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Fun fish at Sund Rock

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:38 pm
by Biodiversity_Guy
Over the past few weeks I have come across a few fun species at Sund Rock--fun in that they are species I rarely encounter--or rarely see there.

Bay Gobies--several seen on a couple of different dives--first time in well over a year I have encountered one--and never have seen more than 1 at a time.
goby bay_3684.JPG
goby bay_3575.JPG
Starry Flounder--not rare, but I have never spotted one at Sund Rock before.
flounder starry_3815.JPG
Long nose skate--always a fun find.
skate longnose sm_3527.jpg
skate longnose sm_3534.jpg
roughback and slim sculpins side by side
sculpin roughback slim_3550.JPG
and a Longspine combfish (one of my favorites)
combfish longspine_3790.JPG
combfish longspine_3791.JPG

Re: Fun fish at Sund Rock

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:50 pm
by nwscubamom
Wow, some good finds on all of those!! Are these about from the same spots at Sund Rock? And what kind of depths do you usually find these at?

- Janna

Re: Fun fish at Sund Rock

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:01 am
by Biodiversity_Guy
These came from dives that went off from the middle or north wall, most of these observations were below 90'.

Splash time was usually later in the afternoons, 3-4 pm