I am officially a dive addict!

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I am officially a dive addict!

Post by TravelscubaMD »

Hello All!

My name is Payal. I was just certified in March and can't stop thinking about diving. I generally read about 20 books a year. As of Jan, when I started my certification process, I have read 3 and 6 are waiting. All scuba books. Ya. Of all the sports to get addicted to...this one is sure to clear my savings account. In Feb before I even finished my cert I bought tickets to Malaysia and Japan to go diving (A friend of mine didn't want to go diving alone, thought I'd help her out, I'm nice like that...heh). Holy crap that was amazing. I won't be doing any trips like that any time soon since I got laid off recently (doh!) But what an incredibly sport...to see something you thought was a plant and have it suddenly move to stick it's arm into a mouth that you didn't know was there because it's licking the plankton off it's little hair like fingers....CRAZY!

Fortunately, I have been volunteering time to work on a scuba stuff so I was able to continue diving with a DM a tiny bit. I do want to buy gear...particularly a dry suit!!!! It's just overwhelming! All the things you need to consider (and money one needs to hemorrhage out) before you are truly able to buy the right dive computer, gear and before going through the certifications. I thoroughly intend to pick all of your brains about dive sites and gear. I have heard some ugly stories about people buying gear and it just not being the right stuff :( yipes!

I am currently NAUI OW certified and only have 42 dives at the moment...enough to get that Master Diver and Dive Master aye???? ;) If any of you are DM or instructors and need a glorified dive buddy let me know. I will in fact sweep floors, organize your old record collection and paint your house in order to go diving. With that said I am good at coordinating events and getting people. So if you have space on your trip and need more people let me know. I worked as an outreach coordinator for 5 years...all I ask in return is...well take me diving! I am also a great cook :D

Why diving? I am super interested in dive research (hyperbaric medicine) and dive physiology (especially related to deep diving). Yes...I want to go to 1,000 ft for the sake of research (and for cool points). If you know of any dive programs, research programs (which I am currently applying to one) and volunteer opportunities that don't rip off divers by having them pay an arm and leg to volunteer please let me know!

Other than that...LET'S DIVE!!!!!!!!
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Re: I am officially a dive addict!

Post by coulterboy »

Could you please elaborate on where you live in the Northwest. There are different scheduled dive meet -ups during the week that, hopefully, would suit your schedule.

When was the last time you did something for the first time?
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Re: I am officially a dive addict!

Post by selkie »

Hey Payal,

Welcome, thanks for hanging out yesterday. You will enjoy the diving and gear knowledge on this forum. Have fun reading through the old post about gear and dive sites.

Oh and as Coulterboy says there are a few regular dive meet ups for the Puget Sound on here. You will find the meet ups in the dive planning section.

See you Sunday :taco:

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Re: I am officially a dive addict!

Post by Dusty2 »

Hey there! The term Dive Sherpa is running through my mind. :rofl:

Welcome to the only dive site you need for more info on Northwest diving than you could possibly assimilate

Seriously though. Go to http://www.nwdiveclub.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2043 for starters. Jan is one very talented artist and researcher and will give more info on the critters down under than you could ever remember not to mention wonderful photos and cartoons to boot. Of course you could also check out my sit and some of the others here. If that doesn't give you the photo bug it ain't going to happen. :smt064

And remember, Resistance is futile :eek:
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