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Another +1 for Grateful Diver

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:28 am
by Nwcid
The GF and I are both new divers and after reading lots of good things about Bob decided to take one of his classes last weekend (3-31/4-1). We had initially planned to dive with him before but he was out with his ear problem. So we came over and met with Bob to talk about what we wanted and where we were at in our diving. We thought we wanted one thing but Bob got us lined out on what we actually needed.

Prior to this class we had 2 dives on our own in the local lake. Had a couple hours of indoor pool (5' deep) time playing with our gear and learning search patterns with newly formed County Dive Team. Then the weekend we met Bob we dove EUP with LCF (Lynne) and Toe (Brian). It was quite an experience for us and Lynne was very patient with us.

We did our OW class in the fall and on this side of the state winter is not really friendly to dive so that really limited us on being able to practice. In OW I felt like we learned the skill set well enough to be at a level to be ready to go practice them but I don't feel like we learned how to actually dive. We wanted to actually lean how to dive.

We wanted;
1) To understand how to actually dive. Basic planning, what other gear we might need (flags, SMB's, ect), Do you just gear up and get wet or is there more too it then that, ect.
2) Gear set up. We bought about half new and half used gear. We made choice based on what we had read on here and SB and questions asked.
3) Buoyancy and weighting.
4) The week before the class I found a used drysuit that fit me so have it checked out and then get trained on it.
5) We are going to Hawaii in May and want to be at a point where we are able to enjoy diving there vs spending all our time messing with our gear and buoyancy.
6) Of course have a good time

What we got;
1) Bob answered our many many many questions from simple (to experienced divers) to more detailed things outside of our limits at the moment. It goes to show he really enjoys what he does which is a great quality in an instructor.

2) We were set up well enough to be ahead of most new divers (BP/W (used), HOG regs (new), HP-100 tanks (new), computers (used), wetsuits/fin/mask/ect (new). We are trying to keep our gear close to the same so it is all interchangeable as long as it does not effect our diving in a negative way. All of the gear was very functional but Bob made comments on what should be changed out, in what order and why.

3) We did lots of work on Buoyancy. Just being able to practice helped a lot but also being shown the proper way and why made it much easier.

4) Day 1 Bob had us in our normal gear to get a baseline for where we were. After looking the drysuit over and confirming it should be good on day 2 I got to try it out. Bob also said based on my size that a HP-119 or 130 would not be out of line for me I started with a 119. Bob did drysuit skills with me which came really easy and natural to me. I had heavy feet in my wetsuit so in the dry with a little air I felt I was able to trim better. On dive 2 I tried the 130 and it worked great and since we will be buying 2 more tanks I am going to get these.

5) We had great improvements in all the stuff we did. As new divers we need to be in the water practicing as much as we can but we feel better about our skills. Bob said would be ready for what we want to do.

6) We had a ton of fun. GF wanted to see an Octopus and Bob found us the one living under the boat. We saw all kinds of life that you folks get to see all the time but was amazing to say the least. We even got to see a Sea Loin buzz us as it was headed out. We will be back as time allows.

The nice thing about classes with Bob is you talk about what you want and why. Then he makes a basic plan with you as to how to accomplish that. Then after each dive he adapts the next dive to how the previous one went so you get the most out of it. We will be back doing AOW with him sometime this summer or fall (when time allows).

I mirror what Jeff has to say in this thread, ... er#p196881 about a couple days with a one on one instructor is way better then 10 dives playing with stuff.

Re: Another +1 for Grateful Diver

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:52 am
by LCF
Oh, SO glad you guys got over to do the time with Bob! He is an extraordinary instructor and mentor.

I've managed to get in the water with Brian once since your visit, and I'm glad you reminded me that I need to write to him again.

Re: Another +1 for Grateful Diver

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:04 pm
by Dusty2
Wise call for you guys! You are several steps and dives ahead of the curve and allot safer because of it!:joshsmith:

Nothing beats one on one with a great instructor like Bob who is focused on your needs and well being. No class regimen no canned learning just someone who has vast knowledge and eagerness to help you become the best diver you can be. You can ask all the questions you want and get answers tailored to you rather than a heard of people and without disturbing others. You can't put a value on that sort of training.

I think everyone should be required to have a couple such dives with a certified trainer before being turned lose with a certification. We have great instructors on this site who go above and beyond with their students but the majority of people do the cattle call type classes that just plain can't really qualify you as a diver. Like I try to tell everyone. OW classes are just a gear familiarization course to get a learners permit. Most OW students who just go through a large class type training session are not really ready to dive without an experienced diver/mentor to help.

I know this from personal experience. Thankfully I survived to talk about it but I can tell you the 2 dives I did with a divemaster shortly after I got started were literally life savers.

Re: Another +1 for Grateful Diver

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:56 pm
by johnclark
Bob's an amazing resource! I learned so much from his advanced open water class.

Re: Another +1 for Grateful Diver

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:14 pm
by Jeff Pack
Bobs one on one training is so much better than figthing and struggling to try figure it out.

Time for me to start thinking about another "rent a bob" session, I've already got my shopping list laid out.

Re: Another +1 for Grateful Diver

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:30 pm
by scubnewb
Awesome thread :joshsmith:

Re: Another +1 for Grateful Diver

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:57 pm
by coach_izzy
Bob is an amazing instructor! You come out of the water a better diver every time you dive with him. And he knows some really awesome spots on land as well ! :)

Re: Another +1 for Grateful Diver

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:52 am
by kdupreez
Never had the pleasure to do any classes with Bob, but I can certainly attest to Bob being one of the nicest gentlemen on this planet!

One of the best weeks of diving I've had to date was actually on a live-aboard in California with Bob and friends!

so +1 for anyone who ever thinks about taking a class from him.. you cant go wrong!
