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NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:00 pm
by Tangfish
Hot off the presses are some brand new, shiny dive club stickers! We ran out of the first run that Pez helped us acquire years ago. These are the same, VIP sticker quality stickers that will do well underwater.

Sorry about the couch in the background, just a quick snap with the iPhone.


I got the idea to include a location on my trip to Micronesia, where I saw dive club stickers from around the world, on dive lockers, boats, tanks and just about everywhere. Spatman and I went back and forth on what location to put on the sticker, since we know well that there are people here from Alaska to California and even a renegade Swede. "Northwest" was already on the sticker and doesn't describe which Northwest particularly well (England? Africa? Mexico?). So, we decided that since this little dive club originated in Seattle and Puget Sound we'd put that in - hopefully it doesn't offend any of you rabid Oregonians. :partyman:

I'm heading out of town to DEMA on Wednesday and so won't be around to get them out to folks probably. I think I will see Old Man Rawlingsâ„¢ tomorrow and will give him a stack to spread around.

In the past we charged for em, since they aren't free to us, but this time I'm just going to give them out, since we have had some decent support from wonderful local businesses who chose to support the dive club by buying ads (thank you!). Also, it was kind of a pain to collect $1 at a time, and I'm sure that our fearless NWDC booth volunteers at the next Dive Expo will appreciate not having to chase people down who think that they're free, since they are this time.

Alright, that's my dive club duty for this week, crossed off the list. Hope you guys like the new-but-classic look.

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:34 pm
by Dusty2
That's awesome but how do I get some????

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:40 pm
by Linedog
I would be happy to donate to the cause for a few!

NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:55 pm
by Tangfish
Linedog, that's awesome. We certainly won't turn away any donations.

As far as how to get them, I think we're gonna have to do it the old fashioned way and distribute either at a club dive or just from diver to diver when we all see each other (for example, the Muk Madness crew). I'll give a bunch to Rawlings and Spatman before I leave and hopefully those two will be able to hand off to others.

Maybe an honor system whereby each person takes 2 for themselves and then gives the rest to someone who'll be diving with other NWDC divers?

Or, I could leave some at the Dive Bar at Cove 2 and tell them to only give them to people who have drunk at least 10 adult beverages or are wearing an exposure suit of some kind :) I'm mostly kidding about the last option of course.

Mailing them around to everyone will be a total PITA. So, let's reserve that for really remote members like Diver Dave.

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:23 pm
by Tom Nic
Nice work Calvin! If we can get a bunch we can spread them around the south end.

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:25 pm
by Dusty2
If you could get some to Grateful diver Bob or Tomnic that would help for the south end guys and girls.

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:45 pm
by Linedog
How about a stack at a local dive shop and a donation box?

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:09 pm
by ArcticDiver optimistic should I be? Will I return to diving cold water after this evolution? If Yes, the word Seattle doesn't bother me at all. If No, it would be a waste of stickers. I'm doing really well at rehab so I'm going to be optimistic.

Can someone get a ration to Dusty2 to put inside a package he is sending to me?


Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:10 pm
by LCF
I would dearly love to have one of these for my Stanley gear box, which is collecting stickers from around the world.

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:03 pm
by coulterboy
I would gladly distribute the stickers to divers diving at the EUP since I live in Edmonds. Just PM me where to get the stickers and I'll gladly pick it up.

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:07 pm
by Jeff Pack
Dusty2 wrote:If you could get some to Grateful diver Bob or Tomnic that would help for the south end guys and girls.
Yea, I'd like to get a couple myself, if you get them to Bob.

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:07 am
by John Rawlings
I'll hopefully be picking a bunch up from Calvin today when I pick up a lens, and then I'll pass them out to whoever I encounter!

By the way, Calvin....I notice that you have trademarked "Old Man Rawlings"....wassup with that?????

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:04 am
by Nwbrewer
John Rawlings wrote:I'll hopefully be picking a bunch up from Calvin today when I pick up a lens, and then I'll pass them out to whoever I encounter!

By the way, Calvin....I notice that you have trademarked "Old Man Rawlings"....wassup with that?????

Old Man Rawlings let's go for a Muk dive sometime soon so I can get some stickers to pass to the MMM crew!

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:20 pm
by ktb
Love them!! Maybe it's time to schedule a club dive . . .

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:22 pm
by citycatred
ktb wrote:Love them!! Maybe it's time to schedule a club dive . . .

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:17 pm
by lizard0924
Tangfish wrote:Mailing them around to everyone will be a total PITA. So, let's reserve that for really remote members like Diver Dave.
Do I qualify as remote enough to warrant mailing? LOL. Not necessary, just send some down with Kelly, Derrick, Shell and Jim in February. I will make sure that NWDC love is spread all around sunny Bonaire. :)

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:07 pm
by eliseaboo
Dusty or coulterboy -- if you have some, I'd like to get one the next time I see one of you. You are two of the people I'm most likely to run into in the near future, I think...

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 6:43 pm
by Tangfish
lizard0924 wrote:
Tangfish wrote:Mailing them around to everyone will be a total PITA. So, let's reserve that for really remote members like Diver Dave.
Do I qualify as remote enough to warrant mailing? LOL. Not necessary, just send some down with Kelly, Derrick, Shell and Jim in February. I will make sure that NWDC love is spread all around sunny Bonaire. :)
I think if you back up just a tad more then you'll qualify for the mailing distance. A few more feet backward.... just a couple more to go.... *Liz balanced precariously on the end of a Bonairian pier*

Oh yes, we can definitely get some to one of those guys to bring em down to you. John, have you gotten any stickers out yet? I've been gone what, a coupla weeks now? You're supposed to be zooming around on that sleigh of yours, going "Ho Ho Ho!" and zipping down chimneys to gobble up cookies and leave NWDC stickers..... or wait, did I confuse you with some other white-bearded old dude? :rawlings:

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:10 pm
by John Rawlings
I've handed out a few, plus I gave a wad to Josh to hand out as well. I haven't run into that many divers lately!

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:46 pm
by ktb
A bunch of NWDC folks will be at Redondo Sunday starting at 10 a.m. just in case any of you sticker elves want to stop by.

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:56 am
by coulterboy
eliseaboo wrote:Dusty or coulterboy -- if you have some, I'd like to get one the next time I see one of you. You are two of the people I'm most likely to run into in the near future, I think...

I don't have any stickers on hand. Although, I volunteered to be one of the point persons to hand this out in the Edmonds area.

So, I'm throwing out this message to the peeps who have these stickers that still want them distributed. Where can I get these? :eek: I need one myself. I can even drive to you and get it.

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:29 pm
by John Rawlings
I have a BUNCH of them. I live near Mill Creek if anyone feels like coming by give me a PM or let me know when and where some dives in the north end are planned.

- John

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:24 pm
by spatman
Calvin sent me a stack as well. If folks are willing to pay for postage, I can mail them out.

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:25 pm
by CaptnJack
I got mine, thanks John!

Re: NWDC Stickers - the Next Run

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 9:02 pm
by Jeff Pack
spatman wrote:Calvin sent me a stack as well. If folks are willing to pay for postage, I can mail them out.
I'll cover postage... I'd like to get a few of them myself.