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Yaquina sand flats

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 11:07 pm
by JohnE
Spent a lot of quality time out in the sand flats this evening. The visibility is pretty good for the bay, maybe 10 feet lately! Went to the end of the 1st finger then west to the 3rd finger. That was quite a haul. Most people stick close to the jetty rocks as it is easier to navigate that way. My buddy and I have been exploring the lands in-between and have found interesting life on every dive. I have yet to find a Bat Ray or a Leopard Shark, I know they come up into the bay. Maybe I'll have to catch them at night or a certain time of the year.

These pics were challenging with my fixed 60mm macro lens. Backing away to get these "large" creatures into the frame puts a bit of silty water in the way. Next time I need to remember to flip the diffusers off the strobes for these farther distance shots.

A good sized Starry Flounder in the eel grass.

A Buffalo Sculpin hiding amongst the empty clam shells

A Lewis' Moon Snail.

Many other pics at my smugmug page...

Re: Yaquina sand flats

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 11:22 am
by LittleGoat
Very awesome! I've always wanted to see those three while diving but haven't yet. Thanks for the heads up on where to find them.

Re: Yaquina sand flats

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 4:13 pm
by JohnE
Well cool, be sure to share the pics and info when you go exploring.

There are also eel grass areas out by the LNG tank (the big green tank on the north side of the bay). I boat dive it but you could shore dive. If you do shore dive it I'd look hard at a shore side tender with a phone. If your buddy needed help you wouldn't be able to get out, get them on land and then hike out to a car for a phone in any reasonable time. I've been looking around the outlet channel for the big tidal flat (on a chart/map see "Central Slough" and "Sally's Slough").

Yaquina sand flats

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 5:21 pm
by spatman
Bat rays? Wow, I had no idea they came this far north. Let us know if you do see one!

Re: Yaquina sand flats

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 7:31 pm
by JohnE
I'm going off an old, old report on the bat rays. This would be the northern-most extent of its range from what I've read. It gives me something to hope for!