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Gear Suggestions

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:29 pm
by Granite
So I'm looking to outfit with gear. I'm new to the PNW but not diving. I've just always rented gear. I lived in Honduras for a year and it was always really cheap to rent. When I lived in MA and NH I just never dived enough to justify buying a whole rig. Now that I'm in Seattle I'm really wanting to pick up some gear to get going with things here. Any thoughts on what to look for? Can I keep this to $1000 for BC, Reg, and Wetsuit? I have fins, booties, mask and snorkel.


Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:55 pm
by kdupreez
You will get a wide range of replies on this, but my opinion is you should look at a Back Plate and Wing setup.

Such a setup is extremely versatile and can grow with you as a diver... you dont have to buy complete new smaller lift BC's for travel and larger lift BC's for local dives. etc.. you just buy a smaller wing.. (half the price of an entire bcd) and as you move forward in your diving career, the setup remains the same and you just add or adjust pieces of the equipment based on your diving needs or environment.

max cost wise a BP will run you about $100, a Harness will run you $40, a quality wing will run you around $300, a decent regulator set is the expensive part and can run you upwards of $550.. these are high end level pricing and you could get away with much less..

I would also recommend you save up for a drysuit if you will be diving locally a lot.. a good wetsuit will cost you $400 or so.. and a decent entry level drysuit can be had for about $850

But your budget on a "wet suit" dive package is doable.

If you want to try a back plate and wing setup first, ping me on a PM and we can go dive it.. I have a couple of extra sets and I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the comfort stability and versatility of such a configuration..


Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:35 pm
by Nwbrewer
+1 to what Koos said about a BP/W.

You may be able to get a reg set and a wetsuit here - at a decent price.

Just saw that today, hate to see another dive shop close, even though I never went in there myself.

Good luck on your purchases, feel free to ask questions about any particular gear your looking at.


Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:38 pm
by airsix
These are just my opinions, of course... If you plan to dive frequently and plan to ever dive more than once per day I highly recommend going straight for a drysuit and a good undergarment. I mention undergarment because it is a very important part of the drysuit experience. Wetsuits don't work well in Puget Sound unless you only dive in summer and never do more than 1 dive per outing.

Whenever someone asks about buying a complete set of gear I try to think about what I would do if all my gear disappeared and I had to start all over. I will list things out in order of purchase priority. If I couldn't buy all at once I'd borrow pieces until bought. We have plenty of people here who can help with equipment borrowing. Don't be afraid of used gear. You can go far on a slim budget if you take some time to collect some of the key pieces that way.

Phase 1 - exposure protection and mobility
Mask and paddle fins (Scubapro Jet, Hollis F1, or something similar. No split fins. Puget Sound is silty.)
Drysuit, boots, gloves, hood, and undergarment. (If you aren't warm and comfortable none of the rest matters one bit)
weightbelt and weights or DUI weight harness.

Phase 2 - Instrumentation
wrist mount compass
wrist mount dive computer or bottom-timer

Phase 3 - (I can't think of a good name)
Backplate & wing (BP/W)
backup light
cutting instrument
high power canister light
surface marker and spool

Phase 4 - regulator set
Phase 5 - cylinders


Some notes: Squaring away the items in Phase 1 will go a long way toward feeling some consistency from dive to dive. That's important to me. There is a lot of gear you can comfortably borrow. Your exposure protection does not fall into that category and for this reason it is my highest purchase priority. If I am snug and warm in my own well-fitting suit I can live with borrowed regs and tank. A lot of people will say to go buy regs first and I adamantly disagree. First priority are the items where fit and consistency are the most critical. Also, its easy to borrow tanks and regs around here. It's much harder to borrow a suit and undergarment (same goes for renting). If I had to do each dive with a different regulator I could live with that, but if I had a different suit for each dive I'd go nuts. It's nice to have your own BP/W, but I intentionally put that between suit and regs as a priority.

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:16 pm
by Granite
I really like the BP/W setup suggestions. I've been wondering about them for a while. I've been down in some crappy BCs and I've just never been in love with the jacket, cumberbun feel.

I hear the suggestion about buying a dry suit. I guess my thinking on wet suit is that I can buy a cheap used wetsuit to dive this summer. That gets me out and diving now without having to borrow/rent gear all the time. Then as fall and winter close in I can reassess my budget and try to throw some money into a nice dry suit.

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:31 pm
by Linedog
+1 on the drysuit. When I was wet and cold all I could think about was getting warm. Now diving dry and warm my thoughts tend to wander and I can enjoy myself and work on my skills. Good regs are easy to come by, more so than a properly fitting drysuit. I'm staying out of the whole BPW vs back inflate issue.

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:07 pm
by trevorrowe
You can get a backplate, wing, single tank adaptor, cam bands, regulators (1st stage, 2 second stages, hoses) and spg and certainly keep it under the $1000. I think you will have a hard time to limiting the cost to $1k once you consider other cold water gear:

* a thick hood and good gloves (I didn't see those in your list of gear you own)
* a dive computer or bottom timer
* wetsuit/drysuit
* a decent light (really useful in the puget sound)

If you go the drysuit route, be aware you will need an undergarment as well. If $1000-ish is your hard limit though, I'd say get the gear listed above with a used bottom timer or inexpensive used computer, a used wetsuit and get diving. Yes, you will want to replace the wetsuit sooner than you might expect, but at least you will be diving.

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:33 pm
by fmerkel
You've gotten great suggestions.
Wetsuit? It'll work. Long term - I seriously doubt it. Just about no one makes it as a wetsuit diver around here long term.

Computer - seriously over hyped. For the average diver doing a single dive in the NW it's almost completely unnecessary. In a wetsuit you'll get cold and run out of air before you go into deco. I have a computer, I regularly dive 1 hour+, I go into trivial deco 1-2x/year. All you really need is a pressure gauge and a bottom timer. If you can't work those you shouldn't be diving.
Canister light - seriously over hyped also. A lot of $$$ for a freaking flashlight. Oh, yeah, they are nice but you'll pay for it. BUT, you WILL want at least a GOOD light. I'm fine with a UK400R and been diving one a dozen+ years. You can get an adequate UK SL3 brand new for $50.
BP&W - kind of like the drysuit vs. wetsuit. They are wonderful and I'd never give mine up. OTOH, I dove for YEARS without one (as did a good portion of the folks on this board) and lots of very fine divers do so also. Hard to buy one cheaply. It's NOT hard to buy a decent BC cheaply if $$ are a major issue. With a drysuit they are mostly a device to lug your tank around and float you on the surface.

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:03 pm
by KaizerWilhelm
So far the suggestions are great. I, too, would recommend a BP/W. As soon as I started diving it, I felt more comfortable and my trim and buoyancy were better. I can't switch back now!

I started with a wet suit, but moved to a dry suit as soon as I could. Nice and dry and significantly warmer than in a wet suit. However, don't think that you'll be toasty warm and be able to dive forever. You still get cold, but warming up on the surface is much easier.

Computer vs. Bottom Timer...I have both, use the bottom timer more. Computer is nice though...

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:05 pm
by dwashbur
+2 for drysuit and undergarment. I dove a wetsuit for 2 years, and when I finally got a drysuit I looked at my wetsuit and said "What the !#@$ was I thinking?????" If you invest the extra scuba units and go dry to begin with, you won't be sorry.

As for computer, if you're going to get one, make sure it has the capability to download to your personal computer. I use my air-integrated one as air gauge, depth gauge, bottom timer, AND log. I haven't kept a paper log for over 2 years now, because it's all on my computer. The dive computer stores all the details of the dive, so you don't have to try and remember what time you dropped, if you made the full safety stop, or anything else. It's right there. I love because I'm frickin' lazy :supz:

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:44 pm
by airsix
KaizerWilhelm wrote:However, don't think that you'll be toasty warm and be able to dive forever. You still get cold, but warming up on the surface is much easier.
With a good undergarment you should be warm for quite a while though. Even the skinny people seem to stay comfortable for an hour long dive most of the year (referring to Puget Sound dives). My last dive was 37F fresh water. My two buddies were diving wet suits and called the dive at 10 minutes in. We were out of the water at 19 minutes. I never even felt the cold. Not one bit. I was 100% ready to jump back in for #2 but the other 2 were still shivering and blue wrapped in blankets with mugs of hot chocolate 20 minutes later.

I know a guy who just bought a really nice used drysuit with virtually new 400g thinsulate undies for $300. Deals are out there if you look.

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:33 pm
by LCF
Granite, if you want to have a chance to dive in a BP/W setup before coughing up the money for one, please feel free to PM me. We have several setups we keep for students, and you are welcome to go out for a dive with one of us and try one.

I think, with careful choices, you'll have no problem getting a BC, reg and computer for under $1000. But I'm with everybody else -- start watching Craig's List, this board and anyplace else you can find for a used dry suit. Almost no one dives wet here for very long (says Lynne, who has never set foot in Puget Sound in a wetsuit, and never intends to).

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:56 am
by spatman
Granite, what size/how tall are you? I have a drysuit I'm not using that we might be able to get to you to try out.

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:58 am
by Nwbrewer
Don't know what size you are, but this would be a cheap way to dive during the summer. A little more than 1 rental and you'd be plenty warm for even 2 dives in the summer.

I also have a 7mm wet I'd sell you really cheap if it fits you. I'm tired of seeing it in my closet.

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:07 am
by trevorrowe
Lol, I have one of those too. Its a 7/8mm semi-dry thats just hanging in the garage, gently used. If you are interested I'd let it go cheap too (I'm shorter than jake).

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:19 am
by Nwbrewer
trevorrowe wrote:Lol, I have one of those too. Its a 7/8mm semi-dry thats just hanging in the garage, gently used. If you are interested I'd let it go cheap too (I'm shorter than jake).
I have a funny feeling we're not the only ones either. At least I bought my closet ornament used...

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:43 am
by John Rawlings
Nwbrewer wrote:
trevorrowe wrote:Lol, I have one of those too. Its a 7/8mm semi-dry thats just hanging in the garage, gently used. If you are interested I'd let it go cheap too (I'm shorter than jake).
I have a funny feeling we're not the only ones either. At least I bought my closet ornament used... guys just have to get CREATIVE! A perfect use for a wet suit around here is white-water rafting!!!!

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:03 am
by Granite
Thanks again to everyone. I'm really excited by the response. This forum it great. I'm really excited to get underwater around here. In response to the question from a few people I'm 6' tall, 38 inch waist, 32 inch inseam, and a size 12 shoe, and about 230lbs, which I think puts me in the XL category for drysuits and wetsuits.

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:10 pm
by BillZ
Hi Granite,
I recently re-sized my body and have a DivingConcepts ZFlex drysuit that is too big for me and I'm looking to sell. Here's the specs...
-Front Zip - -replaced approximately 50 dives ago
- Left Thigh pocket
- Latex neck seal -replaced about 20 dives ago
- Approx 500 dives on the suit
- Size 12 integrated boot
- Glued in dryglove rings - I have latex wrist seals on it now

The size is a 2XL - It fit me when I was in the 230-280 lb range. I'm 6'1"

Price - I'm looking to get $650 for the suit and for an extra $100 I can throw in a DC TPS Thinsulate undergarment. PM me if you want more info.

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 2:07 am
by Dive Monkey
John Rawlings wrote:
Nwbrewer wrote:
trevorrowe wrote:Lol, I have one of those too. Its a 7/8mm semi-dry thats just hanging in the garage, gently used. If you are interested I'd let it go cheap too (I'm shorter than jake).
I have a funny feeling we're not the only ones either. At least I bought my closet ornament used... guys just have to get CREATIVE! A perfect use for a wet suit around here is white-water rafting!!!!

Or winter time knee boarding & water skiing!

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:19 am
by nwbobber
First off, Granite, I think you would be happier with a drysuit. When I started around here I used an oneil semi dry suit, and it worked fine for me in warmer seasons, or on an unseasonably warm day in the winter. You get a little chilled, but you can warm up between dives. A little cooler full of hot water to dump down your suit helps too. You are about my size, I still have the suit (and I'm never going back), so it could get you through the summer. PM me if your interested.

But really, I would recommend a drysuit.

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:50 pm
by Mongo
Hey Granite,

Welcome to the board. I would seriously look at airsix's staged recomendation. Most divers have extra stuff to loan if you find yourself in a pinch. You may even find some good deals on used items in the equipment section of the board.

I concur with the majority and suggest you go dry as soon as possible. I dove a total of 8 times in the Puget Sound with a "top-of-the-line" 8/6 semi-dry. The insanity stopped when it took me over an hour to get out of the darn thing due to numb limbs.


P.S. Check this out: ... P4068.aspx

and this too ... -C339.aspx

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 4:47 pm
by Granite
Either a major score or a big waste of money. I just nailed an Apollo EX 4.0mm drysuit from a guy in Olympia for $320. It's an extra large and has boots 11-13 boots (exactly my size). I'm pretty excited. I'm hoping that it works out. This starts off my journey towards owning all my own cold water gear.

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 7:41 pm
by mancub
For that price, I think you made the right decision. I have about 400 dives on my apollo and it has been nice and warm. It is not a buy once and be done for life drysuit, but the cost/usage ratio isn't bad especially while allocating funds towards a full set of gear.

Re: Gear Suggestions

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 10:13 pm
by Dusty2
If it fits and the zip and seals are good you made a good deal and you got the right piece of gear to start you off in the right direction. The bp/w is the way to go. They are no more expensive than a standard BC and will last you virtually forever.