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NW Dive Club & Google Juice

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 5:57 pm
by Tangfish
Hi Folks, as you can see our membership is steadily growing (around 45 now). I've talked to quite a few people who found us by way of Web search. This prompted me to realize that if we all link our personal sites to this site, our 'Google Juice', or relative prominence on the search engines, would be greater and we'll attract more great additions.

If you have a web site, join me in posting a link to:


Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 6:09 pm
by sparky
I have done that so long a go I foregot I had done it

SEE ... wner=1&_c=


Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 6:35 pm
by Tangfish
Ah, Sparky, that link is broken. I think it lead to a page that no longer exists. Can you edit the link to lead directly to the front page here, at

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 11:35 pm
by sparky
I will get right on it ill bet thats the old adress


Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 8:39 pm
by Tangfish
The other thing we can all do to help out in finding new divers for the club here is to make our signatures on other scuba sites link to this one. For instance, check out mine on Scubaboard: ... ostcount=9

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 5:22 pm
by bet63

I have added a link to the diveclub onto Tacoma Scuba's home page.


Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 7:03 pm
by Maverick
Why do we want so many new members, there are only like 13 of the 50 that even post or we know. Its not like this club plans trips and has meetings like massbay. I kind of like it word of mouth only, it keeps the snobs in hel or high water. and it just makes it so we have a bunch of beginners that are not serious about diving, Guys like Maceik and Nailler are rare. Usually when clubs grow they break of into little clicks like in highschool. and it totally defeats the purpose of having a group of cool dive buddies. calvin remember this was just suppose to be a small club that was a way to plan dive, since we can all access email easier than the phone. lets not ruin that by having a huge club.

the group of people going to hoodcanal is 95% of our active members, if scuba k and a few others joind us it would be all active members on a trip. if it gets much bigger we will not beable to plan trip on the forum it will have to be via PM or we will never get rooms.

Just my thoughts, I like our small group of avid divers and no pussies who buy gear and leave it ti dust over in the closet. infact I think most of us usualy Dawn wet gear, thats cool as ice, we dive alot.

Remember this is not news vine, its fun

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:08 pm
by Tangfish
Thanks for the link Brian.

Maverick, you do have some very good points there, but here's my reasoning for wanting the club to grow:

1. I think there is a happy medium. At some point, you start getting too big and everyone doesn't know each other and the manners are lost. At some point, you're too small and the interaction hasn't met it's potential and there aren't enough divers of similar skill levels to help each other out or to have buddies at a similar level. How do we know when we've reached the right size? Read on.

2. Each new person we've added recently has been a great addition. The club became a little better for Nailer99 when Maciek joined (though they haven't met yet), since now there are two potential buddies in the same boat (pardon the pun). Grateful Diver is a terrific guy to have around to help guide others like me and you along. Sheri seems to be a very enthusiastic new-ish diver and kgdiver, aside from being an old friend of mine, is a gear-o-phile. So, the same argument could've been made for not wanting new members a couple of months ago, but I look at our recent additions as great folks to have onboard.

3. We have yet to encounter our first asshole. When we do (and we certainly will), we can look at this again. Who knows, maybe we'll close registrations at some point.

4. Lastly, if we don't have decent placement on the Web, we won't get to meet cool folks like Da-Jab (Janne) from Finland, who found us by way of a web search, looking for dive buddies while he was here in Seattle on business.

I think you and I are on two different ends of the spectrum when it comes to the growth of the club, but we want the same thing: to grow the club at a reasonable pace by adding cool peeps to dive with and get to know. Saying that we shouldn't do this by getting our site out there is like saying we shouldn't wear the dive club shirts in public, or make use of those long-delayed stickers. An asshole can find out about the site just as easily from walking by you on the sidewalk and reading your t-shirt as he can from coming across us on the web.

Don't worry, I'm not trying to turn this into Scubaboard (which I like for some reasons, and not for others), we will always be a tight group, if only as a result of geography.

I'm glad you spoke up though, because it makes me think about the potential downside too, so don't take this as a message that I didn't like what you had to say, I am just contrasting that with the other side of the coin. :salute:

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 11:05 pm
by Maverick
I totally understand the other side of the coin, as you put it. and like it, but the first asshole that joins the club send my way.


And get those sticker buy hoodcanal weekend buddy

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 11:12 pm
by Joshua Smith
Maverick wrote:I totally understand the other side of the coin, as you put it. and like it, but the first asshole that joins the club send my way.


And get those sticker buy hoodcanal weekend buddy

Lol :axe:

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 11:16 pm
by Maverick
I thought you'dlike that Josh. You ready for hoodcanal, or what?
You joining us at 630pm at alki tomorrow?

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 6:40 am
by Joshua Smith
Maverick wrote:I thought you'dlike that Josh. You ready for hoodcanal, or what?
You joining us at 630pm at alki tomorrow?

Yes and yes!