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Greg Jensen speaker at MBDC tonight 11/7/12 8 PM

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 10:56 am
by fmerkel
Hope this isn't against any rules but I think everyone should have an opportunity to see this speaker.

Greg Jenson, the leading authority and author on crabs and shrimp as well as expert on other species such as those pesky hard to identify sculpins will be our speaker. His talk will focus on local crabs and shrimp.

For more info on Greg, see his site at A particularly great resource on his site is his free sculpin ebook for Windows PCs.

Marker Buoy Dive Club - info and directions here:

We do business from 7-7:45, take a social break, and speaker is 8-9.

Fritz Merkel
President - Marker Buoy Dive Club