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Northern clingfish?

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:00 pm
by LCF
This weekend, I was diving with dry suit students, and I found a fish I had never seen before. I had a strong suspicion what it was, but when I got home and looked in the books, nothing I saw had the same tail -- and the tail was distinctive.

Tonight, we went back to Cove 2, and my intention was to find the spot and photograph the fish, if it was there -- which, if it was what I thought it was, it might very well be. Unfortunately, I got a phone call just as we arrived that gave me horrible news, so I spent the next hour and a half curled up in the fetal position in the truck, while Peter played guide for the other folks who had shown up for this Moss Bay dive. The good news is that he found the fish, and photographed it beautifully:


I'm pretty sure this is a Northern Clingfish, although the markings are much lighter than any of the clingfish photos I was able to find.

Re: Northern clingfish?

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:15 pm
by Dusty2
Oh Lynn, I am so sorry to hear things aren't going well. I hope there is some way you can work through this.

On the fish I'll let Greg do the honers on that. He is way more qualified.

Re: Northern clingfish?

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:09 am
by dwashbur
I'm not Greg, but that's a northern clingfish, all right.

Hope you're doing better!

Re: Northern clingfish?

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:22 am
by Jan K
Great find ! Sorry to hear about trouble in your life. It has to be bad to keep YOU from diving.
I hope it will turn for better soon for you.

Re: Northern clingfish?

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:01 am
by Greg Jensen
Nice job on the photo- clingfish aren't the most cooperative models. They can vary in color from very pale yellow to almost black.
Best wishes

Re: Northern clingfish?

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:19 am
by LCF
The book says they're quite skittish, and the photographer may find the fish is always on the other side of the piling or rock, but this little guy sat quite cooperatively for my inspection on Sunday, and sat for quite a few photos last night for Peter. Hope he isn't sick!

Oh, and thanks for the good wishes. I just looked at my sig line, and the sentiment has never been more relevant.

Re: Northern clingfish?

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:37 am
by ORDiver
Nice photo. I've only seen a clingfish once, at Les Davis, and mine was much darker.