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Amazing Film About Diving Antarctica

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 6:42 pm
by Tangfish
In spring of 2000, an iceberg the size of Connecticut calved from Antarctica. So grand in scale that it changed the earth’s rotation as it moved, the iceberg was dubbed “Godzilla” by scientists. This behemoth carried enough fresh water to supply the United States with all of its water needs for years.

Ice Island is the story of a daring team of scientists, SCUBA divers and filmmakers who confronted life and death decisions every day in order to explore the giant iceberg and its environs, inside and out.
I found this amazing footage via Willy Volk of Divester. This is a free video, but you have to register to view it. It is 50-minutes in length (so long download time), but worth the wait. Terrific production quality and fascinating subject matter.