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Three Tree 4/16 LUMPIES!!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:41 pm
by pogiguy05
Met up with EJ and a couple new divers ( sorry names do not stick first time) at 130pm (ish). Unfortunately I decided to NOT bring my camera today. The tide was also a decent ways out. Someone once mention a bowling ball pyramid and I will be :eric: uncle if I did not see about 5-6 bowling balls strung together on the waters edge bouncing in the surf. Could this be the one?

For the first dive we swam out the the first round buoy and dropped. Ej was the other female divers buddy and I was with the male diver. When I got to the bottom I almost landed on a ratfish which I seen swim away in haste. Vis was crappy I would say about 10 feet maybe. I kept waiting for EJ and her buddy to show out of the muk but after about a few minutes I went to see if I could see them and nothing. So my buddy and I started out our dive. It is kind of nice having new people cause everything is NEW to them. Plan was to stay above 60fsw and I tire pile hopped pointing out creatures. There is the large long set of tire piles which might be two sets. At the shallow end of the deepest pile there was a small octo tucked away in its den. There was a starfish cramping his home a little. The dive lasted around 35 minutes and I was surprised I only used about 1200PSI. When we surfaced we wondered where EJ and her buddy was and just shortly after that they surfaced a little ways away from us. As my buddy and I exited said waters I noticed that EJ's buddy was in very shallow water(the edge) on her back and waves were pounding her in the surf so after a slight chuckle I wondered over to help her up. EJ had also somehow in trying to help her buddy lose a fin and her mask. Said fin was bobbing in the surf and easily recovered. We had thought the mask was all but lost, BUT my dive buddy says HEY I think thats your mask and sure enough it also has beached itself. I dont know where these waves came from but they sure made for a challenging exit.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I hope the EJ does not kick me for telling everyone the fun details :penelope:

The second dive was just Ej, Myself and said male diver ( I am so bad remembering names) please forgive me. :luv: We went to the antler house to check out the great hoards of JUNK. Waves seemed to have died down by now. We dropped down and once again the vis is like about 10fsw. I think we happened upon a white dorid nudibranch, but then again I dont know fish ID and I surely dont have a picture to show. :neener: Was able to run into the golf ball boat and there was a small current pushing us towards the entry point. The it happened I seen my first little lumpie which I pointed out the them and then another, and another, and another, we seen all kinds of sizes from the very small to BB sized lumpies. They all seemed to be on the light brown or green colored kelp. They were also in the range of 20-25fsw as we drifted back to the entry.Once again this dive lasted about 35 minutes.

I think our good vis has gone for the summer IMHO :crybaby: :huge:

Re: Three Tree 4/16 LUMPIES!!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:56 pm
by Scubie Doo
Sounds like an adventure :) Those waves could have been a passing barge. My wife's uncle lives on three tree south and he times the waves after the barge passes. It is something like 12 minutes and you get about 5-10 decent size waves. However, if they were big enough to topple a diver, it may be something else. Glad you had fun.

Re: Three Tree 4/16 LUMPIES!!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:23 pm
by Dusty2
Those container ships kick up some pretty good size rollers and it don't take much to topple a diver if they sneak up on you.

Re: Three Tree 4/16 LUMPIES!!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 6:18 am
by eliseaboo
TTN is a great place to find little lumpies! :) I think Eric and I spent about 90 minutes photograhing maybe...six kelp leaves one time, with all the little lumpies. One of my favorite dives at TTN!