which they weren't even CLOSE to being qualified and for which they used grossly inadequate equipment.

I'm glad to see that there are divers out there that are CHOOSING to GET the skills and equipment needed for such ventures. You are making a thoughtful and well-considered choice to do so, and I applaud you for it. =D>

I'm tremendously excited for you!

- John
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Post by Tangfish »

Great report Nailer! I've been hearing from you and others what a great time you had.

I'm trying to rope Maverick in to taking the Advanced Nitrox portion of it in a couple weeks. Based on what you've been telling me it might even make sense for us to do the class you did, but gear and timing may make it more difficult right now.

Any time a diver in our little club becomes more educated I am very happy for all of us. :book:
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Post by Joshua Smith »

Tangfish wrote:
Any time a diver in our little club becomes more educated I am very happy for all of us. :book:
You mean like when Maverick finally took driver's ed?
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Post by Tangfish »

You mean Diver's Ed?
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Curt McNamee
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Post by Curt McNamee »

Josh- Congradulations on getting through all that hard work. You did a great job =D> and you will have no problem moving into trimix.

It was enjoyable having you in the class. Keep up on your skills!!!, especially the inverted tank valve shut-down drill that you invented !!!!!!
Curt McNamee
rEvo & KISS Classic Diver
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