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seacure mouth piece.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:56 am
by Linedog
I like my current mouth piece, but hear good things about the Seacure
Anyone use it? Likes or dislikes?

Re: seacure mouth piece.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:19 am
by Jeff Pack
only thing bad I've heard are those long mouthpiece bits. Some folks cut them shorter.

Re: seacure mouth piece.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:27 am
by Penopolypants
If you donate your primary, your buddy has to deal with your mouth weirdness. And the long ends can make them gag, which would be a problem in an already rough situation.

If you don't donate your primary then they're fine. The long ends can make you gag too though.

Re: seacure mouth piece.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:55 am
by boydski
Penopolypants wrote:If you donate your primary, your buddy has to deal with your mouth weirdness. And the long ends can make them gag, which would be a problem in an already rough situation.
The long ends can make you gag too though.
Penopoly and Jeff are right. I use the Seacure mouth pieces on most of my regulators and like them because they stay in your mouth with virtually no effort. However, I take a pair of shears and cut about 1/2" off the end/tips on each mouth piece before I heat it up and form it. That keeps me from gagging and my buddies from having to deal with odd regulator mouthpiece weirdness when I'm sharing gas.

When I took my cave training many years ago, my instructor actually told me that I could not use those mouthpieces (for the reasons Penopoly lists), but after trying my cut down ones in a few S-drills he couldn't tell the difference. Most of the people I dive with now have no idea they are breathing off a Seacure mouth piece during an S-Drill.

If you do replace your mouthpiece with a Seacure, cut the tips off and round off the cut off area so that it is smooth.

Good Luck,

Re: seacure mouth piece.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:07 am
by Dusty2
I use them exclusively. I think they are great. There is no need to hold your mouthpiece in and no risk of it being dislodged accidentally by being kicked or whatever and no jaw fatigue. You can cut them to length so there is no problem with the length as mentioned above. As for donating, if your buddy needs your primary I guaranty he/she is not going to bitch about the mouthpiece not being comfortable. :smt064

I will say though that if you are into OOA drills and such no-one is going to snatch your mouthpeice out of your mouth! For me the benefits far out weigh the perceived drawbacks. Why denigh yourself the added comfort on the off chance that someday you might have to donate to a buddy and it might be a bit uncomfortable for them for the few minutes it takes to get them to the surface?

Re: seacure mouth piece.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:00 pm
by CaptnJack
I donate from my mouth and I've seen people gag and spit the seacures out. I won't use one, but after 18years of diving off and on I've grow accustomed to "normal" mouthpeices which have the added benefit of being basically identical across all my regs.

Re: seacure mouth piece.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:31 pm
by Penopolypants
Discomfort from a weird mouthpiece is one thing - it's the gag reflex that's a problem. You're incapacitated when you're gagging/vomiting, which is a problem in a life-saving scenario. If the long ends are trimmed significantly and the gag reflex isn't triggered then it's not so much of an issue.

Re: seacure mouth piece.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:09 pm
by CaptnJack
Penopolypants wrote:it's the gag reflex that's a problem. You're incapacitated when you're gagging/vomiting, which is a problem in a life-saving scenario. If the long ends are trimmed significantly and the gag reflex isn't triggered then it's not so much of an issue.
Agree. I'm not willing to test all my mouthpieces in every buddy's mouth I might dive with, hence you'll see the blandest generic-ist mouthpieces on all my regs, even regs I wouldn't otherwise donate like a bungied one.

Re: seacure mouth piece.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:45 pm
by Cera
I have used my Seacure for years. I started using them because I couldn't find a way to stop my ear infections. It helps align my jaw and reduce swelling thus nearly eliminating my infections.
I have been very happy with mine. Totally worth the money.